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1412 points
341 Comment(s)
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BernieBear Banana - 1723727133
That's pretty wild how the racism/slavery is so intense that a human having an elf or dwarf as a lover is looked at as if they're banging a pet or farm animal or something 😳

Like it's so weird of a thing to do that it can compel you to acknowledge a hooded stranger as a genuine person.

Like "Okay... I suppose it's gonna be pretty hard for me to distrust someone who volunteers THAT information... They're probably not lying about the other thing..."

(Part 2 of 2. Character limit.)

Prison violence is normally curbed to an extent because everyone is in a gang and it's understood that extra people will become involved in any conflict, so it's just a practical decision to avoid a fight when the conflict is only between you and one other person. You don't wanna get your own people hurt over something you can resolve on your own.

There were other white supremacists in the prison, so normally it would be kind of a standoff. It wouldn't be worth the collateral damage to take out one guy who pissed them off particularly bad if it would exacerbate an ongoing large-scale conflict.

Thing is, the MC had also pissed off the white supremacist gang somehow (Can't remember) so he didn't have any protection. He kept walking past the black gang members expecting them to kill him any day, since they knew nobody was gonna retaliate.

It didn't make any sense why they were letting a nazi stay alive, so he was confused. The black guy he befriended denied any involvement, but the MC was pretty sure it was him who told the black gang members that he had changed. There was just no other plausible explanation.

Sure enough, when the MC got out of prison he tried to talk sense into his old gang, because he had new perspective that they didn't, and he saw the situation for what it was.

But they wouldn't listen. They had a lifetime of firsthand experiences that contradicted what one guy said, so it wasn't enough. Everyone they'd ever met was hostile, but it was all an illusion. None of them were born like that. They were poisoned. It was too late.
(Part 1 of 2. Character limit.)

It seems bizarre to me too because I grew up away from it, but I saw a movie called American History X that explained it well.

In the neighborhood and time period it's set in, racism has been going on for long enough that nobody who was involved in the original conflict is still alive, and everyone in the neighborhood now was raised with the belief that everyone in the other race wants to hurt them.

So they basically get pitted against each other when they're so young they just believe whatever they're told, so "that race is dangerous" is as much of a no-brainer to them as "Don't get in a stranger's car". They never meet under circumstances where they can feel each other out with their own natural judgment.

It's frightening that it's actually logical in that case, because what both sides teach is true in an effective sense. They really do all wanna hurt each other. And yeah it's just that neighborhood, but since this is before the internet was big, that neighborhood is basically their entire world.

They never get to meet anyone of the other race who doesn't already hate them on principle and is instantly hostile, so how else could they feel? But it's really only happening because they're making it happen. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.

❗Spoilers ahead❗

What happens is the MC (white supremacist, nazi) goes to prison, and a lot of people think prisoners just sit in a cell all day, but really they're forced to do free labor.

The guy he's assigned to work alongside is black, and the black guy is racist too, but they know if they fight each other, all that's gonna happen is they'll get more prison time, so that'd just be dumb.

They spend lots of time in one room doing thoughtless work, so there's nothing to do but talk. They're pretty mean to each other at first, but eventually there's too much common ground to ignore.

So the MC stops shaving his head and he's not a white supremacist anymore, but he was already in deep shit with the black gang at the prison because he was very outwardly racist when he got there. It was just him and that one other guy in that room, so nobody knew.

Continued in another comment. Character limit.
BernieBear Holy Kafka - 1723668689
Hell yeah m8. You got it 😎🀜πŸ’₯πŸ€›

The humans probably have a certain degree of rationality behind the belief that all the other races are inferior.

It's probably based on how they never see them doing anything that fits their personal criterias of success. Like none of them are wealthy or famous for any kind of skill or leadership or knowledge or anything.

But that's because they've always been pinned down by the status quo. They're not dumb or lazy, it's just not a level playing field.

Once they get equal access to education and other resources just like the humans have, it's all gonna come down to effort and determination.

It'll become clear that they have the same wide spectrum of people with varying degrees of "success" that humans have.

