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Son Gokhan
27 points
61 Comment(s)
210 Upvote(s)
Son Gokhan - 1726005729
So just like her previous owner, this man abused her till she couldn't even see him as an enemy. Pretty messed up.
Son Gokhan - 1725896140
Wasn't that saint guy collecting spirits powers. Maybe granny will be on that list now.
Son Gokhan - 1725380243
Things i liked.
1 The depiction of the conflict with the kegare is great, felt like a battle no one finds joy in, even the mc want to run away. Liked that aspect made lots of characters feel human.
2 Powersystem and art, very good and unique. Definitely inspired by d gray man.
3 Kept a good pace for a monthly manga. Which is far rarer than one would think. I personally was never bored.
Things i didn't like.
1 benio lack of time. For a series which selling point is the both of them rokuro is heavily favored, she isn't poorly written just not shown enough.
2 villans in general. Most are nothing new or unique. Non going on any top 10 list.
3 didnt like the final confrontation. Like rokuro and benio are just able to take in all of the hatred, feels a bit ridiculous. Also very little of this series is about the bad side of humanity so that being the final conflict felt a bit off, like most of the bad things humans did was to kill the king not out of evil. Them also coming back was meh.
This series isn't ground breaking but i think anyone would enjoy it, and it has definitely has impacted and inspired me. Praying for a good adaption.
Son Gokhan - 1725356558
In all honesty i feel bad for eiki. His wife lied about the daughter and cheated on him, so she was probably very emotionally distant in their relationship leading to him cheating. This is the only story so far where i feel like the innocent really got the shit end of the sick
Son Gokhan - 1724600852
Really like how sojo actions still influence the story despite how short his role was. Those mini enchanted blades he made are crazy
Son Gokhan - 1723050228
I wonder if iron will join up with us
Son Gokhan Thomas_JCG - 1722702793
Would like to say horokoshi has gotten numerous death threats from shippers throughout the years. So i think he might have left it open ended in that regard so he doesn't get them even after this series is done
Son Gokhan rimurubetta - 1722678684
That is the man who was touching her as a child in chapter 1
Son Gokhan typeou - 1722348627
I never said they are devoid of emotions, it is thag they are brainwashed into having this hatred not because they choose to like ragna( he said the same this chatper), they fight because they where told it is there lifes purpose not like ragna who did it out of personal grievances.
And artemisa is stated to be only carla to regain the powers of the original (in chatper 73) and she is also the only carla to ever break from her duty as we saw in her backstory, if it was just due to immaturity they would have far more perfect carlasEdit: went to reread her backstory and it is stated that after her healing kamui of her own free will that She quite literally got stronger. Also not discounting hellish situation are important for ragana but so his individual drive otherwise another ragna would have appear by now.Not saying all there methods are bad. The sun cults methods have produced multiple powerhouses as strong as the strongest in the silver armament corps but are currently too safe to produce a ragna
Son Gokhan typeou - 1722340889
Yeah on a physical level. But they as missing all of the emotions that drove him to reach those heights in the first place, ragna wasn't born special it was his drive to avenge he fallen family(something they abolished) that made him strong, they brainwash people telling them they should do this for the sake of the sun god which essentially instils resolve in them rather than them attaining it themselves.Like in the cloning chapter we lesrned how the sun cult didn't value the individuality of souls which in turn made there cloning process ineffective. Like the time saintess clone only gain the orignals soul when she broke free from the idea that she was a tool for the cult
Son Gokhan Oliwed - 1721851049
I think the dragons don't have to kill humans unless there god commands it. Like the bloodline of scales had that whole ciry of humans
Son Gokhan - 1721850773
So that why rouxi knew who those dragons where. Also the sun cult is trying to standardise talent which ends up with them capping the potential of people, under there regime an exception like ragna could never be born
Son Gokhan - 1719353729
For a second i thought it was going to be that asshole death god that cursed zeref but it is a hot chick instead. Still hoping he catches an ass whooping eventually
Son Gokhan - 1718826121
Everything involving this boy swordsman is new content. Since this part of the webnovel didn't even have him as a character it was all about our flaming swords woman.I have no idea why they created him especially since this was originally an important moment for her
Son Gokhan - 1717692789
Three week break. Gege must really be overworked
Son Gokhan bruh - 1716751916
When the cover for the first chapter was leaked. People thought this was goong to be edgy nonsense and started meming on it that it was going to be bad.And even though a lot of people do like it now some people have just kept the meme and in all honesty it really is just free advertising