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758 Comment(s)
881 Upvote(s)
Dice_24K - 1721028758
Honestly, the concept of "only the richest of the rich people will survive" is flawed because those lazy gits would never ever put in any effort. They've spent their entire lives living off of the hard work of their ancestors, having everything handed to them; reaping all the benefits without any risks -> and you expect them to survive if they, alone, are left? They'd kill each other and entirely go extinct before putting in any real work - the planet didn't need to kill them at all.
Dice_24K - 1721028697
This is the most popular part, but I prefer Parts 2 and 7 over it.

Still, it is the most popular part because it does a lot of things and does them well. To this day, Araki's works have created so many memes... to many more in part 9!
Dice_24K - 1721028346
Doesn't matter how hard you try, you'll never see the ending coming.
Do recommend but take caution if you don't often read tragedy works.

Also, read the prequel first.

Also also, did they ever make a sequel to this?
Dice_24K - 1721028209
A tragedy manga that actually pulls off the tragedy without being too overbearing. I do recommend it and I also recommend that you take caution if you plan to read this without ever reading tragedy works before.
Dice_24K - 1721027911
Is this a Villainess work? If so, then this was my first Villainess work and it practically sold me on the entire genre.

Seriously, I came across it, it was completed, I gave it a chance, kept reading and I loved it. It's not too long and it's just brilliant. Do recommend.
Dice_24K - 1721027828
If you like the Breaker, then you'll like this. The author is unmistakable and he brings with him the fine art, world building and plot that he can execute pretty well.

I like Trinity Wonder more than this and there were times where I was kinda disappointed with the main characters - but not due to comedy reasons. You know when a character is stupider than usual due to comedy? That isn't the case - the disappointment I had is a rare moment where it isn't due to stupid comedy. It makes sense but ya know, that checks out.

Still, I do recommend it as it comes with nice art, good world building, well put-together characters and stuff.
Dice_24K - 1721027609
Between this, the Breaker and Promised Orchid, this work is my favorite of this author's. It has a reasonable blend between comedic moments and playing it straight. The action, scenario, characters, and all that jazz is pretty good. It has a brilliant setup for a plot twist, pulls it off, then casually strolls over and throws another plot twist. Excellent move.

If there is something else that stands out, it's the ending. It is technically over, unless the author wants to come back to add another arc/season, but it did end exactly how I expected it to. Seriously, if you expected it to end in another way, then you're clearly new around here.

Just uh... ignore the previous comment as the dude read something the wrong work and commented here for some reason... apparently...?
Dice_24K Provider-34 - 1721027244
... Why would I be mad when I've won the entire argument? Good day, sir.
Dice_24K - 1721027046
Slavery is horrible.

There is no further discussion to be had. We mostly outlawed it across the world, but there are people who are trying to bring it back. We must not let them, no matter what. If you, the person reading this, object with the thought "so what if it comes back?" then you are either a monster trying to enslave others, or a fool who will be enslaved by others, thinking they'll stay free.
Dice_24K - 1721026734
I did get into this, unlike the previous commenter who gave this a 2/5... I'd give it a 3/5.

It starts off with only one perspective and you learn about the world as they learn about the world. The problem is that it doesn't stick to this premise of using the Main Character as a means to learn more about the world, their place in it, etc etc. I think that's the biggest failing.

Overall, I do recommend it - as 3/5 is a good score because this isn't IGN.
You might have to force yourself to keep at it if the initial bit doesn't grab you, but you will find a cleverly crafted world, well written characters and an interesting amount of payoff.

Also, while there are moments of pure stupidity on display, at the very least this work doesn't pull its punches.
Dice_24K - 1721026452
Pretty fantastic art. Good story, world building, and well put-together characters. I do recommend it, even if you're not fond of vampires. If you like vampires, then absolutely read this.
Dice_24K - 1721026288
If you like Law of Ueki, the author's other work, then you'll like this.
It is completed now, so the slow pace isn't a bother.
Dice_24K - 1721025831
This guy just used Mikiri Counter!
Dice_24K - 1721025630
I dunno if the shirt was translated to this for the fun, but it really is from One Piece:

“When do you think people die? When they are shot through the heart by the bullet of a pistol? No. When they are ravaged by an incurable disease? No. When they drink a soup made from a poisonous mushroom!? No! It’s when… they are forgotten.”
- Dr. Hiluluk
Dice_24K - 1721024978
The plot is barely kicking off, but the art and action scenes are clean and pretty amazing.
Dice_24K - 1721024820
This manhwa is pretty good.
It's got good characters, plot, action, art, world building, plot twists, etc.

One character gets introduced and I was like "he better not be some final boss" -> but I was just straight up not giving this manhwa enough credit.
Every now and then, I think it's going to fall into some stupid trope, but it doesn't.

If you're gonna scroll down, be wary of a comment that starts off with the emphasis on the fanservice (which really isn't as bad as he makes it out to be) -> but then ends with heavy spoilers.
Dice_24K - 1721024538
If you're wondering, this was obviously not making the cut, so it was clearly axed. It kinda gets the concept rolling and then just ends. It's less "completed" and more "canceled."

tl;dr: Mr. Main Character and his classmates all get isekai'd. They all got combat related powers and are over the moon with how they're all amazing... except Mr. Main Character who has a utility skill that deals with processing items/loot from monsters. Anyone with half a braincell would be like "well, a utility ability is important" but not these jerks, so they kick him out, where he meets up with another group who are like "uh yeah, a utility ability is important in a group," so he joins them. Turns out, Mr. Main Character's ability is actually more amazing than anyone though; maybe world-class?

And it ends.
You can imagine the rest of the isekai story all on your own - or just say "rocks fall and everyone dies" and move on.
Dice_24K - 1721023303
Villain and Villainess
Go on.
Dice_24K - 1721023007
Yeah, I would've tried to disfigure her face with the cane before jumping.
Dice_24K - 1721022237
Yeah... the most upvoted comment here is correct. It was correct 2 years ago and it still is. If anything, it is getting worse. This problem is amplified even further if you live in the USA.

The correct thing to do here is to have an audio recorder with you, record everything he said -> and go be a whistleblower. You're just one dude who can be ignored because of a "he said, she said" scenario; but if you take a recording of what he just said, then it is just "he said this." There is far more power in this option.
You can do a follow-up interview as a whistleblower while asking for your identity to be protected - perhaps stage a "live session" (where your identity is hidden) record the interview and it plays while you're at work so you have an alibi of sorts. Keep in mind: some deniability is far better than zero deniability.