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I think in this case the word you're looking for is androgynous, at least if you're referring to everyone having character designs that look like they could be either a boy or a girl.
Ballsdeep69 Datguy4042 - 1720653339
Ballsdeep69 - 1720652965
Every speech bubble does d6 psychic damage.
I read your posts, That is specifically why I brought them up yes, those two could at least be rationalized to fit this character as I have pointed out, and while stallion has an innate sexual connotation orca really doesn't (at least in the West), my point being that while using any of the animals listed would have been slightly offensive at least the other two would have had some ounce of accuracy to the character, Panther doesn't fit his fighting style or personality or even really his aesthetics other than him being black. Also I specifically said stallion instead of Black stallion because adding black to it is what makes it worse, I'm pretty sure the only reason they didn't call him the "Black" Panther is because that's a popular character that people know about now.
Ballsdeep69 - 1720651802
My favorite part about this has to be the fact that the king hasn't said word one to this man, but his whole Entourage want smoke for no reason.
Ballsdeep69 Prutty69 - 1720637918
Well WE have an edited one now.
Not really ... most characters have a nickname that in some way references their theme, position or fighting style without necessarily giving away how they fight exactly, hell they could have nicknamed him "the comedian" and would have fit him better because he likes telling jokes and fucking around, they could have called him something like a "mighty oak" to reference how durable and solid his base body and core are, like there was options that wouldn't actually tell you how he fights. that reasoning doesn't even make sense at a glance because by that logic no one should have nicknames that reference how they fight or what they do or their theme but many of them do. My problem is just that they chose a nickname that doesn't reflect him at all in fighting style or personality or position and really only applies to him because he's black, hell at this point I actually would have preferred stallion or orca, at least that references that he's strong and solid like a horse or surprisingly clever and playful while being deceptively deadly like an orca.
Ballsdeep69 - 1720627757
Julius' musculature in that first panel just makes me think of younger toguro
The weird teacher guy that just showed up with the magic powers?
Ballsdeep69 Rubenotsus - 1720623529
Wait so the less gifted side, lives in modern times with modern technology and modern buildings and architecture, while the more gifted side seems to live in some kind of fairy tale b******* land that is 90% s*** from the 17 and 1800s? I feel like maybe that wasn't the main reason the architectures different because that reason doesn't really make sense, if I had to guess the author just wanted to use different stock assets or inject a bit of a different genre but didn't bother to do the world building to make that make sense.
Knowing that headmaster this is a 100% intentional method.
Ballsdeep69 - 1720600072
Has the art of the series been getting worse recently? Cuz it feels like a lot of the characters were kind of off model.
Ballsdeep69 - 1720599506
But what if you need to go to the third floor during the day? Why does it have to be this complex? why can't it just be a f****** password? fuckin wizard schools man.
Ballsdeep69 Prutty69 - 1720599247
Damn this became a reaction image fast as hell
I think it was less the weekly format and more going off of the flow of the story it seems like there's certain things he didn't really plan to do but decided he wanted to do but either decided too late so he couldn't fit it into the parts he already planned, or things he felt he had to do to not make other parts feel off, (similar to how Naruto just sort of added the mother of all chakra last second seemingly for no other reason then he made madara too strong and needed some way to resolve that, or maybe it was set up for the aliens and boruto,) either way if you have the follow-through without the setup or the setup without the follow through it leads to a weaker result ultimately. I really think it would have benefited from a clear-cut paring down of characters that are going to matter, so you can really build out their actual arcs and actually really discuss the problems they have, because as is anytime a character brings up a problem they have with the world it feels more like "an excuse to explain why you should be sympathetic with them even though they're a bastard" and less a point they're actually trying to make. An example of where he succeeded doing this is just todoroki's whole family arc (like it gets a little sweaty I honestly think dabi didn't even need to be a mystery character), But that was the arc where they spent time on all the characters involved, let them actually talk things out, you see different viewpoints of what the problem is and you get a clear-cut resolution to it, not a clean resolution mind you but one that lets you know how things are going to be going forward at least. None of the other main villains really got that, like he tried to give every villain the level of complexity and moral grayness of Pain from Naruto without any of the buildup that makes that mean anything or actually feel like a grayness.
Ballsdeep69 SpinelesS - 1720598171
It's certainly does... well I guess at least two people are blind today.
Ballsdeep69 Wind369 - 1720567332
It is but it just makes me think of that song 🎶 "... I Will remember you..."🎶
Ballsdeep69 Jim Crow - 1720567266
Yeah cuz I read a series where a dude could turn stuff into styrofoam and he basically just did this to trick people into thinking he had super strength.
Ballsdeep69 - 1720566558
I couldn't do it, I just couldn't get to the positives I was too focused on how this "game" he describes to make so little sense that I actually would have preferred he just got sent back in time, like I wanted to focus on the story but trying to ignore all the d****** game elements they just toss in like they make sense (they don't) felt like pulling teeth, if this is something you don't give a s*** about you'll probably be fine. arts okay I guess.