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UsuiTenchi DiavoloNero - 25 days ago
The "fan" translated web novel you might be confused since they refer to some characters by not their gender or both. This explains why i was confused reading it. Also her build is a dude but unless you heard her speak then you wont know she is a she.
UsuiTenchi Naga - 25 days ago
There are the snakes that attack the rabbit kingdom. Also we have cat people merpeople and beastman. But if you want to know there is a future "boss" that if i remember correctly is like a Naga.
UsuiTenchi - 5 months ago
Worse case scenario is they are fused BUT.... if they kill off or seal his persona then Taiyo will get back his body. Also i think everyone has forgot the twins input in all this
UsuiTenchi - 7 months ago
It was obvious he was jealous but it was because he realized he loved her and made it that everyone was inflauntedd with her. But she took it as him being overworked and resenting her. This is why communication is important in a relationship. What you feel what you wish for the future when you feel insecure or depressed or what you dont like. Its hard because you might lose something you care about but you need to also know it can become stronger because you become open and vunerable. Sometimes you can still be friends or be a memory to treasure that builds future relationships.
UsuiTenchi - 7 months ago
I think Ituma is going to make a journal just like Eggy sensei does for all his students😊
UsuiTenchi - 8 months ago
Still mad the anime cut out this character. But yeah bad memories stick with use because we got hurt and out bodies remember "danger" and "pain" so we dont experience that again. Its hard to remember good since its not always a constant or we take it for granted. But i hope they can take a chance being open even if their relationship changes. It might break down and be a memory or become something stronger than before
UsuiTenchi - 8 months ago
I think his original was based on virtue and goodness that he couldnt use it because he had been consumed by hatred and became impure unlike Llyod who wasnt
UsuiTenchi - 8 months ago
I love this chapter. Shows that if its only once in his life he goes all brawl fist fight this would be a moment he would do it for.
UsuiTenchi - 9 months ago
Crystal statue looks like Setsuna. So dors that mean she was ex ruler here
UsuiTenchi - 10 months ago
anyone noticed it has chains on four arms and they beat four towers
UsuiTenchi - 1 year ago
Just a theory, but what if the tails paint is toxic and causes hallucinations of the work. Many old paints were made with some toxic materials and oil paint has high fumes.
UsuiTenchi - 1 year ago
What if he considers Mother a friend and it saves all of them?
UsuiTenchi - 1 year ago
Love is the origin of magic and miracles. But i think Athena only survived because the other body was still intact and they were the same body.
UsuiTenchi - 1 year ago
Goju is stuck with how far apart he is from her with her new popularity and feels he cant be with her now since he doesnt want to tie her down. But i think Marin wont accept any offers from even the author since doing cosplays with Goju means more than any contracts she might get.
UsuiTenchi - 1 year ago
I dont know why everyone is surprised with Sanji hitting the laser when Rayleigh did the same with Kizaru. Maybe because of the reaction speed? Also Zoro might have trouble with Lucci because hes fast and doesnt want him to go to Luffy. Also there is a theiry that BB came to get a copy of authority to use the Kuma copies and Seraphim for his use. Also he has Pudding for either to awaken her third eye for the poneglpyhs or for getting info from Garp or Vegapunk.
UsuiTenchi - 1 year ago
So its a spirit who lost its power ir doesnt have enough to use its skills. Makes me wonder if theres a way to "regain" its force to be an elemental spirit sword?
UsuiTenchi resonance - 1 year ago
Hes not entirely pushover. You forget how he he cheated Theo and stood against mom and minotaur fight? Also Korean guy will intervene somewhat in that
UsuiTenchi - 1 year ago
Her age in human form they say she looks like the idol that he likes from pic in his phone
UsuiTenchi Aj_reader - 1 year ago
Rimuru, elf and merchant together messing with new products and fun into the world!😆