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I don't know anything about this "Diddy", but clearly this is a shitty intellectually dishonest thing for you to say.
"Also, it wasn't gossip, they referenced an actual accident and even her own family's treatment and sheltering of her"
You need to look up the word 'gossip' a dictionary. Till you know what it means you can't talk about it. Hint, you are using the word 'gossip' wrong here where I used the word 'gossip' correctly. Also go here https://www.dictionary.com/browse/gossip
"Plus, her manner of speech wasn't child like enough for you?"
Because her parents said everyone who talks to xir are bad and xhe believed it? Sounds like a cruel mommy taking advantage off the situation. You would prefer she be completely isolated from everyone else xir entire life and then just shrivel up and die once mommy does? I disagree with your position that would be the most humane treatment
As I said before "mind of a child" is not actually established. Why is the idle gossip of aristocracy suddenly gospel for diagnosing a persons mental state? Maybe she has some kind of mental disability but generally a "adult" mind. People with mental disabilities have a right to date, marry, and generally live their life as well and should not be treated like a 10 year old their whole life complete with overbearing parents etc.
That said, in a sexist aristocratic world, I'd prefer to be treated as a aristocratic child if female. The alternative is being treated as property when you get married against your will etc. Of course that depends on how horrible your guardians are.
So the baron is homosexual? And why is the story telling us this?
"race" is just arbitrary meaningless human demarcations. Genetic diversity helps evolution. Inbreeding can reduce undesirable recessives if evolution is allowed to act,(like not royals) which mostly just helps with future inbreeding. But otherwise does not provide the species much benefit. But even with no problematic recessive genes it still runs contrary to evolutionary progress since less diversity.
Consider apples. Did you know apple trees can not pollinate with other apple trees of too similar of genes? There is genetic mechanisms that prevent this. This is why natural apple-tree offspring will produce apples different from either parent. For consistent apple varieties farmers must use grafting where they cut branches off one tree and make it heal onto another tree.
Because of this apple trees are extremely genetic diverse and thus very strong against being wiped out by disease or pests and can thrive in many different climates.
As far as there being a issue of offspring between beings of very different ages, I have not heard of that and would need proof. I have heard that while human males can remain fertile well past the age that human females can reproduce, there is a issue of the quality of the sperm going down with less genetically stable sperm or something. But I don't think the age of their partner has anything to do with that.
Maybe they I've been holding off the great evil all this time or just arrived on earth or was watching in the background as MC struggled against Darkness as training for the battle ahead. Maybe some cosmic laws or rules prevent direct intervention in things. Maybe they are powerful in some ways but extremely limited in others. There are many trope reason given for the mentors, trainers and professors to usually be in the background as support characters and sometimes not around at all. Considering they just appeared in the story half way into this chapter we don't know what excuse the author will give.
How do you "know" the character is female to feel comfortable throwing sexist slur of "bitch" at them?
Anyway at this point MC has endless power and even world wide prestige among the general population having saved the world and cities at other points.
Even with as mindless as the governments and military have been shown in this, it seems MC is plenty safe without needing to set up feudalism under MC.
MC just seems to be a ass now. Very unpleasant to read.
Where is this going? Dragging out so much and in a bad direction.
One of two results likely
Baldie tries to flee well after it's too late.
Baldie waits till most everyone else is dead and then brags that Baldie is much stronger than that weak trash and pulls out their strong pointless move.
Maybe some ending where MC becomes aware of becoming more evil and leaves earth or some fuzzy god world reincarnation thing or something.
Regardless I don't like it, been sticking with this for so long despite it's plot issues.