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Demonh8 Arnish - 1727109932
keep living on tour tiny bubble if that makes you happy, maybe one day you see pass the bubble, maybe never, don't know, don't care, i just get bored going over the same, so have a nice life or not, i don't tell people how to live their lives.
Demonh8 Arnish - 1727059352
there is a kid who by himself, feed thousands in india, an old man who reforested several hectareas in brazil, everyday, there are people walking alone and helping people, bulding houses, inveinting new technologies, by themselves, no help from useless wanabes who are to busy talking, humanity was designed to breed in large quantities in order to protect those people with cannon fooder, that's the reality of humans, well, actually, of almost every concient being in the universe, humans just love to think they are specials, you only need a group, when you want to spread a lie, or a truth, depending you the point of view
Demonh8 Arnish - 1727035815
not really, one person can do millions more than a group, we repeat that lie in order to keep the cannon fooder alive and give the a false feelliing of acomplishment, groups exist so the ones actually doing something have a buffer betwen them and predators, there is no fate, there is no destiny, there is not meaninig, just reality, of course, humans have never been good on accepting reality, that's why humans developed the concept of truth.
Demonh8 Arnish - 1727025748
People who know don't lead anybody, don't need useless followers, if they need help, look around for the others already doing it and share the work.
Demonh8 Arnish - 1726986851
Never listen to the person on charge, they usually don't know what they are doing, the ones who know what to do, are doing it whitout listening to the person on charge
Demonh8 Utage-sensei - 1726967723
he can just carry them and their loved ones to a more civilized place, pretty dure the elves island will recive them with open arms
Demonh8 Utage-sensei - 1726957191
never listen to a noble, they only want to fulfill their own desires, never listen a noble, never listen a so called god, never listen to a politician, or anybody who works for them
Demonh8 - 1726848739
Nice ending from this well i don't think so much as an arc, but more like Book One, and next issue will be the start of book 2, nice structure fir this kind of stories
Demonh8 SpinelesS - 1726676649
He's name is Rock, when the original translate team left, a dumb translator took this manga and tried to change the name to Luck for no reason at all, and everybody hate it, that translator left and the next one return to Rock, as it should be.
Demonh8 - 1726546838
so, that's the bad ending the Bakarina fought so hard to avoid
Demonh8 - 1726546519
so, the autor took a page from Time Lords, Regenerated, and become kinda the same, but not totally the same
Demonh8 Provider-34 - 1726334745
for the hair? yeah i can see that, but Fat midoriya can kick whinny midorya ass whitout any effort
Demonh8 Veemo Nation - 1726334649
Have you ever seen a powerlifter?, or an american 90s comic book character?
guessing you haven¿t been around many fat people, he has a pretty average built for fat people, very fat people has big bags of fat hanging from their arms, and people who powerlift, box or sumo, has massive biceps and triceps