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  • That's how you do it. Beat, heal and repeat.

    • yiloDonny_Dont
      999+ points10 months ago
      i forgot which manhua this was from.
      • I Have a Mansion In The Post-Apocalyptic World
        • yiloDonny_Dont
          999+ points10 months ago
          oh right when he was charging up the tattoo. yeah its been so long since i read that. goddamn the future girl had ass like no tomorrow.
          • Hell's yeah she did.
            Will have had?
            What's the right pronoun for a possible future?
            • yiloDonny_Dont
              999+ points10 months ago
              asstriscare theorum, or shrodingers ass. its there if you dont look but not there if you look.
      • C
        Cookie MuncherDonny_DontThat's how you do it. Beat, heal and repeat.
        999+ points1 year ago
        UGH!!!! Too blood doesn't "heal" so you have to take long brakes for the body to produce more after a while 🙃🙃🙃
        • Manhwa ProtagDonny_DontThat's how you do it. Beat, heal and repeat.
          999+ points1 year ago
          Gotta keep the money intact afterall
          • ZagyuDonny_DontThat's how you do it. Beat, heal and repeat.
            999+ points1 year ago
            oh just how i want the jp isekai mc / authors learn from s.korean manhwaka......about how to make mc dis gud and satisfactory to read.....not the kunt and doormat type...

            • yiloZagyu
              999+ points10 months ago
              some manga are fking insane and i love them. but 90% of them suck ass. 100% of isekai suuuuuuuuuuuuck really badly.
        • I really don't like how he's dragging innocents to his petty revenge
          • Munaraalligator
            999+ points1 year ago
            Well, i simply agree
            • C
              Cookie MuncheralligatorI really don't like how he's dragging innocents to his petty revenge
              999+ points1 year ago
              innocent? so if someone killed your family then hired an army to protect themselves, and the army knew they were guarding a man who justly deserves his fate, would the army still be innocent, or would they be a collaborator?
              • alligatorCookie Muncher
                999+ points1 year ago
                He could've just assassinated them, and be done with it. or accuse them of a crime, and send them to jail, in which people would care less what happens to them. Also, some people have no choice but to listen to them, whether they like it or not. It's just that they lost the chance to leave while they could due to being indecisive and misinformed.
                • C
                  999+ points1 year ago
                  You could be like those "misinformed" so allow me to widen your thoughts to not think so narrowly. Actions have consequences.
                  Rember this is a world with advanced technology AND magic, so their education is up to par

                  assassination seems like it'd work until the empire turns against you because you illegally killed another noble. This also leads to petty tricks like family abduction from the remnants of their families. Remember they are nobles; without getting rid of their status and wealth, they will continue to plot against you. In fact they were already planning on suppressing him just because he spoke against them in younger years.

                  Let's say a noble is accused of a crime. First, assassins sent to stop your outburst. Next, proclaim victims were beat for "disrespecting a noble". Now they have the right to claim the life of your friend legally and your enemy gets ahead playing politics while strengthening their position. Sullying the pride of a nobleman, they now declare war on you. All the people that you wanted to protect are involved anyway. You've now lost more friends to assassin plots, money to deal with them, gave the enemy time for espionage, to gather assets and allies, as well as spend their own money to raise an army against you.

                  Now, let's say through constant back and forth they get "punished" for their actions. Because they are a noble who will inherit the head position, the different factions will heavily reduce their crime if not throw it out altogether. This would become a favor to collect later. We already saw the attempt for punishing someone outside the faction on trumped up charges with the 2nd prince and margrave. Now you have an enemy who owes a favor to a powerful backer and backer ALWAYS help to make sure they don't lose their investment.

                  Unless the viscount took his own citizens hostage they could leave, but then that's not MC killing them that's the nobles making them suicidal pawns. Knights and assassins are usually the dirty hands of nobles, meaning they are just as guilty as well and knew their masters were trash. At the very least they would have known through rumors making their way through the ranks. The other nobles were in on it together. Those who were forced under still had the opportunity to reject the call to arms or turn on the higher ranked nobles while communicating with MC. Meaning this would have been their best chance to become a free noble. If they lacked decisiveness, it means they thought that MC wouldn't win. It means they didn't lack information; they just helped the corrupt nobles stay corrupt. Its impossible not to know what your superiors are like.
                  • alligatorCookie Muncher
                    999+ points1 year ago
                    all of the stuff you mention could happen, if the narrative wasn't on the MC's side. I'm not expecting realistic politics from this, so I'd rather the casualties stay at 0, instead of pretending there are actual stakes here.
                    • C
                      999+ points1 year ago
                      Tbh any story that involves imperial rule is a setup for politics. MC's plot is being a genius. The setting of the 2nd prince's greed for the thrown is a plot in itself for civil war with the equality of military might. This will also cause more innocent deaths.

                      Bottom line, if MC doesn't make rational decision making he couldn't still be called a genius. I for one am stoked at the hidden plots and real decision making with a multitude a plain to his rational. From the way he goes about this, he destroys his enemies, strikes fear in oppressors, shows his military intelligence by taking on 4 territories of equal authorities, gains money, tips the balance in power between princes, gains favor to be protected as a king has already declared a warning to any nation who thinks of touching wizards inheritance

                      The other problem to your wish is that with an assassination there is no climax, this is what make stories boring. In an assassin story, during climax, there are hair raising elements like avoiding gazes while stalking, identity changes and the fear of someone seeing through the disguise, accidental death / poisoning / murder with body display, and lastly escape.

