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741 Comment(s)
883 Upvote(s)
Demonh8 - 1716997562
I totally forget about those monkeys, or, have we seen them before?, i remember the imbecil wanna be hero, but not them, and i am too lazy to read it again since the begining
Demonh8 - 1716933568
again, i find so stupid and borderline insulting that thie imbecil useless braindead bitch is there instead of a real heroine or a helpful friend, i can't understand the author on that aspect.
Demonh8 - 1716909353
Nice, i like people moving forward in their lives, reminded me Geshinken, i miss that series
Demonh8 Nexus - 1716908827
As i said, you need more culture, te falta mas barrio mijo, Absolute Territory it's an ols term, not as old as Moe or Tsundere, but it's an old one.
Demonh8 - 1716851184
Why does she wear that, obviously for the Absolute Territory, i mean dude, you need more culture in your life XD
Demonh8 - 1716837541
finally, i was really worried this has been axed
Demonh8 - 1716832618
Not bad, i was thinking about dropping this manga because all the doki doki really become boring, i mean 1 girl, ok, so many, even censored boobs become boring when there are so many, but this new dungeon arc is going good, i really like how the aparent cliche characters are not really dumb, it's a good way to write, the boss battle reminded me those good old days of Warcraft, when you needed to group "more nerds than an space mission" to take down a boss XD
Demonh8 - 1716829773
great, now i'm hungry, i'm thristy and i miss the old Eladios XD
Demonh8 Pandru1 - 1716658434
aahhh you do realize that putin look like a gringo right? i mean there is not much difference betwen a gringo and a rusky, neither holds tequila really well, and both have really beautiful females among their lines, so they look pretty much the same.
Demonh8 - 1716596216
Reminded me when in Gate the Mc have to move the waifus against all the Gaijins triying to kidnap them.
BTW is becoming harder to tell betwen Russians and Gringos, bot seem to love to just blow up cities whitout any regard of innocent civillians.
Demonh8 - 1716507865
I missed this manga so much, and yes the classic, lets band togheter to get rid of the EVIL DICTATOR, wich inmediatly created the question, who will be branded as the New EVIL DICTATOR once the current one falls, if you ask USA or RUSIA, whoever has oil, or soon Water in enough quantities to be exploited, if you ask china, who ever has enough population to get new slaves, ah the fun of modern global politics.
Demonh8 Solcastic - 1716415306
Nope Ranger Reject is really good, both manga and anime are really good, the apotecary has a really good story, but, i hate china imperial court so much since i read how aful living there really was, that i rather not read it or watch it, but i heard good critics.
Demonh8 Manga Mango - 1716412040
well, it has been a good ride, and it's better to end up when is still interesting that fill 600 chapters of filling
Demonh8 Solcastic - 1716393506
Yeah, Season 2 is on episode 21 of 25, so you could wait a few weeks and bing watch both seasons, it's a very good adaptation, just skiped over certain plots and explanations, nothing that really change the story, just some characters have been soften, nothing mayor, but kinda weird sometimes, but it's a good adaptation.
Season 2 is not getting tons of view right now, because it starteted last season, and this spring season it's just amazing, betwen reincarnated as an slime, Konosuba, Kaiju Number 8 and Ranger reject are getting millions of views, plus there is a really nice selection of more niche series for diferente tastes, it's really a good season for anime fans.
Demonh8 - 1716351696
So The Anime is going great on the second season, but skipped over a lot of details, plots and even characters, so reading the Manga don't feel like a repetition, i think that the guy who make the skipped content videos on youtube will have at least a dozen videos betwen seasons one and two.
Demonh8 TauCeti - 1716351511
it's ok because the manga is covering a lot of things that the anime just skip over, heck i seen characters that don't appear on the anime or suddenly they are just there for an scene and disappear
Demonh8 Skay24 - 1716344526
Don't know dude, axed mean being terminated whitout a warning, if the editors tell you that not gonna keep publishing for a good reason and give you time to finish the story and say goodbye, is that really axed?
Demonh8 - 1716344343
You do know that rabbits are very vicious right? and that a cornered rabbit can be really dangerous right?
Demonh8 - 1716309994
Nice ending, it really was a good intelligent take on the isekai cliche, more reality centered, and the lenguage barrier was a very smart move, many people who has to move to another country or even to another city can relate, i hope the author retake the story, maybe in a few years, showing if the MC finally decided to create a system to help the orphans, with the help of he's friends of course.