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Thatch Netherfold
1485 points
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Thatch Netherfold - 1718512027
Another powerless yet idiotic emcee that doesn't know how to read the room, how much more typical can the Fortune's Chosen be when sent against Master Gu?

Even the girl and that guy with a tasteful T-shirt is much more smarter and tactful than him.
No problem. I'm just giving a slight recap of what has already been told.
Interesting, we already have reincarnators, regressors and transmigrators, now we have teleported (aka isekai'ed people).
In case you forgot, Alice was imprisoned in the lower floors, not just physically, but her powers as well. She was technically the HIDDEN BOSS of that lower floor for a reason. The MC cannot manifest her full power due to three explained reasons: his growing but limited mana pool, the tower's limitations (beings of the upper floor can only come down by permission, or by paying a price aka bribing), and the vampires' seal (as shown in this chapter).
Yup, its Valentines, not need for fuss. A good deliverence is good enough, but damn she totally delivered. F*ck yeah!
No, the range was 20 floors above and below. That means Alice can manifest her powers up to the level 40th floor at best if she was at a higher floor, or up to her limit if her original floor was lower.
Thatch Netherfold yilo - 1718344913
Master Gu will only be challenged if those emcees are SMART enough to use their BRAIN CELLS. These ones we're having now have seen the future, but ignorant of the present - that's a definite loser mentality.
The MC fulfilled his promise indeed.
Remember that Alice was imprisoned at the lower floors, never to go back up. But now the the floor limitation has been unlocked up to the range of 20 floors (including Alice's low levelled floor), with the prison upon her being unlocked as well, the MC fulfilled his promise to her to return her back to glory.
The problem was that he was already told that it was the doing of the church's witches (not the witches of anywhere else), but he still discriminated against them, that's why he cannot be let alive - he does not have the insight of a ruler, the judgement of a leader, nor even the right view of the entire picture (of who is the real enemy).
If the story is alluring, even the most impatient people can be lead to finish reading the whole thing. What you said here meant that the author indeed has a plan to accumulate everything for the ending.

PS: Let me be the speculator (if what I said was false in the future) for now, don't spoil me.
When I first took my ex to a movie, I wanted to watch a comedy movie but she suggested the LIFE movie, so we went to watch it... and she regretted that decision every single second after the horror of it till the next night after.

I'm not good with horror or thriller either, but boy did my ex shivered hard the whole time after we're out, holding my hand hard until all the way home. She couldn't sleep for one night either.
Thatch Netherfold - 1718169680
There are differences in looking at a girl in underwear than nude after all.
There's a difference. Joonghyuk is a REGRESSOR, while the current Shin Yoosung is the "past" of her future calamity self. With Joonghyuk's ability, he can return back to the past to recorrect his actions and properly support Dokja. But there lies the problem - Dokja is only present in the HERE AND NOW of this regression timeline (to Joonghyuk, its his third), there is no Dokja in any other of his timelines. This means, if he regressed or loop again, they are all f*cked for sure.

PS: This is why Dokja never wanted Joonghyuk to risk his life ever since the beginning. If he dies, its GAME OVER.
Joonghyuk only said that to comfort the MC. Because the MC is the one they need to progress till the end, but what he didn't know is that the same f*ckery will loop all over again if he didn't make it till the end.
The Swordmaster KNEW him. The Snow Mountain King HEARD OF AND RESPECT him. The Demon Lord and the Evil Dragon FEARED him.

Given how "Dugwi" called the MC THEIR BENEFACTOR, both of them are at least his allies if not his disciples, friends or subordinates.
"You tried to kill the hero who won the war that we fought?! Go f*ck yourself." indeed. At least this poor, ignorant bastard gets the honor of being personally killed by a constellation. May this fool live a SMARTER way next life. GG NO RE, TATA FOR NOW~
Correct, the MC was the Martial God that spawned all forms and variations of martial arts generation after generations to this day and the very hero that defeated the Demon Lord. Even those who did not learn from him, have either heard of him, knew of him, RESPECT him, or FEAR him.
Thatch Netherfold Vamp - 1717900008
Because the emcees' actions are either going like the way he expected, or predictable. Its a pure shame most of them are too prideful to be smart enough. The smart ones lived on contently, while these idiots... HEHEHE, IT'LL BE A NUISANCE TO LET THEM LIVE LIKE THE WORMS THEY ARE.