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Ghetoknight Zasquatch - 1706599791
Yeah fr.

As guessed, he is a character meant to represent early past life mc, although I was scared to reference specifically the heavenly demon it's the same kind of hate he shows to the people who turned, and the people who wasted their lives, during that fight.

It was character development for both of them, and I extremely like that instead of the stupid barbarian attitude commenters implied they wanted, he took the time to effectively communicate his qualms with the battle, and show respect for loss.

I wrongly assumed he already knew, and lost hope fr both of them evolved here in my eyes.

I think if they started with it the fight would be avoided, but it adds an extra layer of impact. HOPEFULLY commenters see the nobility in casting away your life threatening wounds to avenge your friend, seemingly.
and HOPEFULLY you all don't think "wow what a waste of panel space, why did mc had to resolve unfriendly relations genuinely half brought on by his own actions"

Fr ultra enjoyed that segment, for the very very very very very first time in a long while a cliche character is actually followed through with and done right
Ghetoknight yilo - 1706599526
bro shut the fuck up

actually you are braindead beyond belief, please stop talking, you provide no useful input and have the most far-off and stupid interpretations of story ever, you are up there with the people who auto-dislike true purple because he is interested in arguments
Ghetoknight - 1706599295
Well at least that should put an end to his selfishness.

Although it might have come from the heart, it only felt like the dude was taunting him.
No reason to whisper it if he actually truly believed in it, it kinda felt like what the antihero would say to demotivate a hero kinda shit.

I stand by my word, it is understandable their reactions. Even if not dan's fault his incapability to show even a shred of humility infront of battered comrades bred that kind of hate.
To say the hate is wrongly directed is fine, but in no way is it unwarranted, and AGAIN mc himself has submit himself to that kind of misdirected, biased hate.

So, yeah, just humanity.
Ghetoknight - 1706598973
Thank god comment section pacified
Ghetoknight - 1706598722
Man this isn't the worst comment section I've seen, but it's in the league.

Truly, TRULY hoping to the lord and heavens that you all do not continue to be like this.

Ghetoknight weebo - 1706598673
I absolutely adore the fact that you had 0 relevant or important takeaways from this chapter, besides unwarranted hate for pink hair guy <3
I love dsucking main characters honestly, I love when commenters can't acknowledge their flaws, or ignore character consistency and reasonable reaction, for whatever is favourable to the plotline.
Ghetoknight Arcryser - 1706598573
I am praying to god you all are not seriously like this.
Ghetoknight Battleload - 1706598545
maybe if mc shut the hell up and said smthn like "Monk guy was a good guy" or "my regards to the casualties" or showed a bit of humility himself, then the already impulsive chorang wouldn't freak
Bro what humility
He's honoring his friends death, albeit impulsively and wrongly, that isn't a matter of humility, just misguided anger

mc acknowledges this but makes no attempt to redirect that anger, or resolve the situation, mc is completely in the wrong here communicatively
Ghetoknight Mangaguy - 1706598436
If you want to add an extra 40 chapters for his development feel free to say so, but you can't both complain about his like of screentime in progression AND how you don't like him.

I think he's a great character, I think his hate is uncalled for and he has a well-defined, consistent moral code and philosophy.

He has NOT been a jerk, infact his attitude towards mc has become quite admirable. I don't think there have been asspulls, if anything inthe final segment of the fight it is always mc who gets the asspulls. Eg against thunder guy, most asspull asspull there was. Or in their courtyard fight, mc gets saved by a student being impaled, and originally mc could not even compare to him. You can make arguments that mc rightfully gained the upperhand in those fights, but in no way was mc ever clearly above him,

and it is only natural that a cliche "genius character" evolves at least at the same rate as our generic mc character, hence at all points he should be above mc to an extent, not as a rival.

Selfish characterization is fine, but also not unwarranted.
Ghetoknight Zasquatch - 1706598192
Not really, mc explains he is well aware it is a matter of his incompetency.

But he is ALSO aware it is a matter of "hey, we had to fight off that monster so you could win, and the dude died, so why can't we acknowledge that?"

because monk guy was infact a huge part of pink hair's life, so it's safe to say pink hair's world does infact revolve around him to an extent.
You cannot be completely autonomous and incurrent with the universe, he isn't a buddha. It's human for them to have bias, take for example mc attacking pink hair because his wife left him. Not an mc issue, not pink hair issue, but mc still sees it as such.

