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Not to mention they ally with alot od big clans... Well more of rivalry... Although if it big raid and they need more fire power... Yeah than be nice....
RenkiILikeArpeggiOfBlueSteel2;PKs, Attack Holder, 2 marked by 2 Colossi, 2 good players, 1 Pro gamer, 2+ Rabbits. Seems like a g...
i think kyogoku also have unique quest if not then how can she change her race + her lv is uncap that only work in new continent, so maybe she hold some kind of unique quest but not EX one in new continent
I mean the valpola quest by default is already unique because he finished before even reach level minimum so yeah this is gonna be crazy new adventure... And thank god this crazy puzzle quest is over... It such headache....
User-4610860105ILikeArpeggiOfBlueSteel2;PKs, Attack Holder, 2 marked by 2 Colossi, 2 good players, 1 Pro gamer, 2+ Rabbits. Seems like a g...
He doesn't but Equipment require, remember the dagger he can't equip because lack of vitality stats. So it's not like he need it but as equipment requirement put he need to increase HP stats
Hmm good guess but most of game with PVP the healer and support class usually is rare... Although warcraft is got some crazy menacing healer in there community but most of the time healer or support is just not popular... It still good amount of population but still usually people go for paladin or berserker where they have self heal of just dmg reduce with mini heal just enough for them self... Although heal is fun to some time ... But it is stressful....
There are the snakes that attack the rabbit kingdom. Also we have cat people merpeople and beastman. But if you want to know there is a future "boss" that if i remember correctly is like a Naga.
Just going out on a limb with my rudimentary knowledge of Japanese grammar: Some things that are gendered in the English language aren't gendered in Japanese and vice versa. In the original they're all probably using an androgynous pronoun for Rei. The English translators don't seem content with the singular "they", so they use "he" or "she" as they see fit.
While that might be the case, its known that in the manga, everyone assumed that Rei a male being a huge figure in full armor and all, and this is official chapter we are talking about, the sub in anime is most probably because they alr know that Rei is a female and thus refering her as a "he" from people assumption still does not sit right with them thus they refer her as "she" . But yes from how they speak its also mostly the neutral gender term which mean it should "they" instead as a neutral gender refering instead of "she" as if everyone alr know that Psyger 0 is actually a girl
UsuiTenchiDiavoloNeroJust going out on a limb with my rudimentary knowledge of Japanese grammar: Some things that are gen...
The "fan" translated web novel you might be confused since they refer to some characters by not their gender or both. This explains why i was confused reading it. Also her build is a dude but unless you heard her speak then you wont know she is a she.
Dialogues and humor aside, design of pencilgon, psyger100 and kyogoku look just straight from FATE series. The personalities of each and every characters here can be found in almost all online games. SLF is well written
If you fail to unlock a secret of the world before a random no named Birdman, that failure is on you for being incompetent or unlucky enough to accomplish it
User-8353746225i mean yeah them promising not killing anyone add a bit of nuance to the story but i'm just worried because i can't find another way to solve this other than them killing the enemy. The possibilities lies between them forgiving each other and just become the bestest of friends or another bigger enemy comes out and kills X and his goons, which just repeats the story all over again. I see no resolution where Sakamoto Group not killing them becomes interesting, but maybe it's because i lack creativity.
User-7189551822Oh wait, what is going to happen on the floor where the next person has to face the person that finished before? That's gonna be interesting
DdogI don’t think it was any of the normal insects in the Tang house that bit her. They wouldn't introduce how much the king bees love her to have them randomly bite her. More than likely it’s another insect that is following her around and biting her for the same reason that the king bees love her, she is covered in sugar all the time. This series is about venomous insects and animals and not so much a Medical series about allergies, so they probably want to introduce a new creature feature for the MC to spurge out on.
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