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  • T
    Holy f*ck, Ceres is actually much more evil than the childhood mothers... to the point they can't even refute his method. The hero aside, the girls are definitely getting nightmares after watching their fathers with their step-moms.
    • s
      si1fooThatch Netherfold
      999+ points9 months ago
      even worse there not slaves to the fathers there slaves to ceres. so he put them all in those environments and the fathers cant even sell them off to someone else because they are already owned
      • S
        999+ points9 months ago
        That's right, HE BOUGHT THE SLAVES. Meaning the only reason they are staying with them is because Ceres is ordering them. That's freaking evil. That's like living with your evil ex because you both know that both of your names are on the contract
        • T
          Towansi1fooeven worse there not slaves to the fathers there slaves to ceres. so he put them all in those enviro...
          999+ points8 months ago
          To be fair, the ex-husbands will be fine if they overcome their bad habits. That was seemingly the point, which is at least something. I was annoyed that they suddenly declared them all bad a few chapters earlier. At least they have a good chance at a happily ever after.
          • s
            999+ points8 months ago
            the Wives declared they were all bad. but lets be honest and look at them. on runs a bar and expects his wife to help out. As opposed to her doing what? she quit her job of being a adventurer and was stuck in the area with the kid. so she couldn't fuck of some where so she needed to work to help pay the bills or did she think she could just stay at home. The second one was a hard working farm man who tried to do right by her but his now dead dad ruined there relationship. the third one the nerd slowly his love for her dwindled over time and they were basically divorced. literally the only bad guy was the one who sold his wife. the rest were just guys who tried to love them and it fell through with time as they grew apart.

            the Fathers weren't bad people in the slightest maybe they weren't good husbands but that's a two way street and the second the kids left the house the could have just left. but then again this is a japanese series so they probably still have some backwards stigmatisms about women staying at home as a house wife only
        • Z
          ZECTCustomUnitThatch NetherfoldHoly f*ck, Ceres is actually much more evil than the childhood mothers... to the point they can't ev...
          999+ points9 months ago
          He was a 42 year old family man in a previous life…he knows what’s up
          • U
            User-0000000069Thatch NetherfoldHoly f*ck, Ceres is actually much more evil than the childhood mothers... to the point they can't ev...
            999+ points9 months ago
            Actually that's still pretty naive of MC.

            I know a peep that fixed a girl, and now life happily.
            Which means, if those husbands did things correctly, this would be a reward for them. Village chief only profit from this, and from what I see, is easy mode for Zector (just don't cheat) and Kazuma (just hire a clerk, keep waifu as waifu, but again he's the least guilty of them all).

            Even if MC instruct the girls to make their life a suffering, I doubt they would do it, since now its their married life.

            Finally, the girls MC bought for them are "slaves", which meant, aren't they supposed to be obedient to the owner (not Ceres, but the husbands).
            Ceres did not bought and release them, but bought them as slaves and transfer their ownership.
            • Professor ZeniUser-0000000069
              80 points9 months ago
              I feel like you’re third point is really the only valid one.
              1. They wouldn’t be fixed unless the author started to run out of ideas and started reaching for content (Source: Just trust me bro)
              2. The slaves wouldn’t really defect to the other guys because that’s their real personality and traits. Also each one has the means to dominate over the owner (Except for the maid which I agree was kind of nonsensical)
              • U
                User-0000000069Professor Zeni
                999+ points9 months ago
                At point no 2.

                The only yabai here is the DV waifu and the torturer waifu.
                The demihuman cat girl (Again, just don't cheat) and the maid, I don't see anything of issue with them.
                • T
                  Thatch NetherfoldUser-0000000069
                  999+ points9 months ago
                  That is as long as the "husbands" don't have any issues to begin with, that's the point. That, was MC's mercy on the fathers for taking care of him, but none left for the children.
          • 83
            User-6734959883Thatch NetherfoldHoly f*ck, Ceres is actually much more evil than the childhood mothers... to the point they can't ev...
            999+ points7 months ago
            The MC should have tried those Girls out before giving them to the Fathers. All of them are really attractive.
            • T
              Thatch NetherfoldUser-6734959883
              999+ points7 months ago
              True. But remember, the MC is only attracted to emotionally mature women. Those girls are too young for him.
          • living in there own filth because nobody has any idea of cleaning well jea thats the current generation alright XD
          • Z
            • dang the whole fact that he made sure the slaves looks similar to the daughters caught me off guard
              • T
                I can't even imagine being the daughter and looking at their lookalike stepmom being f*cked by their dads. You'll sleep with nightmares starting from there on out unless you're accompanied to sleep or sleeping with someone else.
              • Evil laughing dance