Like there's probably international sports, the scientific communities of allied nations probably compare their notes, and of course there's manufacturing and all other commerce, exports/imports of goods.

No matter how prideful someone is in their area of expertise, if their skill level can be quantified in a way that's objectively undeniable, they'll respect an equal.

It would be disgraceful to still act like you're better than someone else when your accomplishments can be expressed numerically and their numbers are the same.

Scientific advancements would be a little more subjective to compare, since they'd be too different. But if all of us play the same sport then who has the points? If all of us make boots then whose last the longest?

If we're equals, we can all tell. It's our profession. Denying what's right in front of us in favor of our own ego would be as disrespectful to ourselves as it would be to each other.

That's not gonna be enough to stop racism, but it'll disperse the smokescreen. They think it's valid because it's based on ability/accomplishments, but once that's off the table its gonna be obvious it's more of a cultural thing. That's progress.
BernieBear - 1723596917
Haha, pages 34 and 37 would look so horrifying if seen out of context and untranslated πŸ˜…
I know he's still got all his clothes on and all of them are covered up too, but still looks bad

People who are sensitive about loli stuff would shit bricks. Like BANG!!!! 😱πŸ’₯πŸ’©

Hint hint, if any of y'all are seeing this in Latest Comments, that means "Don't look.", not "Look."
Remember the lessons you learned with meatspin, lemon party, blue waffle, tubgirl, etc.
BernieBear - 1723490115
What? Why does Myuu dropping out mean Tau wins? The other girl was tied with Myuu for first. I'm not objecting, I'm glad it happened, I just don't like failing to understand stuffs.
BernieBear - 1723375285
I'm confused. Did all those sliced columns crush the terrorist soldiers? The MC examined the rubble but didn't mention seeing people, and I don't see any either.

On page 36 it kinda looks like it all landed right where they were standing, but I see the guy in the white coat standing there unhurt, and he's not shown for the rest of the chapter.

He didn't run away or say anything, but when the other group showed up ready to fight, there was no fighting. That character design is a little too good to kill off this early imo.

That's a pretty well done nerd villain vibe, and the MC's a colossal nerd too and they were co-workers. If I was the author he'd be a long-term antagonist.

I know she's just a little girl, but if she didn't have a problem with killing that many people then why spare the leader? Wouldn't the other way around make more sense?

Don't get me wrong, mercenary work is some pretty scummy shit, but we all gotta play the hand we're dealt. If fighting is all someone's good at, I get it.

But the leader's the only one who even knows what the plan is. Everyone else was just told to capture her. I'd understand if he got away because she tried to take him alive to get information, but to kill the mercs and just let him go? What heck?
BernieBear Dice_24K - 1723326952
Really??? Omg, that's like the most unfortunate mistranslation ever in the history of ever. Ever.
Woah, how the Kentucky Fried fuck did you do that??? 😳

Your incantation wasn't even in Latin or Greek or anything. Just "Begone" and they're gone??? 🀯

What did you do to them? Does that just kill their comment, or their account too?

I hope it doesn't kill the person. Idk who they were or what they said but judging by your reaction it was pretty bad, and I've seen A LOT of horror movies.

Sometimes evil don't stay dead... 😨

BernieBear Vije - 1723153452
Sigh... I wish I could disagree...

These stories are a lot of fun, but they teach some very counterproductive lessons to young readers. It would be refreshing to see one this good and long-running to have the moral of the story be this πŸ‘‡

"Quit expecting things to just fall into place naturally. Ditch all that fairy tale bedtime story BS like 'What is meant to will always find a way'. You have to actively go after what you want in life. You don't have as much time as you think."
BernieBear - 1723152873
Son-of-a-biscuit! How you gonna give a smut writer that exciting of an idea for a scenario and then poke a giant plot hole in it within the same chapter??? 😟

How in the fucking goddamn shitting h*ck the idea of sex in a karaoke booth has never crossed my mind before now is anyone's guess, half the shit I've come up with, and being a weeb too πŸ™„

Whatevs, I'm still gonna do it. Smut ain't known for its plausibility anyway πŸ€™

Arigato Kuzuhana author πŸ™
BernieBear - 1722982373
God it's good to see such a healthy MC.

