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Demonh8 - 1712939298
So, it's gonna be a big problem for them then?
No, actually super easy, Barely an inconvenience.
I want this arch to end so much, if i was the publisher, i should have axed this manga, just for this arc.
Demonh8 Leon - 1712850496
Ah yeah, i got nothing but respect for seiyuus and Voice actors, at least mexican voice actors, they have really saved many animes, i remember that the otome games are hard for mobs, the animation is crap, but the Seiyuus reall come trough making the series a big hit, several boring series like the one of the dude who become OP by farming and the catgirl who couldnt talk in public where boring even in japanese, but Mexican Voice actors give those series an amazing voice make over, heck Shangrila Frontier is amazing but in Spanish is even better.
Demonh8 Leon - 1712807777
I remember watching episode one, and from that one you could see something was very wrong, because in the manga the Heroine was basically just an aftertough and the producers give the heroine 90% of the first episode and condensed the first 2 issues in 5 minutes of the MC, i just dropped there and didn't saw anything else, i was also deeply dissapointed for the buchering of the instadeath cheat isekai story, producers eliminated around 50% or more of all the backstories and worldbuilding and used a very stiff animation, really the winter season was one of the worst in many many years, heck in Japan fans complain that there was not a single star series, you know, the one everybody want to watch, not even one.
Really, now i'm worried, i should learn to keep my mouth shout, altough, Kadokawa usually don't dissapoint.
Demonh8 - 1712773945
Amazing backstory, i truly wish this story be picked for an Anime, but so many great stories have been butchered and destroyed by anime directors who only want a new Konosuba or a new Naruto and don't value the source material.
Demonh8 - 1712772207
Demonh8 Rozherhn - 1712771608
She stated several times that the body person was the most important person for her, someone like that you make an effort to keep in touch, maybe not in person but there are way too many options, and if she was really so close to him, he will have told her about the bullyng, especially because it was so brutal, as far i can understand the body guy was in the hospital several times due injuries related to the bullyng, and yet the girl who claims he was the most important thing in the world for her, didn't do anything, didn't even bother to call he's parents to ask how he was,
It's just too convenient narrative, to many baseless claims, and we have seen she does not mind to lie and cheat at all, she does not mind to try to kill an innocent person for what she think it's a valid reason, even when she don't have any validation for that reason.
If she at least has some ulterior motive, like the Body guy was hidding some big secret for the guild and she want it or she was tasked to retrived, that at least be something, but i have the feeling that all her background and arc will be an empty nothing, just plot forced actions for no real reason.
Demonh8 - 1712707191
seriously i have problems with this manga right now, all this arc of the imbecil magic girl obssesed with her friend, who she never helped while he was bullied or never even bother to check when he was murdered, is annoying and boring, but seen the crazy loli and friends give me hope.
Demonh8 - 1712704218
Demonh8 - 1712696119
Hitting a Dinosomething with an attitude of "Callate los ojos" XD
good crazy stuff XD
Demonh8 - 1712687764
so, the weird thing is that the second season of the anime has already end, and no i haven't seen it yet, to many series to catch up, and technichally, the manga haven't even finished the first season, not unheard but still weird.
No idea, unlike tsunderes who have a logical setup yanderesn seem to be what the fandom wants, i mean a psicotic killer can be called a yandere, same as a serial killer, and a jelous girlfriend can also be called a yandere, seems like is most a momentaneous state of mind than a true personality trait.
Demonh8 - 1712602641
So, i lost track of how many times i have say this, but, Never trust a goddess, never trust an angel, never trust a monarch, never trust a noble, ever, and with devils and demons, make sure you read the small print.
Not so much Yandere as Detached from Humans, after all, he lived for long, long, long time away from human race, and he's last memory of humans was betrayal, so he's only attached to the Demon lord Catgirl, so if the antagonist get on her good side, they gain the most poweful ally, else, not even the useless waifu it's safe.
Demonh8 - 1712593336
An AOE attack, yeah it's normal that uses lots of MP and have a long cooling time, impresive, and very useful against tons of high level minions or a particulary difficult boss, but i can see that does not discriminate betwen friends and foes, so, use it carefully, on and btw good dog.
Demonh8 - 1712523821
So, big boobs glasses waifu is the player, now, is that good or bad?
Demonh8 - 1712504702
Yeah lets just make another twon right away
mmmmm ok, can i finish my meat first?
XD good crazy stuff XD
Demonh8 - 1712439997
So melodramatic ending, but i'm not mad, i mean, we didn't spent enough time with this dude to hate him, he beat up the so called heroes, who acted more like tyrant bullies, he did beat up the useless wife, but to be honest, i am really getting tired of that ultra useless girl, if she at least has Glasses and big boobs, but not even that, and he's motivation was realistic and understandble, i mean i do'n want him near me at all, but if someone wants to help him, i won't be against that.