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Respectful Boba Lover
1425 points
240 Comment(s)
150 Upvote(s)
Oof. Been a while that I opened this site. I found cooler webcomics, less reason for me to get back to this one lol
Oh, I almost agreed with you, but when I read my own comment... I remembered why I said it that way. I said it's sensible in a humane way (other than the Freud elements), not because it's unrealistically dark. The character relationships, how these relationships progressed, the twins worries on Shuri, Jeremy and Norra's with their friendship shaken by their love triangle... I think they're written with justice. Not to mention the whole Norra's family complications, especially her mother failing to provide and care for Norra. I think these stuff that aren't Freudian are realistic and humane, on top of having been well-written. I am especially particular with character relationships and how side characters are utilized, I just hate when characters are written to bring no value to the story.
Well, not at all. Do you think girls are dumb who'd fall for anything shallow? Lmao
Wow, I forgot that I went so far as to say the anime was bad. I still love this franchise, but I think it saddens me that the anime is not as appealing to recommend to other people. I would rather them read the manga. Although the anime was well paced, the flow of the flashback and stuff is ruining the performances.
And you literally have zero comprehension. I'm talking about the other trash stories you read not ORV. Why do you think am I here if I don't know what it is? You're so dumb
Yeah the fact you use childish slurs like r word says so much more about you. You can't even think of any other insults because you're dumber. You didn't even see the original comment, you're just defending some trash
Lol you feel bad for trash people like you. Idfc go die, you're a pest in this world.
Respectful Boba Lover - 11 months ago
Respectful Boba Lover - 12 months ago
Yooo this is really cool. This is why I love sports manga lol
Respectful Boba Lover - 12 months ago
Oh no, she's gonna fake it til you make it
Respectful Boba Lover - 12 months ago

Leaving a review for this makes me feel like I'm gonna be a pick me but wtfh that plot, character stories, character roles and motivations, they're all so frustratingly shallow with no storytelling. World-building is oddly paced and written. We only learn about the world when FMC's pieces are put in place with no buildup.

1. FMC is a regressor and transmigrator, and that's tricky because it's easy to fall for writing cliche and uninteresting stories. Naturally, she's OP because in politics, information is gold. But with the writing, she mostly gets served with no conflicts whatsoever, and we can't even see how she does her impressive cunning stunts other than lying in front of the major chara. There's no proper execution of her capabilities other than her being OP.

2. The psycho men are terrible problems. I get that the Prince is a manipulative pos who wants to isolate FMC, but other hot men being like "Ooh, look, something's going around her, I want her too" and going after the FMC, it's honestly cringy and un-immersive because they feel flat.

3. What's unacceptable is: amidst all those scheming falling to places, we're wasting our time with the main leads being awkward and "subtly" flirtatious of one another. First of all, the ML falling for FMC because he's not creeped out by her made sense at first, but how he developed those feelings more deeply is oddly paced and written. And I also hate how his only roles in the plots for each season is basically just to become a simp. He doesn't feel like his own person, ultimately making him such a shallow main character. Worse is he's forceful and toxic. It wasn't noticeable for me at first, but it became apparent by season 3.

4. Then, the romance. I would understand if both leads are intentionally toxic to each other, but they're not. They're just written terribly. It's like those weird YA romance novels that disgust many people but a bit tamer. They never brought me butterflies because they're not even romantic to each other. They're like, "I have to hold back" then they suddenly went sensual at one point.... because of what? "Who is that guy? I don't know why I'm feeling jealous, but I suddenly want her on my own. I want her so much I'd even consider locking her up like her ex-husband that I saw to have traumatized her."

5. The magic... is a major facepalm. That's all I gotta say.

Bruh this plot is just terrible
I don't recommend. It's one of those petty and subpar stories you have to read with your brain cells turned off. Terrible plot, terrible pacing, terrible storytelling of the character relationships, making the characters come off extreme unless you just shrug everything off. Nothing's enough to make up for its flaw. As of start of Season 2, I'd rate it 3/10. The story was intriguing at first even if the FL looked like a pushover, but as soon as the real revenge plot started when she ran away from home, the pacing and schemes were huge fails. The antagonistic characters aren't even worth all those chapters. The FL and ML aren't likeable rational people, and not even the plot and no romantic scene could justify their actions. I'm all for actual villainous protagonists, but they're just asses with cringy plots.
Do people still read this? I dropped it midway, when they're about to graduate middle school lmao the bodies are off putting. Idk if I should pick it up
I'll never get sick of this formula lol I would rather know that he's gonna do something. So go get it. And this is gonna be a long game.
Have you checked out Stepmother's Marchen? The storytelling and visuals in that one is a solid 10/10 kinda emotional and tragic though