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the spelling they seem to have been aiming for was "restuarant" (with one typo that was only one letter deviation and one complete misspelling.) and based on dialect one may end up saying the word with a pronunciation similar to this spelling, additionally if you don't see the word often you might not notice that it looks wrong. Either that or they didn't have autocorrect or refused to use it.
Ballsdeep69 Brik - 1727885370
I think it's because they keep the fights more grounded so the unpredictability has to come from actual techniques and skill, In Baki if something's unpredictable it's because the character is way more bullshit than you thought possible - like it won't be "I mastered this incredibly hard technique, allowing me to beat you!" It will be "I mastered this magic super technique, also I can control every individual muscle Fiber In my body, also I trained my Teeth, also my glutes are so hard I can break a sword with my ass, Jeff over there knows how to use photosynthesis!... Anyway I win." Like kengan is like a martial arts movie, they stretch-believability with one or two things that are fully ridiculous. Baki is like the imagination of a child that just watched a martial arts movie - it's a fantastic and insane world to live in that is a lot of fun and only becomes more insane the more you look at it. It's like the difference between John Wick and Fast and the Furious.
Ballsdeep69 CHENGUE - 1727841991
I swear sometimes the only difference between a barbarian and a paladin is a code of ethics, and I guess willingness to wear shirts. And pants.
Ballsdeep69 - 1727829819
I've never seen a main character get railroaded so aggressively into following the plot, I respected that he was so resolute in his decisions and his goals and then they just sort of strong-armed him into following what everyone else wanted him to do, ignored all of his choices at every step, and guilt tripped him for s*** he should not have felt guilty for. This man was denied need to know information and then constantly smacked down for not making decisions based on information he didn't have, it's not bad just incredibly frustrating.
Ballsdeep69 - 1727814976
Cut my flesh I'll split your bones
Ballsdeep69 Anonymoose - 1727812348
Ah yes the good old human wave rather it be China, Russia, or Rome it gets the job done.
Ballsdeep69 Mangaguy - 1727790588
With orcs they have little to no magic resistance so humans could just kind of run wild on them, with elves once the world tree was destroyed they couldn't do s*** with their specialty- spirit magic and basically had to just fight with physical skill, and with dwarves I'm assuming they originally caught straggler groups and never actually found the stronghold, grand forge. On top of that humans are just much much more numerous than the other races combined and could genuinely send a horde into an area until they just beat them down. It's also kind of become clear through behavior and interaction that the other races, either due to their original roots or simply their lower populations, have much stricter and more followed ethical and moral codes that humans simply do not have.
Ballsdeep69 - 1727729399

Ballsdeep69 - 1727728993
Wait... He wears clothes? So all this time he really was just dicks out for Harambe as a choice and not a necessity...
Chapters feel shorter when there's less text, but yeah it's a factually incorrect complaint to make, but it's also a reflection of quality that it always leaves us wanting more.
Like he just casually knows all the spells but refuses to do them because "Chants are lame and swords are awesome"
Ballsdeep69 MrNice - 1727657236
I just reviewed the comic in the comments like many other people do, I don't understand why you seem to have a problem with that.
Probably at some point but I'm not actually sure when this takes place like if it's simultaneous or like a year before one of them or whatever.
I like to think his stats are all in magic shit but he wanted to be warrior, so he presents like garbage.
Ballsdeep69 - 1727634223
In recent news " Water bender jumps into the ocean to fight Aquaman, pays dearly for it"
at no point did i imply one was the other, i merely stated the negative emotional response this caused me, pointed out other things that generally bothered me that may bother others and then offered an expectation to carry forward if you decide to read regardless. or in simpler terms i explained why i don't "just enjoy" this manwha, and warned to temper expectations.