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I feel like I am getting rewarded for reading this . the plot TWIST !!!
tbh I have been reading this good shit since it was only a few chapters like 5 chapters I ofc got bored in between but the satisfaction that my choice wasn't a trash but peak 🐐(if it was trash then I would have long stopped reading btw)
This brings me back to the beginning when he mentioned he needed his body to be up to par with his movements in the game so make it more natural but it was probably made that way on purpose to cultivate "rankers" just a theory
well that certainly explains the physical demands of the VR pod. idk if anyone took note of the fact MC had to go get super jacked before he could all in on his revenge plan.
Are we going to experience some things...that are combined with like real world and video game....can you all think what kind stories they can create with this kind of things it going to be superb...like is let's say the fissures occur more repeatedly so the author must have to figure out how they can bring the in game powers to a real world and fight with the monsters .
GakukuThis is great! Pretty much an equal to that one about 120 y.o. elf. Both about journey. And similarly 1-3 chapters are a story on itself, tho overall there is a continuity. Tho this is very much seinen, in all it's glory. So younger readers might not enjoy this as much.
This is no longer about scamming his uncle's (I have no qualms about that), it's about causing maximum pain to each one of them for his enjoyment. Bloody hell!
DoremivaSounds familiar... Is it where the sister loves insects, and they have giant cats..? Her face got attacked by slime and made a mark, then the prince felt bad, etc.. Haven't check to see if they translated it again though. I used to bookmark that. Thanks for the reminder!
Doremivaomg that would be so fun! I did think that the dragon is a prince and will change back into human form. But having him be the reincarnated dog, and him getting the urge to wag his tail for her against his will would be really funny to see XD
ChingarunaOkay? You don't see quite often about the battle between the humanoid insects quite often hey, it is good. Also, the queens from their respective clan are also well-endowed too. Nice
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