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yilo - 1712172718
bro i always laugh my ass off at how lord ye mo tells his own son, a grown ass man in his late 40s who is the city lord off. truly a comedic genius moment.
yilo - 1712041786
sometimes when i see my old comments i think to myself "jesus christ why was i so fking cringe" but not this time. this time my old comment was a based take.
yilo - 1712039729
oh nie li dont lie to the man. you know damn well how much she is gonna suffer and i dont mean this in a sexual way. although that is gonna happen aswell.
yilo - 1712038240
to rovers comment about being a lousy kid, you shouldnt feel that way. the enviorment you grew up in changes you. if we compare someone who grows up in Gaza vs someone who grows up in lets say London. by the age of 20 the person from Gaza probably has 3 kids already and has lived almost 50% of his expected life. meanwhile the person from London probably is figuring out weither he wants to go to Uni after collage. weither to get drunk or get high. and he or she is almost at 1/3rd or 1/4th of their life expentancy.

so going back to my point. these kids although they may seem only 13 year old in our eyes. they are almost adults ready for marriage in their world which is most likely 15 years old. they dont have luxury to attend high society, learn to paint and make music and dance and drink. they prepare each and every single day for what could be the day they have to fight or run for their lives. so they only do 2 things, train and make their family and thereby their fighting strength grow by pumping out uglies. so yeah it isnt fair to yourself to compare with those less privilaged maturing quicker. just count your lucky stars and chickens, and pray for a healthy and safe long life.
yilo - 1712036523
let them come and meet my axe. there is still this old man alive that the demon beasts havent killed yet.
yilo Ren00 - 1712033886
wtf are you talking about? she is a villain, that kills people who are their warslaves, likes to patrol their mines to see the slaves, sees nothing wrong with them torturing a child of one of their family members having fallen in love with someone outside their family, actively plotted to have mc's friends killed. tried to kill mc and others. look i get that desprate times call for desprate measures but you should never lose your humanity if you have the means to survive with it and that she has done exactly. she has shown herself to be a psycopath or atleast a sociopath. what more do you want author to do? do you want him to write her kicking a puppy for you to go >:( bad character!
yilo Ren00 - 1712033011
if you remember in the last few chapters they mentioned that there are 13 families, 3 of which have legend ranks and other 10 having blackgold ranks. while there are also random villages and settlements with a gold rank as their strongest paying tariffs to the 13 families closest to them so their family members dont get kidnapped. i am assuming that the silverwing family either has extremely high tariffs or straight up dont care about the bribes, so they enslave those aswell as people after their wars with others. i'd imagine to be the top dog family, with land fertile enough where trees can grow, aswell as having a blood essense stone mines, that they waged many wars and won many of them. causing 4 families to ally to barely stop the silverwing family.
yilo User-9751244619 - 1712032118
not that much, think of them like islands in the middle of nowhere isolated from the main continents.
yilo typeou - 1712031705
yep continueing on that. the prices of things are extremely different even in our world. for example a bottle of coke 1liter in turkey right now as of april 2nd 2024 is 100 turkish lira= €2,89. meanwhile if i were to buy 1liter of coke here in the netherlands it would only cost me: €2,29. let alone a different world with different values for different items. they cant export/import stuff and they dont have global economics. so basically its a free market anything that is fair could be a scam and anything you deem a scam could very well be legit price.

i think there is a saying about "the value lying in the eye of the beholder", which fits perfectly here.
yilo User-9751244619 - 1712031008
trade? no sir this is a scam. they are being ripped off.
yilo Saitama Sakuta - 1712030500
indeed, there are many sad things in the world. fictional or real.
yilo Ren00 - 1712029623
before i reply to you, i will let you know i downvoted your comment because i disagree with it.

the story here is indeed not grandiose, but its honestly a good story. maybe because you have read much better stuff you feel like it is mid. but if you have read all of the best stuff you start to read stuff that is good, then once you are done with that, you read stuff that is mid, then stuff that is mediocre and then trash stories. this story although not original, the setting however is. there is cultivation, monsters, fighting and comedy. aswell as a view into the psychie of people who have different goals.

if you are reading this story only for the hot girls, then you definitely picked the wrong story my friend. i'd suggest you to go read a pornhwa or visit nhentai.

as for the rest of us who are reading this most of us are enjoying it. nie li who starts off as adorable annoying little shit, grows into pretty reliable strong leader. he not only relies on his power of luck but on his wits and battle experience. he has complex emotions, his relationship with different characters are unique for the most part. idk if i can say that about any of the other stories i would call mid. so yeah that is the reason why i and i presume many others like this story. also there are many more fun characters to come.
yilo User-9751244619 - 1712028562
agreed. she has been since day1.
yilo SadDrake13 - 1712027334
nah not my intention, i was figuring out how serious you are about your perception of reality and fiction. some people like to have debates about their believes, hates, likes, loves, dislikes, what is right, what is just, what is philosphy, etc. when you dont know whom you are talking with its rather hard to judge someone. there is also the issue of sarcasm and or jokes not getting through the internet as some people just see words and not the meaning behind them. so all is fair untill we go full on "politician-baby mode" and call eachother names for no reason at all. which isnt the case thankfully. so consider this just a casual convo with a total stranger who shares same hobby but different mindset.

this is not an excuse but english is my 4th language so sometimes my mind doesnt immidiately catch sarcasm.
yilo - 1712026698
my comedic genius knows no bounds. shout out to ITACHI, idk if you will ever see this again buddy but coming to see the old disqus comments made me lol once again.
yilo - 1712025418
and now it has been 8 years. yet the story is still sluggishly struggling. every chapter is being cut in 2. time passes but this story does not. what sorry sight for sore eyes.
yilo - 1712024756
i am a man of tradition.
yilo SadDrake13 - 1712019516
well that is self contradictory, you ask someone online as to why they ignored 90% of your comment and now you say that you never expected anyone to respond at all. but anyways it isnt that a serious of an issue. as to the main topic on our hand. sakura punching and it hurting. it depends on who or what gets punched, do i as my real self get punched by a 2d drawing? or does sakura with her ninja powers come to our world and punches me? if so i should be able to use all of the jutsu of their world too. or am i going to their world as me and i get punched by her ninja powers? then again i should be able to use jutsu aswell. so even if you wanna give her power to delete the universe with a single punch aka saitama punches, she would still fail to use it.