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Respectful Boba Lover
1167 points
237 Comment(s)
126 Upvote(s)
Lol tf are you on? Do you think being racist is lesser prejudice than getting groundless insults? And poor country enjoying a story? I bet that person is some western incel who enjoys Chinese immigrants getting beaten up.
Then stop reading comics you shit. You're obviously dumb, study some fucking book.

Highly recommended. The art is beautiful, there is storytelling, and there even is an impressive world building for this fantasy world. I love how all elements are harmoniously delivered for a tragic yet sweet romantic story. It's a shame that it's gone on a long hiatus, so I hope there would be updates soon.

Anyway, the FMC has unique abilities, and these abilities were used well without being OP or lacking the existence of threats. The plot was well-developed with a non-dragging pacing. Characters were kept to maximum relevance, and none of them were as bland and simple as being naive. They had their appropriate characterization, and their motives were shown with emotional storytelling.

The ML is also likeable with a rich and emotional backstory that does not only end with him having a cliched terrible childhood so he's cold. He is trapped in a tragedy, and he's rightfully acting like an encaged victim of his fate. He's quite a complex character capable of showing a variety of emotions and thoughts, and his dynamic with the FMC is quite endearing.

The first season wrapped up cleanly, so I am really looking forward to the next season. Although the chapters say the second season started, that's not true because it's just a prequel meant to enrich the world building, which is also relevant to the main plot.
Isn't that just naive? They just let her be, and didn't even raise her with love and care. Even her sister was no better for leaving her as an outcast at school.
It feels like this first season is a sneak peek of the important characters, of how their childhood stories are like. Love the storytelling for Fjord though
Interesting so far. It's hard to tell where the story's about to go, but the artstyle, dialogues, and variety of characters are interesting. None of the characters are bland for my taste, and the FMC has intriguing characteristics and emotional background.
Here to reread and bookmark just to stare at them. What a quiet yet enamoring romantic scene. I can't wait for what follows lol
The art is so fucking gorgeous.
How pitiful that sucks.
Nice prologue
I thought we just graduated from a love triangle. Wdym we're gonna have a love Pentagon like this
The Angenas lived long enough. Get em out of this series
I don't think I'd ever be ready to see Iruma becoming a demon of lust or something. It feels so out of character, but it's funny how he looks the same with greedruma.
There's an update in other sites.
Drop any sorts of expectations for what kind of story this would be. This isn't family fluff or whatever lighthearted stuff. The characters and their struggles are sensible with some creepy Freud-inspired elements here and there.

One thing is for sure: it has an exemplar storytelling and visual illustration, that it made me crave for another manhwa that does it like this. It's also character-driven, and you just love how the characters are written. Romance starts post-time skip, and it's such a beautiful aspect of this story. Highly, highly recommended. 10/10 for me so far.
It's nothing personal for them. That's just how it is, but the assholeness is rarely done creatively which is unbefitting for corrupted people who's supposed to be witty enough to stay hidden.
Highly recommended for the genre, but beware that it's not enjoyable all throughout. I love the character stories. Most characters are punchable jerks though. The characters are very nuanced and morally grey, making them complex and humane. They might seem self-contradicting, but considering their experiences and events, I find their reactions to be sensible. For example, even if at some point, characters are inclined to develop feelings for FMC, they would back out at certain scenarios due to circumstances without making a move on her. These motives create the subtleties and nuances in their actions and encounters with the FMC, adding depth to these encounters.

I just want to address a naive critic on the FMC in an older comment: FMC is an interesting character exactly because of her self-awareness and firm resolve to attain her motives, and the use of her very trauma is valid which puts this story among the few sensible Isekai stories that elaborate on their earth experiences and wounded soul. The writing on her is well-thought and planned, and she truly and sincerely started off with that firm resolve without half-assing her plans. At present, it would only be interesting to find her firm resolve crumble for a character development that would smoothen her cracked and morally grey principles. She even got her well-deserved punishment for her naivety in the current season. Many people criticize the MC because she doesn't treat the male leads as humans with emotions, and they all hate what she did to Eckles, which is very humane. She was neglectful like your generic love-bomber, but as I said, she got punished for it. Anyway, her flaws aren't mean to be embraced nor loved, although it is a frustrating reading experience, she was still well-written. I wouldn't dare to call this a masterpiece, but this manhwa and the main couple are loved for profound reasons.

It's still frustrating to read sometimes because of the character flaws, but the fact that they're intentional is a sad pass for me. To even compare the characters in this story to generic fantasy stories is disservice to the character nuances. The world-building, gorgeous art, pacing, dialogues, etc. are good enough as well. When I read the prologue, I only expected an enjoyable light-hearted otome isekai romance, only to have my expectations crushed for a more interesting experience.