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Cookie Muncher
1500 points
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576 Upvote(s)
First sister is part of bright pavilion which is currently attempting to be absorbed but is part of demonic cult for info gathering
I believe this to be true
Politics are fun to talk about, its narrow-mindedness that refuses to use facts and an unwavering stance that leads to a headache. Like trying to bring religion into an abortion debate. It's your right to believe in your respective religion, but it's my right to not believe, so use facts to change the view instead of applying emotion.

Sadly most politics now are about using emotions, sabotage of people's status, or bribery to pass laws that only benefit invested interests (ie fund wars when invested in weapon dealers or give pharma leeway to receive kickbacks)

The best place to pick this up in the novel if you want to read it is chapter 48, however the actual starting point is 68. This is because throughout the chapters between there are slight adjustments that hasn't occurred or has been altered.

The main differences are that after Ruuna meets her brother she becomes empty and the trainees are pushed to do a "special training". The Central command officer, blue haired dude's father, hears of it, he attempts to get a talented summoner to mess with the orcs to injure the MC. This plan of course fails while the MC makes another bet with the demon and gets bleed curse ability, because the demon didn't know he killed in his previous life so he assumed that he couldn't kill without hesitation in 1 strike. At the same time he cures Runna's brainwashing when her turn comes up.
Then the mountain bandits come up. Because of the fact that Ruuna was already cleared of her brainwashing she actually plays a major part in the annihilation of the bandits by perfectly blocking the sound and supporting by using her frost aura to disrupt them. The MC chases after the leader and sees through an ambush with a fake hostage revealing a higher level of perception.
After the mountain bandits the next major event that happens is a bet on a war game of capture the flag with 5th trainees and 6th trainees. They almost lose and are forced to return to the base where MC advises the class on how to overcome the strategy used against them. As the others were winning the commander of the 6th trainees attempted to grab the flag. Thinking because he had the superiority in mana (from training nonstop while injured - 1.5 years), and having the "highest" flame type cultivation method he thought he would never lose but was thwarted by the MC seamlessly.
Then comes the chapter where this is left off at Chapter 68
Cookie Muncher - 1711052641

Because the novel never included the bandits in the mountain it made finding this spot a pain in the ass...

chapter 47-48
bc she needs short hair to be FmL. Personally I strongly dislike the whole short hair thing.
Cookie Muncher Joho - 1711027717
what you said... In a world where magic exist we must think of the melting point of mythological ores like orichalcum too
Cookie Muncher - 1711025850
wait how can she be a top trainee when she failed... I think her brain is mush
I just copied it

I think he just said your techniques was so trash it could be learned at a glance
it doesn't make sense that he reincarnated, nor failed the pact with devil / gods but still receives the blessing (status window). So what's so bad about a little delay. Just roll with it. Plot armor coming in hot soon
liked the comment so had to downvote lmao
Idk. Given time, patents could have expired opening the market causing a price drop due to competition... Both are within the realm of possibility
Cookie Muncher Obsidon - 1710585169
I see the meat... Where's my sauce 😂😂😂
Cookie Muncher - 1710585037
wait.... Then who's the frog that gets rid of the bug

Love how snake, frog, and bug works so well together for this
they were ambushed in waiting, double crossed after the sect made a last minute successful marriage proposal. Those that didn't get caught off guard were killed in the insert martial art strategy here entrapment. Only pyo wol survived from what I remember
Cookie Muncher Rubble - 1710578221
yeah but unlike most manga it doesn't feel like painful when he loses, it's just natural... It doesn't churn the stomach in a way where you feel like it's not supposed to happen