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Vivaldin AlexBen - 1708378877
I think the problem is that they're all freakin' tropes with nothing more added; dense boi is the self-insert protagonist with the relatable personality of having none so you can project yourself on him easily, loner girl is the shy girl that secretly love the main character, glasses girl is the mysterious woman from the past, his little sister is the ''I am so good at housekeeping, I am such a good wife, wow !'' with an added incest subtext as a joke, and the assertive childhood friend is the unattainable flower beyond his reach.

All of them (except the main girl), by virtue of being side character he can talk to, have been somewhat expanded upon, may it be their reasons for loving him, or simply a glimpse into their personalities, but the childhood friend has constantly been placed in the background ever since the author added more characters to the mix, hence why the only thing we really know about her is ''I want to be an actress !'' because she says it now in every chapter since that detail was added (which hasn't been so long story-wise, but for us felt like forever 'cause of the wait between chapters).

Personally I prefer her over the others, mostly because none of the others (once again, personally) interest me in this story's context (they could find someone SO MUCH better than him) and I think they dilute the original story, but I could see each of them in a better mango, where they'd get the true spotlight, the detailed characterization and love they deserve.
Vivaldin - 1708377850
Freakin' finally.

Only took 45+ chapters for him to realize that
Vivaldin - 1708377502
Love is realizing you like someone, a lot.

With this dense idiot, however, love will not happens.
Vivaldin - 1708373965
''What are we going to do ?''

''Something good will happen !'' then proceeds to cut his own bride open and cause nuclear annihilation of an entire country he wanted to rule.

Moving on, this only make their reunion and what they told each other HELLA FREAKIN' WEIRD, like, ''Yo girl, remember me from like 400+ years ago ? I was your boyfriend that cut your stomach with my boys so that I'd get all of your magic power and rule the kingdom instead of you ? Haha, I build you a new magic kingdom, wanna be my Queen ?''

And for some, (still unknown) reason she was like ''Wow, that's so sweet of you, I love you ! Yay !'' ???????????????

Don't get me started on the original plan ! Even if that succeeded and he became Wizard-King or whatever, what would he have done with her ? Apologize from taking all her magical power, lying to her and cutting her stomach open for a horrifyingly painful ritual ?

I don't suppose Wizard King Guy had time to go to therapy during all those years without her ?
Vivaldin - 1708372699
His Maid gf, obviously.
Vivaldin - 1708372479
Ranger boi went through so much trauma, from his past and his current life, even got disfigured forever and lost his sister, the last remaining member of his family.

It was only a matter of time until he became the Joker.

And now we'll finally (maybe) find out where baby Invaders come from !
Vivaldin - 1708023282
It says I have a bookmark on this chapter, but I have absolutely no recollection of this mango ever existing.

I guess that's what happens when 4 years pass without a single update, oh well.

Gotta read this all over again to see if it's actually good now, hoping that if it is, it won't take another American election to get another chapter.
Vivaldin - 1707716476
...You know what ?

I'm starting to think that, what if, maybe a stretch but.. Could he actually have autism ?

He has no social awareness, he can't understand emotions like love, he's completely dense, his only ideas about what love is are tropes seen constantly in fiction... The only thing he'd need now is an full-on obsession, but he's too self-insert to have that, I guess.

Also this chapter is a near-replica of the last one with boring girl, at least for what it's about and the girl reaction. Nothing to do with autism except repetition, yes, but I kinda wanted to share that too.
Vivaldin - 1707716024
Damn, I never liked boring girl, but that chapter was just cruel. Even if he's such a dense idiot, someone with common sense wouldn't simply do something as heartless as this, what the hell.
Vivaldin - 1707715793
Nevermind, I forgot he's the densest, most braindead idiot ever conceive by Humanity's entire repertoire of literature.

Chalk it up as a prank ??? Is he for real ?! And he still doesn't know if it was serious ?! And then THEY ACT AS IF NOTHING EVEN HAPPENED AFTERWARDS ? WHAT ?!

Y-you can just make them kiss and NOT do something about it ! What is this ? WHY am I reading this ?!
Vivaldin - 1707715377

Ooookay, I am extremely pleasantly surprised by this development, didn't think we'd EVER get this far, at least not in the next 50+ chapters, but damn ! Good for her, good for her !

Now I freakin' hope with my entire being that this time he doesn't go his usual ''HUH ? SHE KisSeD ME ????!!!! That must mean she thinks of me as a really good friend !!!'' Or I swear I'm going to burn the publishing house to the ground.
Vivaldin - 1707714843
Man, I forgot this existed, for a very long time.

What a blissful existence I must have lived, 'cause these dummies keep beating around the bush ! ''I'm mad you dated someone without telling me !'' ''I want to be your first kiss !'' and he's STILL don't understand she's in love with him ?

And boring girl ought to understand she's out of the picture already, he rejected you a while ago ! Don't think that'll change anytime soon, her best bet would be to move on and find someone else so she can stop constantly ruining every moment he has with the superior assertive childhood friend gf.

Also, as previously mentioned on last chapter; I called the bait on them totally not kissing during that scene. This mango is as predictable as it is painful to read.
Vivaldin - 1707714028
''What was that ?''

I don't know, kid, even the artist didn't know what to draw, it's like all the frames are unconnected.

Also, why are THEY there ? I thought they didn't know this guy survived, but just one chapter later and they already do ???
Vivaldin - 1707713078
Forget my comment of last chapter.

She came back with chocolate, not milk.
Vivaldin - 1707712967
3 years later, Robot Mom came back from the convenience store with the milk, as foretold in the Elder Scrolls.

Also, ''P pattern from the CCP ?''

...The P pattern from the Chinese Communist Party ?
Vivaldin - 1707454403
Oh cool, their wyvern child can genuinely understand them. I wonder if it's because of it being a wyvern, 'cause if not, maybe they could reason with the Monster Horse.

Very nice to see that our girl is actually doing something to help, I like that. They're truly making our couple as equals that can rely on each other, not many other mangos do that.

Now only problem is, I need to wait for the next part, ugh.
Vivaldin - 1707454035
Oh, that's a BIG wyvern child, didn't expect it to be this mature. I thought we'd get a lil' tiny baby.

Also, the guy can just casually turn into a giant ? You mean this guy isn't important to the military that they'd let him go all the way over there ?

Just strap some armor and siege equipment on that big boi and I'd conquer the world.