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1444 points
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yilo Bob (Rex Bones) - 1732683621
he meant that the constellation should commit suicide with 3 bullets in his back. you know the old russian style.
yilo - 1732470524
now i am looking forward to the next opponent. is he gonna fight the frogmen again? is he gonna fight the fking mountain? who is next?
yilo - 1732469989
bro turned into: lmfao
yilo Donny_Dont - 1732388109
ngl i was extremely tempted to hit you with the "give a man fish and he wont starve for a day, teach a man how to fish and he wont starve for the rest of his life" but i guess i have become soft over the years.
yilo Blank - 1732387992
yeah i mean i get it. i have less and less time for games and reading. most of my time is spent at work or with daughter who always wants daddy to play with her. so i am treasuring these moments as i know they will be missed when she turns a teen and starts to become sassy.
me who is a massive one piece fan, and hasnt read a single chapter since ch1000
yilo Blank - 1732375309
ah i am a big dark souls fan and elden ring was a nice continuation off of it. especially the shadow of the erdtree was a love letter. so i had played that for like 2 weeks straight before finishing it and then black myth wukong dropped. there was aloooot of negative press about it and i was like: you know what? i wanna give it a try myself before i judge it. as i like to read manhua's alot and i had read journey to the west it was awesome in my opinion. its kind of all the great things about the chinese mythos put into one thing. i really hope black myth wukong pt2 or dlc comes out rather sooner than later but i am willing to wait if they need alot of time to develop it.
yilo Donny_Dont - 1732374921
almost 300 chapters dont mind some of the unhinged people commenting... also fair warning when he starts to give you science classes like ur in highschool. just straight up skip. i read through them and got only a headache and not worth the reward for reading it. you will know exactly what i speak of when you see it.

yeah release the witch was sooooo good. but from what i have heard they aparently started to use ai for their art, which is very noticable. the story also went down the drain when they introduced the aliens, the massive tunneling prehistoric beasts and the story went from. guy fighting against church with science and bad bitches on his side, while also fighting against predator like monsters in the background > 4 way survival of the fittest and nothing matters anymore > random bullshit go > ???. i dropped it when i couldnt bare to read anymore after that. its still on going but in my eyes it has lost its spot. not to mention the translator groups constantly changing and with them the names of people/powers/objects/places change which just is shit.
yilo Blank - 1732320725
oh yeah i see it now. it took me a few attempts to beat it.
yilo Donny_Dont - 1732320152
yo donny, how much do you like the survival genre? like you know survival games like rust, Ark, valheim and palworld. where you have to capture monsters, farm resources, make buildings, discover medicine/potions etc etc. because there is this manhua who i just picked up and have been reading it like non-stop for a few days straight now. its called "survive on a deserted island with beautiful girls", its actually insanely fun. although some of things they go abit too much into the details with but overal very enjoyable experience. felt alot like reading "release that witch" but this time without all the bullshit and it shitting the bed later on.
yilo aFFi - 1732319752
well its not nilly willy. it comes with a cost, they either lose authority, power or suffer other penalties. otherwise it would be stupid writing decision from the authors side. from what we have read so far the author is not that stupid... although he has made some really questionable judgements.
yilo User-4776457191 - 1732319326
henceforth i shall dub him thee "cake artist", may the gentlemen of the council bless him.
yilo - 1732215610
the only appropriate reaction:
yilo VO|D - 1731980721
oh no there are certain outliers thank god for that. otherwise it would be very boring. but 80% of what i said applies to all 3 versions.
alright the harem god has spoken. i guess greek boys are not surviving this.
yilo VO|D - 1731953752
i'd say manga= bunch of pussies. manhwa= realistic and manhua= unrealistic. unapologetic violence.
yilo - 1731925897
after reading this utter disappointment, i am just left sad. there were moments of brilliance but overal it was just shit. this is the definition of having ultimited freedom but being bound by your creativity or lack there of. the story is shallow. the characters are down right annoying. worldbuilding is horse shit. true and utter disappointment.
3/10 rating.
yilo - 1731925451
a god lying. now thats a new one.
yilo VO|D - 1731920991
the thing about manhua's is that they are very ruthless towards enemies they chop down anyone who tries to trample on them. a very welcome change from manga's where the mc forgives anyone and anything for any crime that they commit even though taking their lives would save hunderds if not thousands of lives. but what is nice about it is, they are actually pretty grounded. would a normal person be able to take the life of another? some are trained for it and have done so but suffer unimaginable trauma because of it. others are psychopaths or sociopaths who dont feel a damn thing or even enjoy the act of it. most manga main characters are sheltered teens who have almost no hard lives so they dont have to get their hands "dirty". meanwhile the manhua's suffer because they need to keep feeding their main character fodder to fuel them. when the story starts to get longer, this becomes so boring and dull that we get tired off of it. on the other hand manhwa's have almost perfected this issue. most popular manhwa's let their mc's kill pieces of shits who actually cross the line. but others who are just evil get either punished or lose their power. so it feels much better to read them.

its really fascinating to think about really.