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Fun fact, in some places in the world, they do sell them individually. These places are in third world countries where a large percent of the population is illiterate... and usually right outside schools. They have a lighter on a string so students can light the cigarette they just bought. If you're thinking "that's terrible!" then yes! You've understood why I bought this up! "Big Cigarette" companies are predatory monsters who literally sued a country because the country was trying to ban cigarettes. I wish I was joking.
Also, I totally got jump-scared with how she was suddenly smoking.
1/2 Big Cigarettes = Big Tobacco = five biggest companies, which are: "British American Tobacco," "Japan Tobacco International," "Philip Morris International," "Imperial (Tobacco) Brands," and "China National Tobacco Company." To me, all five of these companies are monsters in their own right who deserve to be destroyed for terrorizing the entire human race.
Back in 2011, Australia passed a law requiring cigarette boxes to have drab coloring, a picture showing something horrible (like a diseased lung) and a message that says "Smoking kills" on it. This obviously worked and cigarette sales drooooooooopped. Big Tobacco sued Australia in their highest court and they LOST HORRIBLY! GET WRECKED BIG TOBACOO! The judges called their case "delusive," "unreal and synthetic," and "had fatal defects." Big Tobacco had to cover the court costs too!
Upset with this result, Big Tobacco took the entire Australian Government to International Court. A freakin' company was able to sue a literal country over a public health measure through international court. How? PMI moved to Hong Kong to dance around some law from 1993 that states that Australia can't seize Hong Kong-based company property. Yeah... Anyway, they lost that too.
They didn't stop there. Again, these guys are monsters. Sorry if you expected a shorter story, but jeez... Big Tobacco posed as three governments, namely Ukraine, Honduras, and the Dominican Republic filed complaints with the World Trade Organization on Australia. This came to surprise to members of parliament, especially in Ukraine as they have ZERO trade with Australia. ZERO.
2/2 Thing is about these court cases is that there were multiple judges presiding over the case. Specifically, in the first court case mentioned here in Australia's highest court, all but one judge were like "tobacco, you're being stupid. Cease and desist." There were 7 judges in this particular case.
So, one judge was corrupt enough to side with Big Tobacco. These companies quoted him -> and attacked small countries, like Uruguay. Uruguay also did public health measures against the literal toxicity of tobacco.
Oh it keeps going because in 2013, Togo got sued by PMI. Togo is an even tinier country than Uruguay and they were trying some public health measures against smoking. Fun facts about Togo: it is one of the top 10 poorest countries on Earth; also, 40% of Togo's adult population is illiterate. PMI has a net revenue of 80 billion -> and PMI sued Togo which has a GDP of 4.3 billion (2013 numbers). Remember that corrupt judge? They cited his corrupt lines to scare Togo into obedience. Togo can't afford to fight this stupid legal battle. It's a risk they literally can't afford and they stopped the public health measure. 60% of smokers in Togo wanted this, btw.
Two more, because I'm tired, BAT sent similar threats to Namibia, the Solomon Islands (which has a population of like 600,000).
Well, weed was illegalized in the Nixon era as a way to take racism-fueled anger against minorities -> and put them to action. "The war on drugs" as they called it... It is more accurate to call it "the war on minorities." Also see "mandatory minimums" for more details on how they made absolutely sure they were ruining people's lives.
I didn't really intend to start political discourse. I just hate cigarettes because I have family members - close and distant - who smoked and smoked and smoked until... things happened... and some family members continue to smoke anyway. It is a miserable addiction... so I have incredible hatred to smoking and tobacco.
But on the subject of slavery, the 13th amendment literally has an exception built into it: "except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted." This is something that really shouldn't have ever had an exception... yet here we are.
Mighty Keyboard WarriorDice_24KFun fact, in some places in the world, they do sell them individually. These places are in third wor...
Thanks for telling me the most horrible fact I have learned for the day. Thank goodness that shit wasn't allowed when I was in school because I know my stupid ass would have fell for it.
in indonesia. basically 70-90% of nation budget is from big cigarette company, hence they can sue the nation. in case they close down the unemployment rate will skyrocket, so does nation budget will nosedive to the core of the earth
Phyrite8 cross, 2 garlic uh Necklace?, 3 probably bible, probably bathed in holy water before this. He is NOT taking any chances of dying to his daughter
BBDasuka and everyone else in that class is LEVELS below Helmut. Helmut had training, experience, and a lot better vis than anyone else in that class having also learned a different sword style. And it is NOT just an overgrown bug, that bug in particular is dangerous and has a very strong chitin known for their durability. scale those up to be able to support a giant version of said creature and it is absolutely understandable he got out when he saw it.
DoremivaHuffff, what now? I'm getting tired of the problem simply being "rumors" and she kept getting called fake. Now she's a traitor? At least that's new...
I really hope after all of this, they kill Hike/get her executed. No more Mr nice guy.
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