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Respectful Boba Lover
1167 points
237 Comment(s)
126 Upvote(s)
Ohh I see. Cloy received the holy water, must be thrown baptism or something. His mom is from the imperial family then? While his real dad is a marquis? And he got kicked out because he's an illegible child? I'm not sure. Ugh..
I kinda missed the part of why Cloy got kicked out if he's of royal blood
I love that the prince is keen on gaslighting her lmao that grin
This is the only misunderstanding I like lol I love this
She's so tall. I noticed this alr for a while, but she's ridiculously tall for 15
Well this chapter brought some rollercoaster. Loved that
Society ruined MC. Those clothes were adorable.
Yeah girl you're lucky your mother at least took care of u huh...
I still don't understand why they killed Ruden before all of these
Eyyy is this finally ending? I hope so. I just wanna see it end lol
I don't really understand her motives this arc. Anyway I want more of Cardriol. I would love a whole story about Cardriol. He's such a cool guy
Eeeey I hope he finally rip
TLDR. Barely a shoujo romance, it's more on noble politics. There's not enough drama. It's still enjoyable, and I recommend reading it.
Politics -- 10/10 deliberate and subtle
Romance -- NA it has slow progression, and it's only a natural occurrence while fleshing out important characters more than being a genre it explores
Art -- terrible at first, but it started to improve by around ch 40+
Characters -- bad at first, but they were properly fleshed out outside politicking plots.

The early chapters were kind of low quality as a comic. The art was mid, the dialogues were bland, and the characters barely felt as characters more than drawings. The story was also slow.

Starting from around ch 50, there's been a noticeable improvement. The progress remains to be slow, and the schemes and plot were complicated. This manhwa is mainly court politics drama. It came to a point that it took me so long before I got thrilled with romance aspect. I'm still at ch 140~ so idk if the time travelling complications were properly delivered.

I'm continuing to read because I've been emotionally invested to all the politicking happening, but beware that there are a lot of side characters and family names involved. It won't be easy to follow through the plot if you're not paying attention. It's not because this is made cleverly complex, and it's a downside to have too many character names.

Since it has addressed its initial flaws, I think it's only okay to say that this manhwa is highly recommended. It offers something fresh and unique with how it's made to follow the schemes of the villainess.

The MC didn't come off as OP for being a regressor, and we follow through her efforts of gaining power. It's worth the read for its fluid delivery of such kind of story. The characters were fleshed out especially the MC even before S1 ended. Even the noble families aren't as irrationally and frustratingly vexing for their naivety, and they were shown agency without dumbing them down for the sake of elevating the MC's character. There are subtleties among the many characters while having sufficient narration.