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Cookie Muncher
1497 points
2070 Comment(s)
568 Upvote(s)
this is what I thought. Many US companies do the same thing. They will put a shortened version of the full name as the "proper name" so they don't have to spend more money on ads, print, ect.
• most ad companies charge by the letter when making graphic designs
ATP is real... Thats about the only thing IK 😭🤣😂🤣😂
Cookie Muncher - 1722646542
Kinda wanted MC to ask if they were fuck buddies since he's covering her ass so close
for real... It's easy to push out fast, perfect, TLs, but you need 3 good people. For mass releases it's better to have 5 people (TL¹ starts new chapter at step 3).
―» Should be 2 copies of the source novel being passed around
• TL¹ (source language native) gives TL² (target language native) rough trans (inserts text over source) WHILE Redrawer (RD) wipes all traces of typing.
• RD hands TL¹/Typesetter (TS) the base chapter.
• While waiting for TL² to finish grammar, TL¹/TS puts up bubbles and opaques them
• Once TL¹/TS gets copy from TL² (should have 2 copies, 1 that was base copy, 1 that has TL mashed over source), and copies into the new bubbles
• TL²/RD receives the completed chapter and checks for missing things (Quality Check {QC})
Cookie Muncher WALEED - 1722627886
and then mc leaves the kingdom causing great stress to the King due to his daughters stupidity
• not my problem because we have no connection
• she has a brutal life now because I caused her to be a slave

It's closer to selfishness (to make himself feel better) vs self-less-ness (it's the right thing to do)
Cookie Muncher Blubol - 1722626421
Close but not quite, deities do exist in buddhism but there is no concept of a "creator". This is to say that one can ascend to godhood or be rebirthed until you have been enlightened to achieve such. Although hunduism is close in that they believe in the existence of a soul and therefore reincarnate in to "living" things...
Anyways, the point was that if one is rebirthed or reincarnated you'd think that they would believe in a god existing even if it wasn't clear WHO it is
Cookie Muncher - 1722603167
If the mc cluelessly avoids the girl:
• everyone goes wild over how MC is beta and needs to stop being a statistic
If MC gets the girl but never does anything
• everyone goes wild over how MC is beta and needs to stop being a statistic
If MC gets the girl and fucks
• ppl flip out for indecency and complain how she a thot
this is because he never stole the princes skill, which is the foundation of how he fights for real. If he stole the skills, the prince would've been flatlined without knowing why other than his skill briefly failed
Cookie Muncher - 1722566481
his level may be higher, but lacks experience (not "XP"). He also has more skills, but doesn't have any proficiency with them
Cookie Muncher - 1722560126
Get fucked... It's taboo to ask
Cookie Muncher - 1722547973
Personally, I believe this a manga that wants to be soft-core porn but doesn't quite make it
sometimes too little agi is the problem (can't react fast enough) sometimes it's too much (overshoot due to speed) 😂🤣😂🤣
ong. Whoever is translating needs to be fired for purposely removing stuff unnecessary. Its not even distasteful. Understandable if its a butthole, poon, or tits, but cleavage and skimpy clothes aren't bad
Well... The economic problem was that if the village didn't have any money they couldn't make any money. Even if they made something of value, it was pillaged by bandits shortly after. Thus the things needed are: Defense, offense, shelter, sustainable income
• MC makes an enclosed village (Defense, shelter)
• MC makes defensive weapons (Defense)
• MC makes sewage system (more necessary in enclosed spaces) (shelter)
• MC sells defensive weapon to noble in exchange for protection (offense)
• the dungeon being reported when convenient was mentioned which will bring income to the town through villager's crafts and resale of byproducts at that point

We haven't made it far enough for this village to make it out of poverty (they were clearly sustaining life {not rich but ok} if the bandits weren't there)
I understand not having in for a couple chapters because of start-up, location settings, and background... But it's already been more than a chapter since introduced. Any moron, especially the genius who said magic is about the application not element, would try various things on the way to the territory at least. But not so much as a fart yet
I like cold rooms with a warm bed 😩😩😩 its the best
Cookie Muncher - 1722430608
Gave him b rank luck but still reincarnates in a horde of gabi-ru-s
it's hard now-a-days. they take pills to trick you then go crazy once you're trapped