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354 Comment(s)
325 Upvote(s)
Vivaldin - 1713299757
Smol girl doesn't love main girl, she loves her own idealization of who main girl is and that's why she'll never get her; the person she loves doesn't exist.

Also, great ! Dramatic double unrequited love Yuri !
Vivaldin - 1713298804
Man, everything in this chapter up to the dance was hella embarrassing.

And that other smol girl really needs to understand main girl gonna end up with the better girl in a suit. Wake up smol girl ! You're doing nothing and losing dance points by the second while everyone's watching !

Also, it feels weird when a character goes ''who could ever love someone like me'' when we ALREADY HAVE A LOVE TRIANGLE.

Kinda take you out of the feeling she's trying to express when there's many people going for her, is what I'm saying.
Vivaldin - 1713298036
Couple propaganda.

The couple propaganda is WORKING.
Vivaldin - 1713297851
She's talking like having their daughter stopped that good time.

But we know from experience reading this that's absolutely a lie.
Vivaldin - 1713297708
April 1

The ''Vibe-checking your daughter'' day.
Vivaldin - 1713224745
Bro double friendship-started her in a matter of seconds.

Maybe the Chad of the future was inside him all along.
Vivaldin - 1712792416
This chapter was all fun and good, even made sense (only slightly, we are reading THIS mango after alll) , but the very second he got naked, it all degenerated back to the usual insanity we see with this mango recently.

...Though I will admit and be honest;

That long hair bondage scene, (just the first one though) awakened something in me, or at least I'd.. Uh, I'd be open to see it again, maybe.... Experience it ?
Vivaldin - 1712719587
Oh COME ON ! Seriously ?!

This doofus tall girl better realize she's living in a Yuri mango VERY SOON because her behaviour got me absolutely
Vivaldin - 1712719048
I kinda wish that our Magic Nerd's relationship with the townsfolk would have been shown sooner, or at least mentioned, 'cause we're 38 chapters in now; it feels like she hasn't gone to see them since the story started.

Oh well, still makes her fate tragic. Though everything could be solved through the incredible power of DEMOCRACY, once again, using the same joke twice, aren't I the best mango commenter ever.
No shit, they crammed 38+ chapters in TEN episodes ?!

I love this mango, but an idea like that feels like trying to kill the pacing with a sledgehammer.
Vivaldin - 1712718244
Wow, they're having so many problems these days because of that whole monarchy thing !

Maybe I should introduce her to a wonderful concept we call D E M O C R A C Y.

Oh wait, she's supposed to be from our world, isn't she ? That would mean she knows about it but... Still think it'd be best to go through with the Queen role she clearly doesn't want to take ?
Vivaldin - 1712717370
''...We placed the pottery on a great fire and then me and my witch gf danced naked to honor the spirits.''

That teacher getting the summer report is in for a really wild read.
Vivaldin - 1712547173
If anything, she's turning all their warcrimes into... Warfelonies ? Warmisdemeanours ? I don't know if that exists.

Also, since the mage country asked for every other countries' surrender AND attacked them already, couldn't they just... Unify as one for once and wipe their whole lil' country out in an instant ? I mean, sure magic is cool, but can it kill the combined armies of like 4 nations working together ?

...Or is that what Wizard King wants them to do, so that they're all in one place at the same time, giving him an easy victory ?

Anyway, the animated adaptation started from what I've seen; I don't know if I'll watch it, though; considering I'm already reading here.
Vivaldin SirTerrorizer - 1712546880
Masterful comment, my good sir.

Take my imaginary Super-Upvote/Like/Thump-up/Whatever it's supposed to be called now.
Vivaldin - 1712373091
Oh yeah.

I always forget she got real magic powers.
Vivaldin - 1711660152
Those outfits, I can assure you, they will kill.

Also, they're wearing their new clothes on the spot, without even washing them ? I could never do that, think about all the people who tried these clothes before you !

(Very good chapter nevertheless, 10/10)
Vivaldin - 1711659537
While it seems our smol robot girl is better in physical and mental processing ways, this new robot appears to have an actual personality, one completely out of the leagues of the cold machine these two proud parents made.

Though I guess it's easy to make people believe an AI has a personality, just like that Character.AI site, it could be simply fake too.
Vivaldin - 1711659131
Man, I just can't stop myself from falling for crazy women.

It's like a compulsion, a physical need, why am I like this.
Vivaldin - 1711298051
Goth gf's perfume made him visualize a Chad version of his adult self.

I think her perfume gives glimpse of the FUTURE.