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1497 points
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Vivaldin - 1731126075
I could NEVER use public restrooms, my sense of hygiene just wouldn't allow all the variables (and other people who were there before me).

Back in high school, I was able to hold myself for hours JUST so I could make it back home 'cause I'm that much of a clean freak.

Now an adult, I think I still can't allow myself to use public toilets even now, it's just so gross.
Vivaldin - 1730923843
Find yourself a woman so good you literally can't die with how many times she kick start alive your heart every day.

Destroy the limits of mortality, become the immortal Milf-King.
Vivaldin - 1730857733
She's a keeper.

A keep her husband locked forever inside her house all for herself, type of woman.

My Favourite.
Vivaldin - 1730263152
He's a Yuri fan, he's cool, clear.

False alarm, end the war with Germany and recall the ballistic missile we sent on him.

...What do you mean you can't recall it ? The guy is not a bad person or trying to disrupt the romance, just deactivate the warhead mid flight !

WHAT DO YOU MEAN it doesn't work that way ?! Do whatever, shoot another missile at it, I don't know !

Huh ??? The first missile will hit him before the new one can reach it ? Well, it's not my fault ! I mean, yes I ordered the missile on him, but back then I didn't know he was just a weeb !

What do you MEAN my actions have consequences ?!
Vivaldin - 1730262650
>Blonde Tomboy cover.
>No Blonde Tomboy in the chapter at all, absolutely nowhere to be seen.


Also, ''Wow, you sure eat a lot, don't you ?.''

My brother in the Harem, he has to have the energy for THREE (3) women, he's not doing all that with one toast and a glass of milk.
Vivaldin - 1729630670
I just as finished reading the rest yesterday, now a new chapter appears today, woaw.

And now the competition against the true Robot Maid as ended, it happened sooner than expected and is gone even faster.

I don't think it's a good idea for our girl to ask relationship advices from an assassin for hire, though...
Vivaldin - 1729570991
Good chapter, with a Male Princess Carry... A Prince Carry, so to speak.

10/10 I'm so glad I found the time to read this again.
Vivaldin - 1729570506
Oh the Fan Girl is pretty-

And she's a ultra fsub, a very strange one at that, okaaay.

Also, a slightly broken up cupcake should be fine anyway, right ? Every time me or my parents do cakes recently, a part of the top always break off from the rest, you just gotta place it back on like a cake-wig.
Vivaldin - 1729569924
I really Skinny Jeans this mango.

But also, has anyone noticed that True Robot Girl said ''When I think about the person I like (...)'' Is the real robot in love too ?

And our boy took the ''now there is two of them !'' really easily, so much so I don't even think there was any reaction.
Vivaldin - 1729569248
Robot Girl need to watch out, her boy might mistake her real robot double as her !
Vivaldin Dlink - 1729556809
What, did you expect maple syrup and poutine in a box ?

We don't eat that as a gift, we eat that every day 'cause if we don't, we'd die.
Vivaldin - 1729538638
This must be one of those Japanese jokes that I'm too Canadian to understand.

Normally you'd gift legos or video games to a man, not a woman in a box above a turtle. Who would want that ?
Vivaldin - 1729485062
This man is a problem for the business.

Harem-Mafia, make him go take a walk with the brain-eating dog.

Else I will have to make him an offer he can't refuse.
Vivaldin - 1729484521
What the hell IS a Takoyaki pose ?!

Am I supposed to crawl up into a ball and look delicious ???
Vivaldin - 1729286044
Chapter 31

In which Germany sparks World War 3 by invading my boy's relationship with his girlfailure.
Vivaldin - 1729285172
Japanese culture is so weird.

You'll call someone by their first name, and then now you're legally obligated to marry them.
Vivaldin - 1729284983
Chapter 85.5 (just call it 86, .5 chapters are still just chapters).

In which the little sister ruins EVERYTHING that happened for the last 85 chapters (probably).
Vivaldin - 1728965732
Our girl asserted dominance over her new rival without even knowing she was there.

This ''woman from my hurtful past'' is done. She has no chances.
Vivaldin - 1728965225
She based her whole life on a woman she talked to ONCE.

''Go back to your cool self !"' Girl, you don't know anything about her, her cool self doesn't exist, it's all in your head.