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Demonh8 - 1716306966
when this become so stupid and boring, i mean, this manga was never among the good ones, but wasn't boring, now, is stupid and boring
Demonh8 - 1715965539
Well, i know it's weird, but i think this is the best king i have seen in a long time, don't get me wrong, i distrust all nobility, and deities, and politicians, but you have to admit, this king does take very logic descitions, also he does hear he's advisors, yeah he only do things that benefit he's kingdom whitout caring for isekaied monkeys lives, but don't all kings and deities and politicians do the same all the time? i mean at least he does recognize who is stronger than him and what has to be done to achieve a goal.
This king might be a disgusting bastard, but at least, he's an smart disgusting bastard, heck i vote for him over any politician avialable.
it will be nice if they adress the problem in the manga, because so far, no explanation at all, except they get the Rambo Blessing while being isekaied.
Demonh8 - 1715873622
Dejavu, no idea what is going on, mmmm happen too many times
Demonh8 - 1715870172
Well, yeah, good descition, protect the fluffies XD
BTW, My cat is having her breakfast while i read this XD
Demonh8 - 1715729374
Ang this is why you don't put an stuid kids at the front of a kingdom.
Cain have it really easy so far, fizing minnos stuff, never really getting in any kind of danger, he's powers make him basically untouchable, so he have never realized how much people around him is in danger and how much they suffer for he's stupid disney channel way of seeing the world, remember how the saint almost died for he's stupidity.
I Really don't see him as an efective king, most likely start great, just to see the kingdom fall down due some conspiration that clever people will easily see, or somebody he stupidly pardon, really, a king cannot be a nice person, has to be a real person.
Political assesination of high ranking members of nobility, was pretty common, and if you play your card correctly, you won't only come clean of any suspect, but with much more power and pretige, actually, cain is absolutly in the wrong, he should inmediatly seized at least half or he's posessions and make public he was being punished, that will have prevented other powers to use him as a pawn, but he's stupid disney channel way to think really excalated the problem.
Demonh8 - 1715723102
Butter my Biscuit? that sounds like a Fujoshi fanfiction line
Demonh8 - 1715722340
So, among the man options the autor took the imbecil who lives in attached to an stupid memory as a companion to fight the demon lord? the First girl will be a 1000 times better companion than her.
Demonh8 - 1715623926
The Titans Tower? so she forced to see all the episodes of Tenn Titans Go?
Demonh8 - 1715560572
that old fart is the most disgunting thing i ever seen in a long time, and i watched many snuff films back wen internet was a wild jungle, reminded me the old disgusting pedo from goodbye to my concubine.
Well i guess we soon gonna find who is the god and who is the insect, btw, i am the only one enjoying this Social critic twist?
Demonh8 FBI - 1715556161
1979, please, i mean lately, because if we gonna get historical, we should talk about how in 1968, USA government ordered Mexican government to slaughter hundreds of College Students because they fear Russia was controlling them to disrupt the 68 oliimpics. and of course, they where slaughtered with weapons provided by the good old USA, or the thousands of innocent civillians assesinated in Mexico by the cartels, using weapons illegally sent by the USA government to ensure that USA has an steady supply of drugs, and that was in the 90's.
i Mean Lately, in moder times, china has been taking Many African Countries as they personal colonies, but haven't heard of they bombing any place, and new run fast these days.
Demonh8 - 1715555659
good rection, pretty honest, yes everybody is rebuilding themselves, so it's too son to commitin a relationship, if just more people understand that we have less divorced couples.
Demonh8 - 1715539046
So, he's gonna kick the first minister ass? good plan
Those are parts for weapon manufacturing companies, as far as i understand Japan and Germany are still under many restrictions from UN, Japan can't have an army, that's why they have SDF and it's very restricted if you compare it with any other country, i am pretty sure they could eventually create some factories, but not menwhile they try to survive being isekaied.