                  • 83
                    So all of those girls that he bought, except the Elvin Girl. Have some issues that will dominate over their now respective husbands. But I am worried about the Chief. He might be too old to be able to keep up with that Elvin Girl. They might come back to find the Chief had died with a huge smile on his face and a convenient carrying handle still sticking straight up.
                    • This is pretty much the best form of punishment in this world where men rules, to have the role reversed and become playthings for girls instead. Well, unless you're a masochist, then it's simply win-win. LOL

             seems the heroes don't even know how to do their own laundry. XD
                    • Just finished reading this, lol, they can't function without the only sensible person there
                      • Lmaoooooo, bro even granted them a happy ending. A true chad.
                        • one last time but

                          THESE HOES AIN'T LOYAL
                          • It's fucked up... No matter how I looked at it... Don't bring "yeah, woman in their twenties basically grandma in this world" as a reason to me... No matter how horndog I am, ain't no way I'm banging someone the age of my daughter's, heck even being uncannily similar.
                            It's just fucked up
                            • Z
                              Obtaining the wives and revenge against the Hero Party is just the first arc of the story…now we get to the fun stuff…
                              • They're fucked
                              • The ultimate revenge!
                                • Very interesting way of screwing them over.
                                  • What a complicated plan.
                                    • yo this man played the game with the fun sense of cruelty, with just a hint of compassion
                                      • 999+ points9 months ago
                                        Someone snipe this series with MTL translation? Hope it'll replaced when the original group done scanlating theirs,
                                        • I feel bad for the girls forced to deal with these guys though.
                                          • L
                                            So ceres carefully chose girls that conflicted with their personalities and looked like their daughters to cause distress, interesting. Also we get to see the hero’s party get their just desserts for abandoning ceres, this is why you don’t abandon your party member even if they can’t fight well, they may have other talents that make things easier
                                            • Tenchi8Lorenzo Ditrolio
                                              183 points9 months ago
                                              Makes matters worse, Ceres was holding back to make them look good in fights.
                                              • J
                                                JanLorenzo DitrolioSo ceres carefully chose girls that conflicted with their personalities and looked like their daught...
                                                387 points9 months ago
                                                Seems like if they swapped them around this wouldn't be an issue.
                                            • Finally a fivesome, can't wait and hope they will remove censorship for special matter bawhahhahah

                                              • B
                                                I dont understand the context for kazuma part. He looks for little sister material and he got that, what would make him pissed? Overall translation is ok but on that part i dont understand
                                                • U
                                                  999+ points9 months ago
                                                  No, he really get a free gift for all the bad things he did (But Kazuma's the least guilty out of all the husbands).
                                                  All he need is hire a clerk, let waifu be waifu.
                                                  • W
                                                    WandererBountyHunterI dont understand the context for kazuma part. He looks for little sister material and he got that, ...
                                                    999+ points9 months ago
                                                    He's looking for someone like his ex wife but what he got was a maid that sucks at everything but cooking.
                                                    • Z
                                                      999+ points7 months ago
                                                      The point is she’s probably a better cook than the husband meaning…hubby will be doing chores and waiting
                                                    • MeringueBountyHunterI dont understand the context for kazuma part. He looks for little sister material and he got that, ...
                                                      999+ points9 months ago
                                                      It feels as if they're missing a page here, because they show other girls telling their true desires and motives whilst in jail, but not for the maid.
                                                    • D
                                                      Damn, Ceres is evil
                                                      • Z
                                                        999+ points9 months ago
                                                        Yet knows how to pleasure the ladies…a true MILF Hunter
                                                        • T
                                                          Thatch NetherfoldZECTCustomUnit
                                                          999+ points9 months ago
                                                          As long as they are worth it, which is proven by their compassion, tolerance, and not to mention being mature and good with housework. Ceres is already good at it, but he had nobody to share the burden as equals - MILFs are naturally the best fit for him.
                                                      • Absolute Zero is this enough for you? like i haven't read it since the pictures are loading slowly but the 3 comments before me gave me a general idea lol
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                                                        Latest Comments
                                                        mogged I feel like Lukas has gifted powers through inheritance

