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741 Comment(s)
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Demonh8 - 1702322366
what else can i say but Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!!!!!!!!
Demonh8 - 1702312705
Ok good issue, just one thing, What's with that cover? looks like a James bond movie poster
Demonh8 Casual Reader - 1702312604
what does sound fishy means?, i know how it's used on english calo, but why? since when fishes are suspicious?
Demonh8 a reanimated - 1702260083
not sure if has it ever been mentionated, then again, she lived for many many years, so it's possible, or maybe one of the 4 who stayed with her untill the end
Demonh8 - 1702249502
Elf waifu, what problem you are in this time?
Demonh8 - 1702233769
why do i have the feelling he's a descendent of the badass gilf, anyway, good mistery and i hope it leads to more worldbuilding
Demonh8 - 1702186650
again the affair with the stupid gods, is interesting, the old geezr too, but that stupid idiot, why, just why?
Demonh8 - 1702181525
I really hate those characters, fanatic at the point of basically being a worshipper slave of a noble, totally close minded, clasist, racist and with a mayor inferiority complex, they are boring, oh so boring, i can never understand how a character who is suposed to be the head of an important group or a candidate for that position, allow the graphic definition of muscle had to be around, much less in such an important position, just show me how stupid the characte really is.
I really wish she end up dead, but this kind of characters rarelly die, and i find really annoying that mostly, are the bodyguards of females on a power position, that is really an awful cliche.

Demonh8 Master Geass - 1702139100
for what i can understand, normally there are 2 kind of requests, a private affair, and something that the kingdom supose to take care, but hasn't for some reason, private affairs are pay by citizens and the other are at least partly paid by the kingdom, monsters subjugation is suposed a Kingdom affair since id their duty to protect the tax paying citizens, but i guess there are not enough soldiers, so they subcontract the guild and the adventurers.
Is pretty much like getting money from a government contract and never do the job, just pretend doing it.
Demonh8 - 1702138816
see i told you before back when we saw the party crusher affair, the guild is the real problem, they are either in the corruption ring, remember the guild is willing to lower the conditions to rank up, making it easier to become a high ranked adventurer, whitout any good reason, this could be it, they are big part of the corruption ring, or worst, they are so incompetetent on they work that they can't see an obvious fraud, and nobody know how many more frauds are around, and remember, they claim to have intelligence branch, AKA spies, i am more and more convinced that the so called Rogue faction where indeed the group triying to get rid of the corupt elements, but they get caught, framed and eliminated.

Kudos on the fire Waifu, great way to control the situation.
Demonh8 Wyrd - 1702137862
basically is like when woman retein liquids, they can't dispose liquids so it's accumulated and basically they can't get dehydrated, but obviously got many other problems, including the risk of filling the torax with liquid and collapse the lungs, but her condition don't seem to have physical consecuences, just her inhability of fully control her magic, well of course, untill the literally plot armor XD
Demonh8 - 1702137584
Good, i was wrong, it was just a trap, i can live with that.
Btw, usually an animal become a waifu, but i don't recall seeing the opposite since Ranma days.
Demonh8 - 1701985997
ok, that was weird, Right? i mean even for this manga, that was weird, right?
Demonh8 - 1701893894
so boring, i really hate when authors make this boring stupid characters, really so boring, the dumb godess at least seems that gonna be more fun.
Demonh8 - 1701893344
How to get a waifu whitout even try it