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Thatch Netherfold
1482 points
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Little ripples lead to a huge tide. Don't forget his fiancee and friends should have already been dead if things went according to his past timeline.
I read from both sides, both are on the same line of story, just different time of events, not very significant difference in overall.
Just read the web novel up to Chapter 97 (the website I was on stopped there). Yup, they're not even friends, just classmates on first-name basis, and progression between them is ZERO, there is only her one-sided selfish whim, nothing else from the MC besides his humanely kind, self-depreciative side.
Imagine having a person control your everything, even I'll get twisted FFS, so I can't blame for whatever Park Sihoo did. The MC is a fucking pain in the ass, a, invasive, manipulative parasite with no decency nor respect for others.
Thatch Netherfold - 1719204698
In case somebody has forgotten who the lady in red (Yanji) is, she's the master of the first yet disrespectful and ungrateful emcee, who eventually became Master Gu's subordinate in servitude by breaking her seal and promising her great fortune (which he had successfully did both), often acting as his espionage.
Master Gu always have a plan ahead before the execution. He already set a failsafe before sowing his seeds (read this part as you will).
Yup, but the main question in hand was, can he even steal it physically? I mean, this vampire fool looked like he's reaching his hand for it.
Technically, if you're a player on your own, you need to beat the floors in order to proceed to the upper floors. But there are exceptions, such as gaining permission (or illegally, bribing your way through) from the administrators, managers and beings from the upper floors, or joining their guilds to gain access their residential floors.

But remember, being the latter means that you have disqualified yourself as a player, which the MC never had the intention of.
You can say so, cause we're not told what was her original floor. But its very likely below the deities' floors (below 60th floor, given how Alice submitted to the floors' balance than being ambitious in taking over it). Currently we're at the 20+ floor.
Those are good questions that we yet have an answer. We'll have to wait for Komori's side of story to slowly unfold bit by bit.
Thatch Netherfold Ping - 1718906540
IIRC, the MC said in the past chapter that Balmung chooses its worthy wielder, so even if that vampire steals it, nobody but the MC and its original owner is able to wield it.
From general viewpoint, yes. But from a child's perspective, what she did was forcefully one-sided. You can't expect a child to listen to what they don't want to hear unless they experienced it.

In the end, she became the BITCH who criticized him one-sidedly just because he didn't listen to her.
Works most of the time. One to give hope, other to slap reality.
As long as they are worth it, which is proven by their compassion, tolerance, and not to mention being mature and good with housework. Ceres is already good at it, but he had nobody to share the burden as equals - MILFs are naturally the best fit for him.
I can't even imagine being the daughter and looking at their lookalike stepmom being f*cked by their dads. You'll sleep with nightmares starting from there on out unless you're accompanied to sleep or sleeping with someone else.
The only reason he would put himself in harms way is simply because he need to make it to the end (and some people are needed for that purpose - especially the main character of the story, Joonghyuk), otherwise the world is f*cked. Its that simple.
That is as long as the "husbands" don't have any issues to begin with, that's the point. That, was MC's mercy on the fathers for taking care of him, but none left for the children.
Oh? There's no Disqus-like comment restraints here? Fuck yeah!!! Okay, that childhood bitch of a friend is one big fucking fat liar, on top of being a manipulative pretentious slut!!!

PS: This is me after the censor bar is gone, I'm firing all my cuss cylinders, but doesn't stop me from speaking facts still.