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Cookie Muncher
1500 points
2070 Comment(s)
567 Upvote(s)
Just look at the name. This account is clearly just to clown people. That or the dude straight up has elementary level reading comprehension.
Its obvious that in any murim story
• The strongest INDIVIDUAL carries the clan
• No elder wants to give up power
In this, its clear there is a divide between MC (clan leader and Pheonix's child) and elders. Being the offspring of clan leader AUTOMATICALLY makes you leader on death unless there are other children from clan leader in which THEY fight for the right. This is already clearly an elder vying for his family to take over the clan. Which in most novels, the elder is corrupt, and comes out at SOME point. Its clear that most of a clan would be in favor to protect the clan leaders wife. Which her surviving without being crippled is also a clear sign that her power is outstanding. Making her one of the most important people in the clan...
• strongest in generation
• clan leaders wife
• clan prince's mother
i dont think this will be like origin, on the fact that they will have different jobs, but the world setup and intensity will b3 like a slap in the face as long as his dig bick father is still alive. Basically expect plot armor out the ass
You cant trust companies to not add stuff... Plus all tobacco has nicotine in it, so its not like the plant itself isn't a drug. Like the poppy makes drugs (heroine/morphine), its how you use them.

There is a lot to say, but I'll leave a couple points. Immunity from constant intake, tobacco and class 1 controlled substances are just as dangerous, and the greater the consumption - the higher the risk of side effects.

NOT trying to make it sound not dangerous, just that tobacco is a drug and should be treated as such. Taken properly (not recreationally), it could be used as a medication.
guess you were never taught ingenuity... There are 3 things to adhere to...
Tabasco to numb taste, Selection of type, Time to prepare
If you have no time to alter taste with sides, can't select better meals then burn mouth and shovel the gruel
Hahhhhhhhhhhh 🤔🤔🤔
Don't know why I bother to correct a nazi but noona (nuna) and unnie are used for older sister. So long as its 1 second earlier it fits this category.
Noona is the reference of younger male to a CLOSE (relatives incl) older female whereas unnie is F->F. Aunties (literal translation) is reserved for next generation. Some women feel too old when addressed this way and would rather be called "older my generation" because of insecurities.

Now you know even if he was 16 she still qualifies as noona until about 34
honestly never minded guys in party nor girls... But when scenes become forced it gets agitating
and become crippled too causing a war between families
im guessing it has to do with rock paper scissors being split. Its probably whats behind the wall... A merged version of it
Cookie Muncher - 1726339405
when you earn the most rep by posting a solution to governmental top secret problems
more like
Writers: Nope upgraded ant became skeletal ant knight... No flesh only exoskelly
nah demon king put something on him to retrieve the book later then fucked himself underestimating kid. If those agents caught him they'd definitely steal the technique
Safer doesn't mean without danger. Chewing tobacco may have less chemicals, but it still HAS chemicals processed in that cause cancer (interact with cancer gene causing it to become active).

Like smoking tobacco, most chewing tobacco has additive substances. The rotting comes from fiberglass that digs into the lips, gums, and enamel (not the target) to ensure faster ingestion. They also have wide varieties of other chemicals besides "flavoring". The closest to natural chewing tobacco is big red, but this doesn't mean 100% tobacco. You'd have to grow it yourself to achieve that.

This is what I meant with RAW tobacco.
y'know, since they've said that, they've added about 1 million chemicals to "tobacco".
And just like other medications raw tobacco can be used for a variety of medical purposes but also has side effects
Cancer is caused by many things too so its not like you lower probability by not smoking. You already have the cancer gene, it's a matter of activating.
Lastly, even too much oxygen, water, or food can kill you
Cookie Muncher Ddog - 1726277856
frame 2 replaced by frame 3
Frame 3 becomes him staring down

My revision of this 4 panel
Marauders take everything except the dead... Their families more than likely died... If you didn't see this you're too innocent
Cookie Muncher - 1726274798
step 1 investigate whole guild to track everyone even if they leave.
Step 2 investigate their family
Step 3 investigate their affiliates
Step 4 wipe their existence 1 generation
Cookie Muncher uCoex - 1726263446
resurrection - the user will warp to the designated location or respawn at current location if no point is established. When the user dies, -1LVL, -50% stat for 24hrs. Penalties will not be applied during tutorial.

Meaning? MC never failed due to waiting for resurrection timer.
Error? He woke up instead of respawning

Hope that explains
bad news: Torture lasts forever
sometimes I'm on comp so its not bad lol