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My reads come from other people's reads, so it both results in me seeing lots of names and also generic-sizes what I have.

Hero killer beolkkul is also up there as one of the higher quality ones, so not much rivals it.
Ig if you want a good manwha with good art that's action packed but really slow, alongwith an underdog mc, I always HAVE to reccomend ember knight.

But again, it is superr slow, and mc's moments to shine are kindaaa scarce.

If in terms of growth and character design, something like "Player" maybe?

And then for just cool edgy "making waves" mc maybe SSS class suicide

Finally if we're talking superpowers the one that caught my eye the past year or two is gachiakuta, although the style of power is completely diff from hero killer. Most raw superpower manga/manwha/manhua are just too low quality. Hero killer isn't even that great, just better than the others.

If you want worse hero killer; villain to kill.

If you just want to see an mc killing "good guys" just prompt that in google because I don't have much.
Ghetoknight ZnedWas - 1707130699
I'm sorry I come from the anime, I'm referring to the movie or ova or whatever it was with the disneyland watch-strap bombs.

I remember he had a role in that killer mansion detective group game too and that's about it
Ghetoknight Anonymoose - 1707130544
would not mind reading that tbf
Ghetoknight Aj_reader - 1707130470
I think you are a well distinguished individual and so I shall scarcely present to you my animosity towards every piece of this reply, via the implications of my own.

As far as I remember, at best she was just obsessive though (?)

That is not something I'd complain about, so it still feels like you all are reaching just cus she favours baal.
Ghetoknight Joker - 1707130280
Also not really? Can you elaborate on why exactly atheist particulacy in government (within a vaccuum) results in scum behaviour, or are you using graphic examples to extraordinarily prove a dumb point.

Because with my surface level knowledge what I'm getting is that you're singling out one factor out of a variety and correlating it to an occurrence or reason for character as a whole, which sounds to me like some form of discrimination tbf....

It isn't a matter of ignorance, but a matter of you spouting irrelevant crap.

Crap like "the praying mantis cuts off its partner's head after mating" crap.

If you really want to provide valid and intriguing knowledge, delve further into detail on the subject, and maybe how it properly relates to the topic?? Instead of focusing your clearly well-spent time calling someone ignorant and hyping up history whilst literally yapping substance-less-ly.
Ghetoknight uCoex - 1707129861
Damn I never knew.

Knew in adaptations and cross-culture literacy (I only read manga/manhua/manwha in regards to understanding the regions) there was rocky relations, and it's always apparent when any one of them hype up their own country.

On sight is wild...
Ghetoknight MonarchJr - 1707129642
Same diff.

Milim is also cute ig
Ghetoknight Gakuku - 1707129612
Holy shitthank you. Truth be told I have never, not once, tried tapping the numbers themselves.

Graphically there's no distinction between "my name" and "notifs"
Ghetoknight yilo - 1707129545
Understandable. Although my standards are lower by virtue of that manhua nature, I get what you're saying. As much as I can say mount hua kid is consistent and clearly a decently thought out character, his "philosophy" has no real substance behind it, and is unarguably a cliche cop-out, which justifies people's interpretations of him as that cliche jerk character.

I also feel he is clearly written to be a good character, and the plot points and factors necessary for growth ARE there, and ARE utilised, but they aren't expounded upon nearly as well as they could be.

I gave smone flaq for complaining about his sudden powerups cus I was pissy, but it's just that, except applied to every aspect of his character.
The healthy rival thing is another sentiment I share. I think my experience with plum kid piqued at the dormitory with the halfgay silent eye reading stuff, not necessarily because it was great writing, but it hinted at him being a more "understandable" character since he was connecting with the most understandable character of everyone, mc.

Instead he "went back to" his previous persona after being offscreened for like 2 arcs.

Again it is in no way a stretch to say he's shallow in this persona. I think it's a decent character with great potential and didn't experience the strain on patience since I binged, but yeah. Without proper expulsion of his motives his philosophy rly is a bandaid response
Ghetoknight - 1707125340
Ghetoknight - 1707121527
I mean it is quite wholesome, at the very least.

I'm just not sure I want to read this uh
this kind of thing

Ghetoknight - 1707121357


I wouldn't even mind if it was just straight up erotica but somethign is just a tad bit, just a teency weency bit off w/this one guys I'm not so sure....
I'm simply not so sure.
Ghetoknight AluBorson - 1707120670
wait fr? that's sad
Ghetoknight - 1707120528
What did fantasy do for lawyer to murder him like that bruh
Ghetoknight yilo - 1706867868
I am sorry. Let me rephrase, it is absolutely hypocritical to say that indulging in "I am special" kind of thoughts is justification for the loss of a life, loss of heritage, loss of family and friends. Every character we have seen so far has to an extent exemplified that selfish nature, with no repercussions. To call plum boy out on his instances is to ignorantly ignore theirs.

"You learn really fast or die" is a dumb statement in of itself but I chalk that up to some issue with vocabulary. I am going on a whim and assuming you're saying that narratively there needs to be some weight to character development, as "simply learning" is too unrealistic. And you are highlighting instances of people being driven by some loss (as a motivating factor).

In that sense, yes, the friend's death was incredibly impactful to both his and mc's development as characters in that latest chapter. In a traditional sense, there was nothing to be learnt from nor developed from his death, but the author made use of it effectively.

My original stance was that you were an idiot who felt that, because plum boy is a cliche douche character in your eyes, that he (by some leap of logic) was in deservance of absolute tragedy before being allowed to develop, which was foolish of me to assume.

Once again I apologise.
Are you serious? MCs literal entire motivational goal in the past arcs was that he was so weak he blamed the stronger people for not remaining on the losing side to defend him.

I'm sorry but this is the most hypocritical thing I have heard so far, if you are not willing to also consider that mc was literally the exact same as peach boy. And, you PHYSICALLY cannot say "with" context in a circumstance where peach boy has 0 context, that's just wrong.

How would plum boy know the potential death counter without his friends' saccrifice? No, rather, was his friends' saccrifice more worth? Retreating was ALWAYS an option. Mc didn't pick it because he can in part see the future, and tacticians didn't pick it not because they could magically predict the extent to which there would be devastation losing the land, but because of blind faith in mc.

SURE his plan had them win an otherwise extremely one sided battle, but there's no reason for plum boy to believe it was a necessary saccrifice, nor did mc show any appreciation for the losses HE incurred in war. MC is a hero here, but not a saviour. Do not mix things up. It was unarguably mc who sent them to their deaths, just because other factors contributed to it does not mean he is rid of blame.

It is literally the flipped page of how mc visualises the scum in murim who caused so many of his friends' deaths, because to everyone else they are absolute heroes, no?
Ghetoknight Gakuku - 1706867000
My notifs have been constantly increasing since the counter's inception, it has not once gone down to 0 after clicking it.

Even if it's supposed to be that way, opening it up does not show people who replied to me (as far as I know), nor can I reply to their (nonexistant) or my own comments, much less like or dislike from there.

It's completely useless the only way I can navigate back to this page consistently is because I go through the last 5 or so pages and one of the comments just so happened to have more than 0 likes, so chances are it was replied to.