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Ballsdeep69 - 1722793244
Oh I forgot he's an idiot and agreed to a wedding without realizing that any step of the way that it was a wedding, this is going to have an entertaining conclusion.
Ballsdeep69 - 1722781218
Wait so they set up and got me excited for that solitary swordsman duel only for me to have to wait for the main character to finish his paperwork and walk over there to see it.
Maybe he faked his death? I'm just assuming it's him because she took time to mention the lightning and they mentioned that one of the dragons Powers is to control clouds and storms in a limited capacity.
Ballsdeep69 - 1722755974
You're both grown adults man tell her you want that bath tits out, the worst she can say is REDACTED.
Ballsdeep69 - 1722755811
This feels like a lot to process simultaneously: after fighting a pirate for a while a knight shows up says he's "going to take him to his kingdom like you promised you'd visit", the soul clone (a technique we were just taught about by the way) of a dragon that's the daughter of the Dragon he killed shows up right after that then says "no I'm going to kill him", then an elf that's secretly a high elf hot potatoes him onto his pirate ship where he passes out and meets his evil/murdery split personality I guess? I don't have enough sleep to be hit with this much stuff simultaneously and properly process it
Just give him a whole comic run in the West, western editors might help his pacing problems if nothing else, and depending on the publisher they might even help with the focus issues he had near the end and the sense of stakes. And the West does one specific thing better than Japan and it's actually Choosing which villains are redeemable and which should be write offs instead of trying to make everyone sympathetic even when they really aren't.
Ballsdeep69 aFFi - 1722713552
Nah man it's just a lot of steps in that building, they got-they gotta took them steps, cardio ya know.
I think this is why you look so pained when he said it, it still his job and duty to do this regardless.
Domain expansion: let's walk and talk Domain expansion: I ever tell you about the old neighborhood Domain expansion: good times, good times... seriously I'll kill you though. Domain expansion: if you only knew what I'm going to do to you.
Ballsdeep69 Nexus - 1722674293
No bullshit no reasoning no empathy just a very clear cut ultimatum and it's kind of great cuz at first he was like "me dying will be a good purpose in life for me to have meaning", and now where he's at it's "no dog, I want to live a life with meaning so you have to die, not me just you, not megumi just you Capiche, this is your last chance to get on board the train before I run you the f*** over with it"
Ballsdeep69 AverageJoe - 1722673997
I don't know man, that sandwich he made was looking pretty good until he spit in it right at the end, used expired mayonnaise right before he closed the sandwich too, but the sandwich still looks pretty nice.
Ballsdeep69 Dice_24K - 1722673653
The glimpses of slightly younger much stronger Almight I saw in the vigilante spin-off did make me want to see prime all might.
They just got confirmation that whatever powerful weapons and s***(or at least information on them) Vega punk was talking about are with the one piece, so Kobe's saying he has to stop luffy's dream is because Luffy wants to get the one piece and be king of the pirates and Kobe has to get it first to stop the pirates from gaining power.
I bet you he had a parrot lurking somewhere too...
This is honestly way darker than talk no jutsu, this is "shut up we're going to walk and talk motherfucker and if I don't like it I'm going to fucking kill you, you pitiful creature" but delivered like a sigh, this might be the coldest thing he's done this whole series.
Ballsdeep69 - 1722665929
I hope for his next series he either makes a series with a smaller cast that he can actually fully flesh out, Or maybe a more focused direct plot line that can stay well paced, because beginning to end the character designs and art has been fantastic, the writing was decent and kinda fresh for a good long while. the pacing was decent, But OH boy that last Arc kind of fucked it. Just please don't make it a sequel of this I already had boruto and that seven deadly sins spin off haunting my periphery and Lord knows fairy tail is going to come back as a zombie when I least expect it once again, I don't need to see a spin off of this haunting my mind too.
To anyone that enjoyed this but hasn't read the spin-off, or felt a little disappointed with this and hasn't read the spin-off Vigilantes, give that a read it's a bit more focused much shorter a bit more grounded and street level and just generally a pretty chill time all while keeping the charming art and character designs and because it has a much smaller cast it can flesh them out much more. And for anyone that wants a fun weird time with a relatively light-hearted shounen series with fun character designs and a pleasant art style I also recommend Blood Lad, it weirdly enough kind of does The last villain war Arc of this series but good.
Ballsdeep69 aFFi - 1722665152
I mean no witnesses they're underground criminals, if he was going to get away with murder this is the best chance to do it.
Ballsdeep69 Levc97 - 1722664424
"Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way..."
Ballsdeep69 Zen - 1722660287
the nerd that was really into yuri if i recall correctly
Lucky for you you can find out in the prequel/ other series the author made.