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Not Important
1493 points
552 Comment(s)
156 Upvote(s)
It ain't lolicon
Think that's bad? Check out 53194.
Not Important pigeon - 1727403618
Respect the hustle but you'll have to wait
Plot-wise, yes. It's the writer's fault for taking their act 2 and setting it up in such a way that it's a grand conclusion that closed off almost every other thread. With a theme like revenge and the setting being so personable (man vs a group of 3), a laser-like focus is preferable to a grand narrative suited more for war dramas than a story like this. We started very well with Freiya being turned, and that leading to the downfall of another key player as well as a few minor oppositions on the side. However, you can almost smell the image of the primary editor laying their clammy hands on the author's shoulders and whispering the sickening words most readers (rightfully) hate them for:

"The profits are good. Pace this out."

Bullet should not be alive. He shouldn't be some renown super spy master. He shouldn't even have considerable resistance to the embryo that fell almost everyone else who got corrupted. But because this is being dragged out, now the audience is without considerable investments and just wants this obvious short story to wrap up. Yet here we go, full-fledged into another kingdom that has not been remotely important until now, thanks to skills from Bullet that were injected into his ass last-minute by a fourth wall syringe, while the smoldering ashes of the main plot have satisfactorily burnt around him. There's nothing else to wish for. It's not like he's a complicated villain—he's a butt-busting rapist with a shouta fetish.

Both LN author and mangaka needed to have wrapped this all up, taken a vacation, then started on their next story last year.
Not Important - 1726871586
Can't he regrow her heart? Again with a false sense of urgency. Story's getting sloppy.
Not Important - 1726870661
Pretty sure this is a super-big hole in plot. Dude can read the memory of a corpse not even ten minutes cold (ie zero brain activity). And has to structurally-understand every single target he "heals", be it recovery, corruption, heal, or upgrade. So why, then, did the mangaka think it's a smart idea to have us believe Kieyaru WOULDN'T know the culprit behind the whole plot from the Axe Hero's memories?

Same Stupid Ball moment happened not five chapters ago with him fighting Hakuou—he wouldn't need Jade Eyes if Heal would show him the who, the what, the where, and the when, all at once. That's a big damn oversight.
Not Important - 1726869349
"This is actually kind of heartwarming—oh. Well. Guess rabbits gonna rabbit."
It really doesn't. You're just happy it didn't go the rape route. It's fine to admit it.
Because the last chapters were scans from the Vol 2 tankobon.
Not Important - 1726827021
The writing is piss-poor, nevermind the translation. This seems more like a story that should be in a doujin game with mechanics & dialogue scenes than in a manga.
Not Important - 1726353133
"Not sure how I should feel about the prince, he is good? He is bad? Mmmm"

He's filler.
Not Important Zyxect - 1726317015

Kiritsugu Emiya School of Warfare lesson 1: Only an idiot attacks head on. When such an idiot arrives, use claymores. And when he defends against the claymores, that's when you hit the remote Bettys.
Not Important - 1726315718
Do they kill the CO? or is this passive torture porn because the author's angry at their little gamer sibling that likely spent all their dad's money on gaccha bullshit?
Tanya has better sense than to follow a loudmouthed fool looking for somewhere to die. In fact, this CO is the exact person who got put into an easily-targeted pill box.
"dubious rate of success" You mean to say monkey's paw, as that's the only means such a fairytale setting would boobytrap the win conditions. Which, hilariously, is the core of the issue—actors in a fairytale don't have time or luxury to be indecisive on any matter. They either act, or fail the quest & doom their objective. But again, the saving grace is that this is a harem fantasy and so he won't be punished for his indecisive, milquetoast indecision as a hero of a fairytale would be.

And yes, soldiers ARE incompetent walking into a campaign green. That's exactly why the veterans on field break them down even further from the training habits that will likely get them killed. Anyone that's done a tour in a combat zone will be quick to tell you that. That makes it even more important, bringing the parallel back to the story, to pay attention to the clues and work to genuinely solve the case. MC wanted to spare the oldest's feelings and keep her from making a memory she'd regret, but it's not as if he had some clever insight, nor progressed any work investigating the curse. He's been too busy playing house. He just didn't want to see her crying.

He's not making the strong decisions, he's making defensive choices. That cowardice could end up costing him.