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Demonh8 Vamp - 1717809033
and you still don't get it, but it's something to be expected, so have a nice life lil kid, or not, i won't tell you how to live your life, bye.
it's not so much political, more logical and realistic, if you are the highest level of power, and the local lord is in it territory, the only thing you don't know, is what you don't want to know, unless you are absolutly useless as a lord of a territory, that it's also a posibility.
Demonh8 Vamp - 1717795224
No te digas tan feo, no seas cruel contigo mismo, quierete un poquito, And don't trust so much in google translator.
Demonh8 - 1717795102
and now you lost me, too bad, it has a nice solid story, but i am against slavery, and i can't accept the happy slave narrative at all, well, not the first manga i left for this.
Demonh8 - 1717775600
so, who are this people? i can't remember, last time MC was infiltrating some noble house to kill i think he's nemesis, or he's revenge target, that's all i remember.
Demonh8 Vamp - 1717773542
Como dicen en mi pueblo, si te queda el saco, pontelo.
Demonh8 Gluttony - 1717773460
i have seen worst, i mean it doesnt even come close to eminence on the shadows level, and yes that it's a parody of the genre, but still, some of the higest levels of plot armor.
yeah, just like politicians never knew countries are so rotten and economy is so damage, or police neve knew about racist abuse of power, or military never knew that the people they are helping are actually comiting war crimes.
Demonh8 BloodChant - 1717773187
there is an old say, the only thing that people with power does not know, is what they don't want to know.
Demonh8 - 1717718104
Love it, this story it's going great and the anime is an smash hit.
The sad part is that there are so many monkeys absolutly unable to understand a good story, a complete working world with things happen because of connections and not because an acto of god, thing happen logiclly, not because plot needs to, but hey, education system in many countries are so lame that monkeys never learn to understand, just barely put togheter letters, guess this people barely understand garfield, or peanuts, or naruto, but hey, that is why naruto has so many crappy issues, that's why marvel/disney and Michael bay make so much money, monkeys who only can understand pew pew and flashy lights.
Anyway, again, great story, love the art, altough, the repeating scene was kinda weird at the begining, love the child fan, she's so cute, and now again we wait, well maybe the Relax new series will come more ofthen, altough, i think is gonna trigguer many SJWs gringos.
Demonh8 - 1717717010
Good end of the arc, i still think the feudal lord should have been punished for allowing the corruption, but it's ok, and a new daughter joins the family, nice.
Unlike what media and ignorant people love to babble, being a Loner does not mean being hateful, i find many "social" persons being absolutly hateful against, well basically anybody, including themselves.
Demonh8 - 1717602535
The Dark rangers, not a very used play since power rangers wasn mainly aimed for kids, but it was used in some stories, replace the useless heroes for darker versions, guess the best example was rescue rangers replaced by androids, or SPD replaced by patrol Alpha, altough they where villians at that time, in super sentai, many times the old team believe the new team was unworthy for some reason, of course before they team up against the real bad guy.
Demonh8 - 1717542082
So rereading i just noticed that her skill is Estrus, wich is an old brittish term for a female animal being in heat, or ready to procreate, so the question is, did she get more powerful if she is aroused, or fighting make her aroused, and therfore her skill take over making her even more aroused.
Demonh8 Arvadiel - 1717541058
well, in reality, many activities of modern society are really dirty, is you are going into commerce, international banking, customs, product development and many parts of entrerteining industry, you can't be a nice good christian, you have to learns how to cheat, bribe, backstab and even destroy your rivals with brute force, otherway yo be the one destroyed, so many high level schols actually teach this in a hidden curriculum so the students can aim to become ceos of high level companies, or at least cuttroath ejecutives and directives, or you really think a ceo who force their employeess to work 20 hours whitout a break and pee on a bottle just come from nowhere?
Heck, in Mexico, people who works at customs has to be super tough and borderline criminals, since narcos use customs to pass they drugs constantly, if you are soft, they gonna use you untill you kill yourself, if you are tough enough, you can play the game and get some rewards.
The real world, it's way harder than streets or highschool, so obviously, this is not standar education, but for some levels, it's to be expected.
Demonh8 - 1717517658
yeah, why to wait that a bunch of stupid fanatics try their useless arcaic way? just bet them all up and get what you need,
Demonh8 - 1717515344
Yeah, something most people overlook, is that in order to control someone, you have to make a conection, and that conection at the best could be tracked, at it's worst, it's a 2 way.
Demonh8 - 1717469715
i'm sad that one of my favorite mangas is about to end, but is better to go when you are on top, and not when you have 900 filler issues and everybody mocks you