I know a lot of people find it off-putting when they don't have more flaws, and I respect that POV. It can make the reader feel inadequate, which can lead to them acting out, but that's on them. The proper way to respond to feelings of inadequacy is to resolve to improve.

I think what's more harmful is rude/mean/scummy MCs who are still regarded as desirable by the other characters. For example, it's very harmful to teach young male readers that being sexist won't prevent them from getting girlfriends. Of fuckin' course it will.

Love and hate disrespect do not mix. You're not gonna charm someone into loving you when you dislike them on principle. You're not gonna make someone feel like they're the most important person in the world to you when the truth is that in your mind they're basically your servant. Never gonna happen.
BernieBear - 1722789435
"You've become a slave to a dirty human!"

"Umm, I will have you know his balls smell like a flower. Also stop being racist. Okay maybe I should've said that second thing first."
BernieBear - 1722773992
Hehe, he's calling the kid "It" πŸ˜†

"I still can't believe this. That a kid still exists in this world. And that my father's the one who created it. I have to protect it. The last child in the world."

C'mon dude. Real kids are kinda annoying but anime/manga kids are usually more likeable.
BernieBear Oburci - 1722773290
Hehe, I've found new stuffs to read through that method too. The Latest Comments feature is heckin' poggers 🀌
BernieBear - 1722761606
Omfg you jackass author 🀬

How you gonna have your MC karate chop a 7 year old girl??? And in chapter 3 before you've even established him as good??? C'monnn πŸ₯Ί

Didn't seem to be very hard but that was the top of her head 😭

He barely missed 5 pressure points. Only by a few centimeters πŸ₯ΊπŸ˜­

I think she was also about to hug him, she's an orphan, the last kid on earth! 🀧

And freakin' look at her, her face is like 30% eyes! She's cuter than a pile of kittens napping in a ramen noodle bowl! 😑😑😑😑

The "kick the dog" trope is for establishing villains. Ffs I thought for a second he knocked her on her ass.

Now I don't think she fell, I think she's just squatting from the surprise, but still she looks scared 😭
BernieBear AlexBen - 1722712049
Which one is Iruma? Is that maybe someone from another story? I can't remember any characters 3 years younger.

I think Reona and Nekomiya's brother (Shoto? Shouta?) are 2 years younger, and the only ones younger than that are the liddle cubs, but they super smol
BernieBear - 1722615570
Pfft. "Muon spin". "Google it" it says πŸ™„

In this world where I can't go a week without seeing someone say "aint readin allat" when they're looking at two paragraphs on the most mundane topic you could imagine? Mm-m.

If my own mother told me she read the Wikipedia article on "muon spin" and completely understood it, I wouldn't believe her.

She could swear on the razor-sharp wrinkles of Chuck Norris's scrote, idgaf, no tf you do not understand that. Bull-frickity-shrimp-fried shiitake-mushroom shit no tf you do NOT. How can you even say that with a straight face πŸ˜–
BernieBear Plasma - 1722312220
Ohhh, thank you for illuminating that for me πŸ€”

I was hoping for a flash forward even if it was just one page. I would've liked to find out if they made any major changes like living situation.

But after reading your comment, I know you didn't explicitly say this, but it seems like leaving their future unrevealed helps emphasize the value of the experiences we were shown.

Kinda like a reminder that planning ahead is smart, but rushing through life is unhealthy. We really gotta cherish the moments that we'll never get back, so the memories will be as vivid as possible πŸ₯²
BernieBear A melon - 1722311556
Indeed πŸ€” Very versatile creator. There's definitely no wrong decision imo.

I'm a disgusting degenerate freak but I also have a heart the size of a hentai protagonist cumload, so whether they make more wholesome stuff like this or go back to freaky porn, my blood's gonna be pooling in one place or another. Win/win πŸ₯°