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It's just funny because they were so vague about the things he actually did it made it seem like "he didn't actually commit a crime he was just gross and creepy"
You do get the Allies were the ones that fought and mostly died right? That's part of the whole point, the elders didn't help so that all of her allies have to fight without aid and they've sufferable losses so that she would have less allies in the clan after the fact? Mercedes were talking to you tomorrow that's really a lot of children the story's lighting is about a six out of 10 I've read actually poorly written s***, this is mediocrely written shit not outstanding not subpar. And it's not poor writing to explain some of this stuff later it's set up and pay off, would you rather the first five chapters just be dry politics about the information of the clan. And your urge to insult me seems born from a lack of actual point or viability in your argument, feel free to shout back I'm ending my responses here.
I was simply trying to be civil, but if we're going by that argument she holds high worth being the strongest the young member of the clan and the planned future leader, and if we're going truly pragmatically well no martial arts suits has people that think pragmatically like that on a clan level, it's all about honor and pride especially with older bigger well-established families, that's why several different series will have all the big clans die fighting with one guy and they consider that a worthy exchange because that one guy was just honorable and they managed to kill him. They work less like countries or governments and more like street gangs it's about pride honor respect or disrespect.
As I said it is varied, I read if not every single, nearly every single murim story on this website rather that be the regular fighting ones the romance once or anyone in between, whether or not they are corrupt or righteous changes from story to story and it's about a 50-50 split, it used to be they were mostly righteous and some series started having to be corrupt to subvert the tropes but so many series started doing it that are just kind of became one of the tropes, and while you're correct if they were getting revenge on the alliance they lean towards corruption but in this series he's not, even often when they have a series where they're getting revenge on one clan the rest of the alliance is usually relatively righteous To morally grey.
Well if you read further into the series, she was bullied because the elders basically wanted power. being the strongest of her generation she was fit to inherit the title of clan head the elders wanted a clan head they could puppet so when they saw the opportunity to cast her out and put in a weaker guy they could make do what they want they took it. The reason she didn't fight back in the clan is because she didn't want them to go after her son, strengthwise she is, up until a certain point in the story, slightly above all the elders individually, and after a certain point she's the strongest person you meet in the story excluding the main character and the main current villain, they even explain the reason people can't since her strength is because she's using a technique to hide it. and generally the Phoenix title is the title for the strongest and most beautiful female warriors of the younger generation in pretty much any murim story, the male equivalent being dragon.
Though it seems you don't see my point perhaps and I don't agree with yours so I propose this disagreement stop here, as continuing it will get us nowhere.
And you clearly don't know how these stories work, if you did you you would know that the way the Orthodox and unorthodox even the heavenly demonic sect are presented changes wildly from series to series, moreover you would be fully aware of that in many of these things people often do things that are not the strategically viable for the sake of Honor or pride, especially in the Orthodox sects, you might even say the Orthodox sects are entirely defined by history and honor and pride and it's the ratio of those three things that changes from story to story, for this type of story it actually makes more sense for the entire orthodox alliance to fight the guy and lose than it does to just let individual families get completely decimated instead of helping.
She was the strongest person of her generation in the clan, that's why she was called Phoenix,
I've seen it for dudes but only if it's played as jolly or it secretly fuels their strength.
Ballsdeep69 - 1722559718
The cycle begins again...
Ballsdeep69 - 1722546115
I'm glad he chose to fight I feel like this romance is dragging the story down because the only reason I read this was because it's a boxing series and the romance is holding back the boxing. .
No if she chose to fight him by herself they could have just sent her to him because she's one person and their an entire clan, at anytime they could have betrayed her, poisoned her or physically beat her and given her to them, the dude they were fighting didn't seem to care if he was a rapist or not he only fought a whole clan if a whole clan refused him, if he barged in and grabbed her and left they could have chosen to not fight him and he would have been fine with that. They fought because they assumed rightfully that they had enough allies enough people in the clan and enough military reserves to be able to easily crush the opposition, but then all of their allies betrayed them half of the clan basically refused to fight anyways and they had to fight essentially with less than half of their total potential forces. That and they were part of the Orthodox alliance whose whole goal was supposed to be to help each other out to fight evil douchebags like that specifically and then they didn't help either.
My point was that she chose to fight for herself, the rest of her clan chose to support her when they could have just betrayed her like certain other clans did for some of their members, so to choose to help and then after the fact after you already did come in and blame her is hypocritical and not exactly Fair. For example later in the story it's revealed that the jaegal family did just give up their member instead of fighting for it. It's also revealed that the elders did not send any of their personal troops to aid in the fighting, meaning they took the least losses out of the clan and the clan took such massive losses because they refuse to help at all yet they're still blaming her. I called it scapegoating because that is what it is. If anything the elders and allied families are to blame, if everybody committed to the war - casualties would be minimal because the difference in force would have been overwhelming, the fight turned out so rough only because all their allies betrayed them, and even then they still Won!
Ballsdeep69 - 1722536538
So that dragon prince went berserk upon her death in the last life right? She knew him for years in dragon form as a mysterious visitor in both lives, so he probably went ape shit when she died.
Ballsdeep69 - 1722523311
This man has been crashing out since he got underground.
Ballsdeep69 WeebLord - 1722490717
Yeah this whole time I assumed it was a dude but they said granddaughter so it's probably accurate.
Probably wipe out that sect that invaded to test ground.
Ballsdeep69 Donny_Dont - 1722487646
To be fair magneto has gone good guy like 15 times, I'm not going to believe it until it sticks. Just like wolverine's died like four times, Jean Gray's died at least three times, Xavier fakes his death far too often, it honestly just depends on what sells.
Ballsdeep69 - 1722486149
The way she fights reminds me of Vegeta.
Ballsdeep69 Donny_Dont - 1722485841
It's like fighting magneto, as a swordsman, the moment you realize what you're facing you just give up hope.