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simba666 Arbozaliyan - 1721906630
i don't think they will be able to find their kid there considering we have seen the kid getting ran over by a car
we already got an announcement that the series is ending soon(5 chapters i think), the problem is we dont really know if what we are getting is from the time the announcement was made or if we are behind that
simba666 - 1721819025
i wonder how many chapters are left of this manga, we still didn't even get to see who was related to shino in the police force.
simba666 simba666 - 1721553954
that guy literally posted unmarked spoilers multiple times and i am the a-hole for reporting his comment? there are better ways to deal with missing chapters other than linking people to a random site, like asking for the chapters to be uploaded like some others did. my god he is of the most delusional people i have ever seen. he might have blocked me from commenting on him but that doesn't mean i'll stop reporting him every time he spoils something
simba666 Goten Askil - 1721478738
kubo would go to him, and if not him you think a crime organization with police influence wouldn't take their chance to eliminate this former threat/shame to them? he isn't involving innocents except the homeless guy those two killed since the entire time he was solving his own riddles in time. and he never got away scot free he was living the last 7 years of his life in constant fear and the rest of his life in guilt.

and reika has the most flat/basic sense of morals possible while most human hold more complex feelings/understanding of people who commit certain crimes reika sees everything as black and white. and that's why she is such a terrible character, she starts as a plot device who ends up always making the worst choices to complicate matters and on the 2nd half she is the designated ending to the plot since even without what happened in the 2nd part she still wanted him to go to jail where most courts would give him leniency.

also calling other people names for having different opinions about characters/situations doesn't make you superior to them and detracts from the argument you are trying to make
you didn't put it in a spoiler tag. i also have pictures for that in case i needed to provide them when i reported your comments. but now both your comments are deleted either by you or thanks to the reports i made so i guess you think you can post bs like this with no proof
you leaving a link to another site doesn't mean most people will actually follow to read there, and even if it's obvious there is 0 need for you to confirm it from reading ahead. and even if you feel compelled by some unseen force to do it you could always spoiler it!
you know some people want to read chapter to chapter and not get spoiled about future events from some random comment right?
simba666 - 1720036107
the "I didn't expect the mentally ill dude to kill Ai" doesn't really sit well with me and will possibly sour the ending of this manga unless he is actually acting here
simba666 Mangaguy - 1719486122
not sure about most but the last one is one of the 4 revered saints who i think were supposed to be in a different league and also one of the instructors of the heroes. there's actually a not 0 chance that guy survives somehow considering they seemed to be important and on the level of the dragon knights.

also you are probably not seeing goddess die anytime soon that seems like endgame and this novel is still ongoing
it seems like you missed the entire point of what i said. HISTORICALLY this battle is supposed to have heavy losses for both and not just be a one sided stomp. how the author writes Qin feels like rather than have two fighting forces we have an rts player fighting vs an ai that doesn't know how to react. i don't mind mc's side losing but show a proper struggle between the two and not have someone who is supposed to be qin's greatest general atm look like a complete clown that has no battle plan and is incapable of making decisions. when both sides in the conflict look strong it makes the both sides look better( and obviously is harder towrite since you need to figure out how one is supposed to beat the other without it seeming like bullshit) but when it seems like our genius strategist entire battle plan is:" i hope shin and my son who i refuse to acknowledge do something" it just seems like bad writing
simba666 - 1718064909
this was supposed to be a heavy losses on both sides battle btw according to history, author nerfed qin so much they just look pathetic and while riboku was historically incredible and the only thing keeping zhao from falling author made qin so weak it just feels like he has bad plot armor
nah part of their strategy was to distract the hi shin and it worked, that happens and ousen and akou also thought it's the good move to chase. on the other hand ousen seemingly had no strategy except "surely we will win this right guys?". the ones looking like frauds after this fight are ousen and most of his main commanders
simba666 Trisha - 1714263027
that's not everything though, since not only SBS but all of his retainers are god tier while only akou and shiryou showed any form of competence this war from ousen army
simba666 - 1714217303
"the victor is me" ousen says before losing two of his best generals, probably 3 considering Shi Ryou is also probably done for too. the last few and next few chapters are my main point of criticism for the manga recently where tactics are almost non existent in the face of riboku just randomly having more and more powerful ace generals just steamrolling everyone else
simba666 Dlink - 1714063814
it says written by an elven author in the chapter. also says it is written over the span of 50 years in the same panel which also makes it unlikely to be tallman
simba666 - 1713520580
looking at this chapter and next couple two not yet translated it seems like the author is writing himself into a corner and doesn't know what to do. he is boosting riboku so much that this fight might not go exactly like it did in history and i have a hard time seeing how he will eventually solve this issue without it seeming like absolute BS
considering this entire chapter was about shise and how it seems like shise is quietly supporting saito while liking him all along and even had her mother hide that i'd say that it's a lot more likely he was refering to shise and not the gyaru
simba666 Mister Fister - 1712276342
the plot will , in the end , follow history. most of the manga is filling the blanks and twisting a bit but still bound to the historical records. while i am sure the author would love to go as far as having riboku escape and gather generals and have him as a final boss of this entire manga he can't really do that. so when will riboku die? you can wait to find out eventually but the author sure did write himself into a corner with how op he made him
simba666 - 1710779757
is this why jodio is obsessed with mechanisms? because of absurd things that don't seem to adhere to (his) logic so he tries to put anything into mechanisms that make sense to him?