                      It's not like I don't want a good assassin story, it just doesn't fit the high profile MC who stands up to injustice and cares for the benefit of the lower class. Some sacrifices always happen for the betterment of the people.
                      • alligatorCookie Muncher
                        999+ points1 year ago
                        I guess I'm just expecting too much from a trend follower story like this
                • FBICookie Muncherinnocent? so if someone killed your family then hired an army to protect themselves, and the army kn...
                  999+ points10 months ago
                  That's one way to look at it if you place no value on human life to begin with. In a feudal society like this one, you would have had exactly one choice: do what the lord tells you. Any other choice ended in your death, as well as that of your family (and it was often a horrific death).

                  Trying to look at this through a modern lens, where soldiers often have a choice in whether they become soldiers, is a revisionist mistake. Faulting the soldiers of a feudal lord for "collaborating" may as well be faulting them for not rolling over and dying.
                  • C
                    To shorten response, even if they had no choice (not agreeing though), there are many cases of revolution. The moment the army came to the doorstep they had a choice to overthrow the power.
                    2nd in war, anyone who holds weapons are not innocent. The goal is to kill each other.
                    3rd if they would have allowed the kid to just face punishment instead of hiding, the massacre wouldn't have happened. It's not mc dragging in others, it's the lord sending others out to execution.
              • He's torturing him more than the two who fucked him over most of his life.
                  • Ahhhhh Yes satisfaction

                    • Ngl. i dont care, i met this ppl like two chaps ago and never actually saw what they did and was just told so

                      • Mc has reached manhua levels.
                        Latest Comments
                        try cause then she could get dragged with it

                        Chapter 152 - Hero Has Returned · 1 minute ago

                        Communist Bugs Bunny aside, chapter was a major turnoff.

                        Chapter 282 - Parallel Paradise · 2 minutes ago

                        Kaim the Fang Enjoyer It was already wasted when they were used on him, leaving such a liability alive is nothing but a negative.

                        Chapter 677 - Magic Emperor · 3 minutes ago

                        HeartNMind That was The Moment he knew. . . . Oh , he didn't get to know cause he was already De@d 😂

                        Chapter 21 - Absolute Regression · 4 minutes ago

                        The HOly Comment ALSO! WTF PLS NO SCAT!!! NO SCAT!

                        Chapter 282 - Parallel Paradise · 6 minutes ago

                        Hako Ryner This reminds me of this video heavily

                        Chapter 21 - On the Way to Meet Mom · 8 minutes ago

                        YeetMcskeet Aw. The first necromancer was a decoy? But that one would be really cool

                        Chapter 50 - Steel-Eating Player · 8 minutes ago

                        Dice_24K That's fair, but it doesn't need to cost your dignity, does it?

                        Also, throwing away your dignity isn't exclusive to demonic cultivators. We got plenty of examples of "Righteous" cultivators having no dignity, shame or even morals.

                        Chapter 677 - Magic Emperor · 9 minutes ago

                        Boko kun

                        Chapter 4 - Lili-Men · 11 minutes ago

                        Dice_24K This is quite a twist on the villainess genre. It's intended to be funny while somewhat stressful (to the reader, very stressful to Ms. Main Character). It even danced a dance that breaks the fourth wall and hilariously gets away with it.

                        Where do I even start? How far into spoiler territory do I go? Questions questions; decisions decisions.

                        Ms. Main Character starts off in a particularly generic setting of "ye olde times" - where women were treated as property and all noblewomen were sold off err, married off to another noble for political reasons. Instead of tragedy and horror ensuing when she is getting married off to an evil Tyrant that literally kills people for disagreeing with him, comedy ensues instead. Much to many people's surprise, her efforts do not earn her an immediate death and the plot keeps going.

                        One of the things that I did like about this is that the leads aren't stupid middle schoolers and are quite direct. One of the first things Ms. Main Character tells the Tyrant about his reputation and the fact that he's gonna kill her, so why would she want to marry him? Laaaaaaaaater on, she brings up that very line to ask him - without mincing words - if those words are bothering him now. Ah, how nice is that? Very nice but also funny... Ya know, does it take a "comedy" tag for the "romance" tag to work well? If so, then romance kinda sucks.

                        Some comedy works have poor writing where they push the "look, ha ha funny right?" to distract you from the bad writing, but not this work. My opinion, for what it is worth, is that if you removed the comedy out of this, it would be a somewhat bland work with solid writing. Characters are well written; events are put together to a high degree that they don't just cause a massive plot hole; and there is a mysterious overarching plot that's sprinkled (or in some cases, dropped on people's heads) around and that can't be ignored, leading you to wanting to continue reading.

                        I don't know what the person under me (when the comments are organized by "Newest") is saying. The plot and ending aren't rushed. Did you want to go on a billion chapter journey to see the same thing happen again and again and again and again? It would be miserable. That aside, there is also a 9 chapter post-ending shenanigans - the best kind of fan service imo.

                        I'd probably give this a nice 8 or even 9/10. If you like Villainess works but don't want them to be too generic, then read this.

                        A Villainess for the Tyrant · 12 minutes ago

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