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TruePurpleMK - 1719993592
It was probably no accident that it was only the latter memories that were sealed. That fucker dark mage wants to show everyone what a fucker the light mage is, and face that person. I have a feeling this photonization will fail to fix the lost memories. Clearly both are/were assholes. Dark mage is harming and killing alot of innocent people and not giving a fuck, think of all the prison guards that were slaughtered.
Furthermore how far should we take it. Do we need pronouns based on what whether you typically wear hats and what kind of hat you prefer? Because hat preference can tell you a bit about someone.

Or a pronouns for different nationalities, or races, or for people who live in the country verses city? All these things tell you stuff about someone, sometimes, a little bit. But somehow we've gotten by without pronouns for any of it.
Even if there is often similarities, even if just because of some similarities in social experience growing up, there will be plenty of times where that will not be the case. If you are putting the decision of whether to befriend someone or not entirely on a pronoun, geez. Find a better way to decide who to befriend. Maybe get to know them first, learn stuff more than just "gender". I say gender is irrelevant for most things and apparently you think it is the be all to end all in human relations. And where does that put people who don't want to be stereotyped?

Also plenty of circumstances you are talking about someone where befriending is not possibility etc. You don't need to be worrying about befriending your doctor or mechanic. BTW why are you not upset that these words are gender neutral? Or are you upset that these words are gender neutral?

And some times you won't even know someones gender. Like if some stranger broke into your house, you don't want to use a word that means male or female to the police, since you don't know. Though some people stupidly just use male pronouns for all unknowns and unclears, which is stupid.
It would be much simpler to just say "I work around a mechanic store" in your scenario. 'Gender' is irrelevant for most things. For example, if you are choosing your mechanic based on "gender", sexist is the most generous interpretation of that. (unless affirmative action)

I am not a troll, I don't troll, that is a lie. Calling someone a troll because you disagree with them as a way of saying their comment is not "legitimate" is a rather troll like thing to do.
TruePurpleMK - 1719959386
This classification system seems to be doing real harm to this world.
Unless xhes from Diablos old world. Remember, this world was arrived from Diablo being in a video game and similar to that video game in many ways including Diablos fortress and AI bot servant.
TruePurpleMK - 1719936163

I missed a few chapters, "video games", xhe's X-player as well?
TruePurpleMK - 1719919146
If the peaches were poisoned and they knew the peaches were poisoned, then why eat it?!? Find some other food you know is not poisoned and eat that!
TruePurpleMK - 1719918820
OK, that was a good explanation as to why xhe didn't float with the rest, except... all those people in the game and only those two ate in the game? Do you not need to eat to live in this game? Because they were all in the game longer than them.
TruePurpleMK Redirect - 1719918734
Character is fine, but that outfit is atrocious
TruePurpleMK Redirect - 1719918718
Character is fine, but that outfit is atrocious,
TruePurpleMK Danske - 1719917807
Not weak though?
Not recommended for people where all psychical damage is dangerous, just like combat is also not recommended if every bruise brings you closer to death

Heal sibling first and then kick em several times in the shin.
TruePurpleMK - 1719915772
What happened to MC's clothing? How much of what MC is wearing disappears when MC changes, like if MC is holding a sword, does it magically disappear if MC changes form? It was probably a excuse for the artist to do a full body draw but I think the clothing should have remained.
TruePurpleMK - 1719840731
What's with the peaches? Are peaches some kind of insult? Is it that they give peaches instead of providing real help? Then cutting down peach trees won't help because they could do that with anything.
TruePurpleMK Dat Folk - 1719816691
The only one in this world that can truly judge whether anything is "incurable", is MC.
TruePurpleMK Rochet - 1719788750
So no one calls it "used soba water"? This is a mistranslation?

"used soba water" is a stupid term/name anyway, whether it is what is actually used by anyone or not. So if that's "used soba water", than what is "soba water"? The last two words let you know its water from soba, "used" has no purpose here (except to make people think of urine)

Like what i we called broth "used broth" instead. It would be the same kind of thing. Or "used gravy" since some people use liquids from the cooked meat for gravy thus "used"
TruePurpleMK Gakuku - 1719780612
Darkness is a extra-terrestrial, a "alien" from outer-space.
TruePurpleMK TheImage - 1719780429
Right, how many people just like her are dying because of this. Does darkness really think she's the only nice/not murderous human that ever existed or something? Darkness even wants to kill non-humans and everything else.
TruePurpleMK Potato - 1719779971
They established sibling is super sick/theoretically dying earlier though?

That's why he wants to 'make MK tough to protect the family' for when he dies. Which is stupid as fuck what he does, not least of which potentially killing MK with many of these duels that are suppose to magically make MC strong but could have easily killed MC if MC hadn't already been strong.

Along with certainly the strains of near mortal combat surely puts em at further risk hurrying along death. Sick people should not be fighting all out and taking injury.

Also sister doesn't get this alleged "training" which defeats a large part of the point of having the family be safe after his death.