                                                        Chapter 45 - Centuria · 1 minute ago

                                                        Towan Maybe the art is not getting better, but instead this was just a very emotional scene that the artist could really emphasize the rage of the Star Maiden? Though maybe it got better, but I think the scene might have lend itself more for it. ^^

                                                        Chapter 26 - The One Within the Villainess · 4 minutes ago

                                                        Towan Yeah. He fucked up majorly. He knew what was going on and could have reached out a hand, which would have been the more likely option for him to reach that ending that he so desperately wanted. But he feared the engagement with the prince would stay. He just assumed she would be kicked out and he would then come to save her. It was foolish that he in his desperation to get together with her, allowed her to suffer. Personally, it is a bit tragic that he fumbled this hard, but I like that. He is deeply flawed and was just too preoccupied with thinking how to get with her to consider her own feelings. Maybe too possessive is the right word?

                                                        Chapter 26 - The One Within the Villainess · 5 minutes ago

                                                        Darkun2 kept making typos I am just asking, in my mind "never fail to disappoint" mean that it keeps on going disappointing us, ehich mean ASS. Bit seeing that noe one corrected you, am i crazy?

                                                        Chapter 42 - Wild West Murim · 7 minutes ago

                                                        mogged Yooo did he just walk up slowly and sword slash??

                                                        Chapter 44 - Centuria · 8 minutes ago

                                                        U see suho's hair is splitted to two in most of time

                                                        Sun jinwoo
                                                        But jinwoo's hair is different not splitted most of the time.

                                                        Idk much about hairstyles. Just noticed that. Lol

                                                        Chapter 45 - Solo Leveling: Ragnarok · 9 minutes ago

                                                        iherePlia_ Floating point means the decimal point can float around "any place" in the digit. "Any" is limited by digit of precision.
                                                        For example, number 1,234,567 can be represented as 1.234567 x 10^6, because the point is floated to the left 6 position.
                                                        1.234567 is the mantissa or the significant; and 10^6 is the exponent

                                                        In computer programming, most data types have their size predetermined. Float will split itself into 3 parts, the mantissa, the exponent and optional, the sign.
                                                        If the mantissa can only hold 4 digits, it will be 1.234 x 10^ which is less accurate but will do the job in most cases.
                                                        The advantage of using even though it can be less accurate is certain cases, is float can hold a really wide range of numbers. And for a really large number, it also uses less memory than using whole number data type such as integer.

                                                        Chapter 712 - Hatarakanai Futari (The Jobless Siblings) · 14 minutes ago

                                                        tyrant why the fvk are they using sanskrit words and stuff

                                                        Chapter 270 - Berserk · 15 minutes ago

                                                        Yane Satsuki what you expect of those tourist that don't know shit about what define a yandere and keep yaping yandere this yandere that since chapter 1 ?

                                                        Chapter 23 - The Woman Who Messes With My Emotions · 17 minutes ago

                                                        Mystic Man the author better get rid of this bitch cuz nothing can redeem her,she better not become a important character man ffs

                                                        Chapter 105 - Revenge of the Sword Clan's Hound · 19 minutes ago

                                                        Dice_24K This man is so outclassed...
                                                        so outclassed that his literal imagination can't fathom it.

                                                        Chapter 678 - Magic Emperor · 19 minutes ago

                                                        BBD amy maybe strong but she should not be stronger than shrione in magic. in physical capabilities? maybe but magic should be a no.

                                                        Chapter 110 - Infinite Mage · 21 minutes ago

                                                        User-4239154861 give my man Ijin a little highschool fun

                                                        Chapter 230 - Mercenary Enrollment · 31 minutes ago

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