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  • Completely unrelated but this happened to me today.

    >want milkshake after work
    >go to milkshake place in center
    >guy in jacket with hood up eating a cup of ice cream at the desk
    >think "Oh this guy a junkie okay then" >order milkshake at desk
    >all of a sudden wild junkie approaches me and mutters words to me
    >"hudadadada Santa huaggaga"
    >stare at him as I hear him mutter about santa while not understanding a single other word other than santa
    >know junkies and how they work, treat them like you would a gorilla. Slowly back away while avoiding eye contact.
    >while waiting for my milkshake he then leans over table and falls asleep
    >guy behind desk looking at him like "wtf?"
    >random people walking by looking at him like "wtf?"
    >me looking at him like "wtf?"
    >nearly piss myself holding in laughter
    >all of a sudden guy walking by wheeling his baby in a pram goes "ya can't sleep there buddy"
    >he wakes up, ice cream all over his face
    >nearly let out barely held in laughter
    >take the milkshake from guy behind counter and pay because milkshake now ready
    >walk away

    >laughter comes out

    >people look at me weird for laughing over seemingly nothing

    >keep laughing as I go out of center and back to my car
    Wild Junkie encounters are always funny or lethal
    • SkyDragonsXxX_PATHETIC_LOSER_Xx
      507 points3 months ago
      I also had a wild Junkie encounter just a few days ago. They're really other funny or lethal, luckily mine was also on the funny side
      • 27
        User-7183751227xX_PATHETIC_LOSER_XxCompletely unrelated but this happened to me today. >want milkshake after work >go to milkshake pl...
        167 points3 months ago
        I stopped reading this shit from line 2 but I can't believe that it took 26 likes?!!!!!!
      • EdwardxX_PATHETIC_LOSER_XxCompletely unrelated but this happened to me today. >want milkshake after work >go to milkshake pl...
        999+ points3 months ago
        Why did I try to read what he said like it was a sensible sentence...
      • sheeeessssh thats cool af

        • Did he just shred the iron skin of that masterpiece sword for sword rizz?
          • Galomirfilial piety
            999+ points3 months ago
            no, he cut himself to put aura crystal on it
            since they form from is blood
            • 999+ points3 months ago
              i thought so too but look again, the iron is peeling off
              • Galomirfilial piety
                999+ points3 months ago
                o fuck yes
                he is INDEED destroying it
                • N
                  999+ points3 months ago
                  hanbin aura crystall are more tougher than the sword steel ig, plus side he could just regenerate the sharp edges anytime he wants, its super sharp also conoared to stell
            • TheImagefilial pietyDid he just shred the iron skin of that masterpiece sword for sword rizz?
              999+ points3 months ago
              It's probably a restrictive shield put on the aura blade to stop it exploding.
              Like a sheath. I think it still has pieces of the world tree in it too, so it should be able to regenerate
              • Lucky13filial pietyDid he just shred the iron skin of that masterpiece sword for sword rizz?
                999+ points3 months ago
                Well, isn't the sword make out of a piece of the world tree? So maybe it'll regenerate it's chipped off pieces
                • Maxwell4990filial pietyDid he just shred the iron skin of that masterpiece sword for sword rizz?
                  999+ points3 months ago
                  Bro's doing what Barolt did during his fight with him when they first met
                  • Veemo Nationfilial pietyDid he just shred the iron skin of that masterpiece sword for sword rizz?
                    999+ points3 months ago
                    The rizz was immaculate tbf
                  • Looks like his dual wielding would be kept after all. Very cool, author
                    • i was bout to say that sword looks awkward to wield and is dumb BUT THEN IT SPLIT IN TWO IM FUCKING SOLD

                    • Love how he just rips appart a new forged mastercraftsman sword and shreds a layer if iron from it xD
                      • 93
                        Now that the sword is split into two he can used the wolf people sword technique
                        • Casually peels sword like a banana
                          • A
                            That lore is nice and all but what about sending other worlders back? How does that fit in?
                            • JohoArbozaliyan
                              999+ points3 months ago
                              It's just a lie or it could be a plan to be able to invade earth if someone does accomplish the task of killing a goddess
                          • How strong is he that he could perfectly separate a newly forged sword, especially seeing that it's dense as hell.
                            • 999+ points3 months ago
                              Maybe it was made like that? I don't see how you would weild it as it was before
                            • wait a minute, did he broke the sword in half or is that a function?
                              • That's damn sword
                                • Every time there's a self-destruct that was put there by someone else, that someone else
                                  can trigger it at will. Every time.

