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This MC is Trash... ever forgiving.. I like the MC of ORESUKI... it's like: The Childhood friend: I like your best friend... MC: Bi*ch Bi*ch bit*h bit*h lol
i get the feeling that childhood yandere there and the gyaru are somehow both involved in the death of his family. we already know her parents involvement but the question is if she herself has an even deeper connection than just that. as for the yandere she def knows something and maybe even was partially a cause for the accident. she might even be the stalker or involved with the stalker.
i cant understaand these of kind of yandares that plays their own blood like rejecting them to make fun of them then when the guy started seeing someone they goes nuts so hard
Smash or pass? Buddy, muscleman over there will smash you up and pass you to her similar minded friends. You dont get a choice in that, and it's scarier than whatever the fuck going on with childhood friend over there
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100th Yi Feng CloneThe star power system is more of a meh to me but Peace really tied against him with a difference of 14,390 levels, shows how op that +99 stick is
Neko Majin CI thought that they would make him be the beast. You know, that cliche thing where the male lead has to take over a role meant for someone else. And the female lead just happens to be in the role opposite him. Thereby increasing the male lead's interactions and standing with the female lead.
MissBadEnd"No, you don't get it! She's not trapped in there with them - they're trapped in there with her!" https://i.postimg.cc/tCnDPk79/i.png Move over Lockpicking Lawyer, there's a new lock buster in town! https://i.postimg.cc/sfHsWWvY/i.png https://i.postimg.cc/fRwGgTtz/i.png
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