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Vivaldin - 1721332002
Yuri tainted by how messed up and evil our other girl is, like she makes our main girl do some real fuck up shit under blackmail that'd ruin her entire life and say ''Oh, but it's YoU wHo DiD tHiS'' every time something bad happens, which is every chapter.

It's a downward spiral of abuse and corruption, ain't really my style. Read Kimi to Tsuzuru Utakata if you want a Popular Girl x Loner Girl Yuri and don't mind the feels that is both way better written and not as toxic as this chemical waste of pages.
Vivaldin - 1721101276
Chapter 84

In which we get to read half a chapter, just to create an unnecessary cliffhanger.
Vivaldin - 1720714638
Chapter 83

In which Cat Lady gives up and throw herself at her cat overlord instead.
Vivaldin - 1720714463
All the world's a Yuri.
Vivaldin - 1720152970
This mango continues (even after what I thought would be the ending !) to be great, but it really need to start explaining itself a bit more, and way better.

You can't just add Elves with a whole new twist of the trope, being like.. Cyborg-Elves or something in a FANTASY world (or at least, more or less Fantasy, with everything Sci-Fi that happened and is still happening), without telling me what the hell's going on !

That giant space battleship, where did it come from ? And those weapons of war on it, where they invading this world ? And the Titanfall mech, what is it ? What was its original purpose ? What the hell is an code holder and why is our girl, of anyone, registered as one ? Why did that one guy had a sky aura of a giant beetle (although that reveal was rad) ? What's with people getting send into this world ? Why specifically people from our world, too ? What's the goal of throwing people who died in our world and giving them overpowered abilities ? WHO is giving them abilities ? HOW are they giving them abilities ? Could someone from this world get one of the abilities by going to the world-entrance facilities we saw in a flashback with that holographic goddess ?

WHAT was that goddess ? Is she worshipped somewhere ? Does the Church we saw worships her ? Do they know it's just an hologram/cultural imprint probably left by the people (aliens maybe ???) who created the space battleship ? Why did those battleship people (IF they're the ones who did this) want people from our world to get reincarnated here and given powers that could greatly affect this world, even REWIND TIME BEFORE DEATH ?

Are those aliens (allegedly) still around ? Did they leave ? Did they die ? Are they watching things unfold like it was some super elaborate but messed up world-wide reality television show of what happens when you give a select few super powers and tell them to do whatever they want with it ?

And most importantly, why would they want a high-ranking priestess of their religion to wear super skimpy clothes that's basically just kinky underwear ? Fan service to bolster the show's ratings with nudity so that they get more money from the Ancient Alien Reality Channel ?

Wait, is this whole mango about Ancient Aliens ? Is Giorgio A. Tsoukalos somehow writing, or involved in this ?

Is HE the one behind all of what's happening ???!
Vivaldin - 1720151163
Why does the eating context winner get a free pass at all eating and drinking in the Gyoza Festival ? Wouldn't eating so many Gyatza make them completely full ?

Are the festival's organizers stupid ?
Vivaldin - 1720150846
This chapter was Based and Breadpilled.

I love bread, I freakin' LOOOOVE BREAD ! Bread is the best ! Bread goes with everything ! Bread can BE anything ! There's so many kinds of bread, many I have never eaten, I wish I could eat panini like them because BREAD IS AWESOME !

I have spoken.
Vivaldin - 1719977612
Yes way !!

Super duper ultra mega uber YESS WAY !!!
Vivaldin - 1719977422
Man, this is great. One of THE best poly relationship portrayal in a mango I've ever seen, all three of them are Best Girls in their own right, with their own ambitions, goals and chapters, as well as reason to like our boy. It's thoughtful, it's loving, it's perfect.

And it comes from porn, of all things.
Vivaldin - 1719977034
After months, we finally get a real, full chapter, nice.

Also, isn't that just... postponing the current problem to much later ? Giving her the will to continue to fight for her love is just a temporary solution; unless they all end up in some polygamous relationship, one of those girls will loose against the other, what shall he do then ?
Vivaldin - 1718943221
What could she even do if she does not become a witch anyway ?

She still have her powers without the ritual too, so isn't it just a formality ? Or maybe it unlocks her true potential, I don't know.

Also there's so many chapters of this releasing every day these days, took me a while to catch up.
Vivaldin - 1718942583
...And my side ship is over before it even start.

Another month just passed too, and now they'll be third years.

I remember my last year, I took it easy, but I guess I wasn't in Japan, where your final year is absolute suffering to please your future school.
Vivaldin - 1718942093
Weren't we in New year ? doesn't that mean that a month and a half passed straight up, just like that ?

Nevertheless, I am deeply happy that my side ship is materializing.

You go girl, get your Prince of Darkness !
Vivaldin - 1718941668
They're going straight for the shrine ?

Isn't it midnight ??? Girls, aren't you tired ?
Vivaldin - 1718941302
Oh my gosh.

They're both doofuses.
Vivaldin - 1718940922
Once again, that was certainly a rushed chapter of all time.

Elf-cyborg girl appears out of nowhere, kill our main girl, doesn't elaborate and leave, that's... A weird way to continue the story, I don't really know how she gonna survive that, there's only so much anaesthetic rage can give you.

Also I'd really like to know why the sister is half naked if she's supposed to be a.. Nun from our world ??? That makes her choice of clothing even worse !
Vivaldin - 1718834681
Wow, that was...

That so so confusing, I'm not even sure what happened or if it's even canon 'cause it looked like one of those version of reality erased by the Save Point Cube.
Vivaldin - 1718250680
I like the funny monster costume more.
Vivaldin - 1718250503
Dude what are they doing, cutting hair with an ancient cursed sword ?

That's the Anata Ni Miseta, blade of Lord Honyaku Suru, rumoured to be cursed by evil spirits after betraying and assassinating his Daimyo !

It's like ASKING for accidentally cutting his head.

Also, they can clone people's BODIES ?! For three hours, okay, but THEY CAN DO THAT ?

And another question comes to mind; do you think the fake body start melting after 3 hours and then disappears over the course of like.. 20 minutes to another hour, or does it completely melt in an instant after 3 hours ?