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So, Imu has the authority to grant near immortality to the 5 people he/she chooses as the elder planets. When one dissatisfies Imu, their immortality, power and authority, along with their life is taken from them. Now the question is, will Garling be a Gyuki or will he change to a different Yokai? Will he now be carrying the moniquer Saturn, or will his name stay the same? At least we know that the elders have that ridiculous power due to Imu and not some OP devil fruits.
For everything you've done to Kuma, Ginny, Bonney and vegapunk not mention countless other suffer because of you all of that just to get betray by Imu, Ha! serve you right Saturn!!
Also, now that I think about it, Imu must have a power related to the sun, the stars or solar systems, hell there's the potential for it to be about galaxies.
The way saturn died makes me think that the elders themselves are not immortal but rather they are surviving with the help of imu's power or they are satellite's of imu but unlike vegapunk's they are real people who received powers from imu,like the chainsaw man's devil contract.
Looks like the Elders are people who should have been long dead, but being held to the world of living and empowered via by a thread of power of Imu. An unorthodox kind of zombie perhaps.
this has some meme potential right here. a good edit could turn this into one of those "when you've already nutted but she keeps sucking" memes. a perfect send off for this bozo.
The best part is that he's so stupid that he doesn't know he all but confirmed that there is Truth in Vegapunk's broadcast. Blasting the guy for questioning the established history is one thing; he almost killed the guy. Why go that far unless........... That's the lesser point though; I sincerely hope that they wrecked her spare parts before throwing them out, just to make sure they couldn't be of use except for scrap. It's' not like I want her to die, I just want her to slowly fall apart over the course of several years.
I'm just joshin'. Kill her A.S.A.P.; like next chapter.😁
As bad as I feel for all the folks who are gonna die because of it, I'm loving the snippets of the Dragons 'suffering' due to Kuma's actions. Doberman my guy, maybe don't openly question your leaders who support people who kill for the slightest inconvenience, it's not a smart way to survive.
ok, what we saw with the killing of the elder might confirm what Imu might have as a devil fruit/power: the water-water fruit. Or she just has extreme haki control. Or even another DF: the blood-blood fruit, unless someone else has it.
Woo! Finally Saturn gets what he deserves. Anyways I guess the Five Elders' powers came from Imu like a gift or whatever and it gave them a form of immortality until Imu decides to rescind their gift. I'm thinking Imu has some kinda Devil or Demon King mythical zoan DF which lets him forge pacts with people to grant them powers in exchange for something. I mean we already have mythical zoans based on gods (Nika and Yamato's DF is called a Wolf God) and also Buddha so I don't think one based on a devil or demon king isn't impossible. Anyways so now Garling is a new Elder replacing Saturn. Will he also be a Gyuki or will he turn into something different?
So what happened with the Iron Giant Emeth? Last we saw was him confronting Saturn. I would assume he got destroyed but you never know.
Uh if the Vegapunks got spare parts then couldn't they just assemble full bodies for themselves instead of turning into a Frankenstein's Monster of mish mashed parts?
The government may have won a lot but they still took quite the L, I am happy that Saturn died yet Bonney not knowing is sad. It's good to see the Vegapunks being okay with their current existence, waiting for the day humanity can connect with them.
Well in Yiddish language (West Germany) vulf means wolf. Always thought Ivankov from Russian, but maybe this Oda Sensei give a clue Ivankov is German or Israeli
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ShadowCloak13It's more of a clinical prescription not a condition, that's why it can be adjusted but prevention that depends on what type of metabolism a person has in play as well. Plus lifestyle you do know not all people exercise plus the diet they do is also in play. I am not going with Hereditary (Cause that's what I have ) while having hypoglycemia plus you do know a person who has it should know about what and how and also why it does. Plus the doctors are either just goes on and on about explaining things if X eats enough on time vs Y who doesn't eat on time can be harmful. Plus if you needed the sources I been through it's mostly Manila Doctors, Philippine General Hospital, and Makati Medical which where I been admitted and tested.
Plus I never said it can be medicated and it was anaphylaxis is the one I said can be combated or did you skim read it.
SpinelesSyeah that 8 is confusing. Google translate turns it in to August, (or march if I cut off a bit on the left and it looks like a 3) With the 8 it becomes: The August Issue will be released on Thursday , June 27th!! If I take a pic without the 8 it becomes: The monthly issue will be released on Thursday, June 27th!! Considering this is chapter 7 though, I'm guessing it actually says: Chapter 8 will be released on Thursday, June 27th!!
Which would be last year (this years June 27th is a Friday). So the next chapter released last year in June.
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