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Demonh8 - 1700687052
Well, this is, a very good feel good manga
So basically, it’s based on the trending cliche of the MC who is underestimated and over worked until he has enough and quits, leaving all the characters who used him realizing how much they depended on him.
But that’s as far as the cliche goes, this is a feel good manga about an Mc who only wants to have fun, don’t want to fight, don’t want revenge, just want to have fun by no working again, of course the Mc is OP so it attracts problems, else this be a very boring manga.
So in the spirit of a feel good manga, is mega cute, the designs are almost on the chibi level, even the sexy characters are more cute than sexy, there are some ecchi moments, but nothing even at anime fanservice level, and the story focus more on the good things, although it does deliver on punishment for the wrongdoers.
So why it 's good? The Story has an amazing flow that never gets you bored. The characters are very easy to recognize and they have their own voices, so you know what is happening all the time, the pacing is great and most things are very logical. There are a couple of problems here and there, but nothing is perfect.
The art is really good, but again, on the cute chibi side, great details especially on the gothic lolitas, nice tricks and overall, good designs, even the characters that look generic have a reason for that.
This is a really good manga for those moments when you need to clean your soul after reading depressing stories, or after a hard day.

Demonh8 - 1700680843
wait a minute, i have seen that game before, didn't they even have a crossover with mario?
Demonh8 typeou - 1700679343
that's the kind of choice one regreats all it's life
Demonh8 - 1700677728
And the Dog was the most useful of all, and i guess is the new master of the Shadow Guild
Demonh8 - 1700675163
At that moment the Karaoke girl struggle betwen 2 choices, scream for help, or join them XD
Demonh8 - 1700672822
aahhh, the healing power of soft big breasts, so unique, i wonder if i could use some kind of plastic gel in order to create an slime pillow, that should sell well, i mean it could be that gel that keeps masks cold when you get it in the freezer, mmmmm
Demonh8 - 1700671542
so, is time for population boost, i guess new problems arrive with the cultural shock, but i wonder, what about he's family, how do they react when they hear the news?
Demonh8 - 1700665684
Well world os definitly broken down, i wonder if the anime is planning 2 seasons, because i doubt an standar 12 episodes season will reach this point, unless they cut down the fake high school act and shorten a lot the ranger tests
Demonh8 - 1700515197
so, bad guys are basically destroying themselves, are they politicians?
Demonh8 - 1700514779
Well, they say you have to give yourself some self pampering in order to have real emotional maturity, or something like that, i don't know
Demonh8 - 1700513790
Dude, this arc took a loong time, but it was great, i really hope this series get picked for an Anime adaptation, it will be great animated
Demonh8 - 1700413211
Drunken, i have that skill, i leleveld up a lot when i defeates the boss "Pato Lucas" back in Cancun, and i tought i cap the levels when i finally beat the boss "Submarino", but now i hear of a new Demon lord level boss called, "La Licuachela", one day i gonna have to face that boss.
Demonh8 - 1700333989
This is the part i enojy more on this manga, the World building, the fact that so many things are happenning at the same time, and whitout the MC notice gives this world a more "alive" feelling, instead of being just made of fake bbuildings and carbon cut backgound characters, i know there are some dumb people who dislike this kind of stories, because they get confused if there is not a unique line and a god view, plus a narrator explaning everything.
about the episode, well i guess merlin is cosplaying raven while she check on her pupil, the crazy sisters, well i like them, weird but not annoying, i like those characters, and the sword waifu, guess she will trigger problems with the local nobility, not against that either.
Did you dudes noticed that the author never used the Menwhile bos like in comics, and BTW, most of those Menwhile boxes are forced by the editors because they think comic book readers are too stupid to follow an storyline whithout instructions.
Demonh8 - 1700238379
Hot Dark Elf with Milf Aura, i love this characters, especially when authors give them the chance to kick some mayor ass.
Demonh8 - 1700236201
A Human Betraying it's own? nosense, how could a human kill other humans just for greed, preposterous.
I like this twist, it did come from nowhere, but is absolutly possible.
Demonh8 - 1700151056
Reading this chapter while drinking delicious cofee, life has good moments