                                  Great sword. I like it.馃榿馃憣馃憤
                                  • C
                                    damn son. that is some serious flexing AND disrespect. Hanbin handicapped himself and his opponent cant even lift the weapon he was given.
                                    • FUCK YEAH, TWIN BLADES!
                                      • Y
                                        * Ryu Hanbin toss his sword towards that whitey
                                        hey thats like goku when he gave senzu bean to his enemies
                                      • this is RAD
                                        • He broke his new toy
                                          • 18
                                            Hell yeah my goat is now a dual wielder
                                            • He's like he man
                                              • 999+ points3 months ago
                                                My train went boom

                                                • 999+ points3 months ago
                                                  Yoooo he did the barolt sword shave thingy
                                                  • Holy Sh*t. The sword is so dope. Also that line from Ryu Han Bin goes hard
                                                    • u
                                                      So fucking cool
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                                                      mfblackhentaiguy relatively- to that draconic human perhaps cos that dude is also pretty lucky himself.. though he coulda just used "luckier than..." to avoid confusion

                                                      Chapter 97 - Surviving the Game as a Barbarian 路 2 minutes ago

                                                      mfblackhentaiguy because draconic humans can revive ppl and get xp from killing them

                                                      Chapter 97 - Surviving the Game as a Barbarian 路 9 minutes ago

                                                      MeferSwift Why would you want to cut them ?
                                                      let's say you did not include them on the new system, what you gonna do about them ? kill all of them to prevent dual system ?
                                                      and how long would it take to create the system from scratch ?

                                                      yes they have big influence on the population, but so did aega.
                                                      Most of the time, the lord had close relationship with the ruler.

                                                      Chapter 56 - I Was Dismissed from the Hero鈥檚 Party Because They Don鈥檛 Need My Training Skills, so I Strengthened My [Fief] Which I Got as a Replacement for My Retirement Money. 路 11 minutes ago

                                                      TruePurpleMK Wasn't that Dreams who fought Croc? Just in another shape and color. Not saying for sure but pretty sure? I think if you went back you could tell because they were instructed to go there.

                                                      Chapter 345 - Evolution Begins With a Big Tree 路 14 minutes ago

                                                      User-9237157348 The bond is a debt instrument and in this case the 1.3 trillion in principal will be due in 3 years and in full. During those three years the bond issuer (the brother) would be required to make regular interest payments. So that already is generating money. If the interest rates are good it鈥檚 best to not pay a cent of principal until the due date because presumably your assets already invested will be generating returns in excess of interest paid.

                                                      The MC wants to lull them into complacency and have little liquidity so that when the credit card industry crashes and the payment is due, as someone else said they will be in a crunch and unable to pay in cash.
                                                      It鈥檒l even more catastrophic if the younger brother gets a loan as they鈥檒l be beholden to the bank on top of the creditors and the MC all at once.

                                                      Even though technically they could pay down the principal over time, they鈥檙e greedy. They鈥檒l clutch onto their currently valuable assets even as the ship sinks.

                                                      Chapter 141 - The Chaebeol's Youngest Son 路 15 minutes ago

                                                      BoogeyMan_300 I want her to win but I know for sure she is gonna loose and niko is gonna win (no hate for niko tho but I like Kazuki more)

                                                      Chapter 151 - Mikadono Sanshimai wa Angai, Choroi 路 15 minutes ago

                                                      Twistycube IT WAS ME BARRY!!!!
                                                      I WAS THE ONE WHO MADE YO--

                                                      Chapter 207 - The World is Money and Power 路 21 minutes ago

                                                      SirTerrorizer Was interesting at first but it just became predictable at one point

                                                      Lightning Degree 路 26 minutes ago

                                                      mfblackhentaiguy deranged batsht crazy mf! i doubt she gonna recover even if she finds the mc.. well, i hope the mc puts her out of her misery permanently!

                                                      Chapter 104 - Revenge of the Sword Clan's Hound 路 31 minutes ago

                                                      Brazilian Hag
                                                      This arc can be resumed in this image. And i fucking love the two psychopaths trying to outwit one another.

                                                      Chapter 16 - A Splendid Revenge Story of a Super-Dreadnought Cheat Villainess 路 31 minutes ago

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