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forget Florida, they are literally in the fucking desert. no way summer in japan is worse than that, this is kind of getting overboard with the japan is better than the other world at anything(including being hot in summer apparently) it is starting to get annoying. also this recent arc has been quite terribad so my patience for this series lowered quite a bit
also kills people by choking, holds the cord phone of the taxi before doing that. last chapter stared at the phone too at the end. quite a lot of clues actually. i guess the biggest hint was not getting triggered by driving though
simba666 - 13 days ago
went back to the first chapter of this arc and yep it's there, the cord on the taxi's phone is emphasized. it could have been entirely possible he would have never killed anyone in another job and eventually the phones with cords would almost entirely disappear with time. i wonder if there were other hints though
simba666 Gloom - 18 days ago
coma. or maybe recovering from that coma. either way we will not see her for a while, at the very least not in this arc and i think not the next one either
just became slightly closer to the ideal image the The Silverware Princess has of him. soon he will become full sword!(or not)
simba666 Spice - 23 days ago
you forgot who we are dealing with truck what if chapter for every girl the moment the main girl wins and they get laid
simba666 Arang - 23 days ago
it all started with Go-Tōbun no Hanayome, it's literally the recipe all those manga follow, the who will it be? the mc being straightforward and brash rather than someone constantly getting whipped around by the girls. add in often having the sub plots of helping the girls with their dreams/future aspirations and you get the most recent romcom formula together with the "some neighbor/girl i end up living with spoils me for reasons beyond science" formula
simba666 Fatfuck - 23 days ago
but there's no indication she did, and also because he already couldn't resolve a plot point he wrote himself into in kaguya without making one party absolutely moronic which repeated itself here (while he is already ready, again, to go for another manga). man doesn't have any attention span
simba666 MelonJak - 23 days ago
not only this is the weirdest cope after he already screwed the climax of another of his manga but he was also thrown under shade at by the artist( artist saying they focused their all on OnK while akasaka was already ready for his next manga gig)
simba666 - 25 days ago
wait... that makes his older sister's statement a lie! little sisters are actually rare to nonexistent to guys. yes you can make as many but no one actually does
yeah. it's very similar to subaru from re:zero. very gullible and pushed around at the start but learns how to deal with every person and how to probably negotiate with time
simba666 Mf-doom - 1 month ago
what? the time travel? people were calling it from chapter 1 and it's also in the tags
simba666 Truthful_One - 1 month ago
you are seriously overthinking, dude is dead and this is a time travel story so all this becomes irrelevant when she rewinds again(which is likely going to happen either way) and this is 1000% not the original trigger of his suicide since obviously this didn't happen originally in any other timeline(since if she did she would know, and it's obvious she rewinded quite a lot)
simba666 Truthful_One - 1 month ago
you are cooking, but not a good dish, dude is clearly dead and she clearly expected yae to come to the classroom(and potentially be a dangerous presence if mc was around at that time) also dude was borderline suicidal from the very start , it's only fmc appearance that made him start looking positive
be careful what you wish for
the shifted attention part doesn't make sense since they didn't seem to be doing anything to him in the first place so why would he need to shift attention(you might want to read a few more chapters though since we see the start of the bullying then) and alternatively you say the bullies attention shifted to him after which isn't that true either since at the very least the 2nd bully didn't seem to bully him later. i don't think he was planning on using her from the start, especially not to shift the bullying to her. he could have done that with anyone why wait so far? i do think he probably thought about his plan to expose the bullies for a while though and he got two powerful allies that accelerated it a lot
that seems really wrong when 3/4 of said bullies didn't even bully him. still doesn't explain why he didn't divert the bullying to someone else before. also you are saying he used her as a scapegoat? for what exactly? also he only contacts han bora after she goes off attacking/getting attacked by bullies already. only after she overpowers them he starts to plan with her. i don't think the situation between sena and the 2 main characters is as simple as that it's probably something more convoluted
simba666 - 1 month ago
so she started it. well it being getting physical, the actual thing was likely instigated by one of the other two and i am betting it's that aloof unknown girl who did it