As for "his dumb mistake", they would have all died if they didn't stall long enough for zombie's arrows. It isn't only a matter of pride (what you are arguing), but that mc and others sent him there to fight, so in no way would they be allowed to simply run away. It's like saying mc wasn't the cause of that first archer's death who impulsively shot at miyamoto. He had a chance of surviving if he didn't sure, but you can't disregard the fact that mc sent them there, and that they had a mission.

And you can't say the already extremely loyal murim specialists, in addition to being prideful, wouldn't be dedicated to that same mission.


Not to mention, there's no evidence running away was an option, nor that he could safely retreat from a swordmaster who far surpasses his league, nor that said swordmaster would leave his friends' alive after the offer, nor was there any reason to believe his point blank attacks would be absorbed by mystical qi-sucking sword (before you even try it 2 years in the future random commenter, this wasn't hindsight or naievety, something like that higher than the level of capability of the great 10 treasure would not be expected by even the greatest generals, especially with the misleading way miyamoto fights)

Oh and to summarise, it is a matter of many different factors across the plot.

But the baseline is, he is well aware the world does not revolve around him.
But why should it revolve around mc, and not the people who died for mc?

And if mc truly put respect or consideration to their lives, why didn't he address it?

That alone is reason enough for him to be mad, and both his strength and prideful nature means it is inline for him to attack.

I would not blame him either, mc did essentially the same thing to him in the last life, it's just a matter of humanity. Again, unnecessary hate on pink hair.
What is this about entitled, he has pride in his sect is all. To say concubines being abandoned in favour of clan development has nothing to do with entitlement, in the first place it was a matter of simply child production (I know, sounds weird but great respetc is put on lineage).

Are we really blaming pink hair that mc's wife was a cheating street woman, who was smitten by him one sidedly? Cmon dude...
Ghetoknight Mogus Man - 1706597602
I don't think he's delusional either, but yeah, this.
Ghetoknight Banana - 1706597558
Well for one, it's because no one there is nearly strong enough to stop him, especially with everyone weakened.

For two, if you think this is a matter of pride and image, you have (as far as I know) misunderstood plum guy's character. The repercussions of killing mc far underweigh the honor it brings to monk's death, in plum guy's eyes, is how i feel he thinks right now.

This is a cliche instance of communicational barrier. Mc knows about the casualties but failed to show his empathy or sympathy. it doesn't mean plum guy is justified, it just means he is reasonably angry.


If we are talking about throwing shoes at presidents, it's more like trying to shoot a dictator.


If we are talking about combat-wise, if mc takes off any attention to address the avrious weapons, it increases the chances his attack lands nicely.
It may also occupy others who try to defend him, leaving him the opportunity to attack cleanly.
Or he could be wrapping all of them in his ki like some ultra attack, anyways we wouldn't know we are not martial artists.
To go word by word, you can't pass off "so his friend died" as some simple, trivial matter, you're wrong there for acting as if anything could be an overreaction to that. It's the equivalent of losing the light of your life, and the situation frames mc to be spitting on his grave as seen by my explanation above. So yeah, no overreaction.

"The world does not revolve around your sect" is irrelevant here, and not his driving motive. The world does not revolve around him is irrelevant here, his argument is that mc thinks the world revolves around him, because he feels everyone thinks that way and that authority (power) at least get the right to feel that way. In that regard mc is a "corrupt leader" who "caused his friend's death".

"Nobody will pay their respects to people who only see themselves".
Firstly, that is a character assassination of monk guy, where are you getting this from.

Second, they are children, being selfish is not a reason to demean their deaths, you clearly do not get it. I feel bad even for the green hair guy. They feel bad even for enemies slaughtered. Why are you spouting nonesense?

Thirdly, ignoring selfishness in anyone isn't a real reason for complete disrespect of life, since that's stupid, there will obviously be people paying respects to the casualties in war.

And the person who initiated those casualties at the very least should be the person paying those respects, if not to the friend whom various times mc has friendly-ly interacted with, then to the overall casualties. The everyone. For mc to affirm his stance, when no one is acknowledging their (overall) deaths, is almost synonymous (in his eyes) to he himself not acknowledging their deaths.
--- --- ---

It is a matter of circumstance. A reasonable reaction to a reasonable scenario, considering both of their personalities and both of their flaws (mc clearly has a communication issue, same with plum guy but in a different regard, although plum guy is more justifiable here tbf).