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Ballsdeep69 - 1722350815
I never understand why in stories like these for the man to be accepted by the woman he has to abandon his entire way of life but she doesn't have to lose anything, like if he chooses his passion she loses out but if he chooses her instead he loses his entire life goal, it's not a healthy way to start a relationship and often leads to resentment later down the line.
Ballsdeep69 - 1722350111
Wait she tried to get this man to leave by lying to him about how she feels without ever mentioning that he had a f****** child, why is she written like this?
Ballsdeep69 - 1722320158 I don't know what it is about this panel but it's proportions just looks so fucked up to me, maybe it's what he's wearing maybe it's the fact that his neck is only slightly less wide than his whole chest or maybe it's the size of his head or maybe it's that his arms are so buff that it makes them look shorter in proportion out of the way the final effect of this is that he is shaped like a regular sized dwarf but the height of a regular human so his proportions are just weird.
Ballsdeep69 joan - 1722319645
It makes me remember I was reading something and this dude showed up with all these awesome titles and all this fanfare that his name was just Steve it's just such a casual nothing dude name that it could have never been what I expected.
Damn the one time dito doesn't comment on one of these chapters you mention them by name.
Ballsdeep69 Gakuku - 1722311203
Like why didn't he follow up that hook and make it a combination, if he double tapped he never would have got brought to the ground.
Ballsdeep69 Ahmungas - 1722310895
I know right I got so used to his presence I was expecting him to show up at some point in this chapter and he just didn't.
Ballsdeep69 - 1722304578
I actually like this empire everyone's relatively direct and yeah they're all super intense but it comes from a positive direction at least.
Ballsdeep69 - 1722304370
Yeah going off of the course of events and previous thought processes this whole thing was set up so that the second Prince can get a good fight out of Cali, it seems this entire Royal bloodline is some degree of battle maniacs and he heard about the guy that beat ogre and thought "I could get a good fight out of this"
Ballsdeep69 - 1722304084
This whole romance Arc is actively hurting the story right now, because when romance is a subplot I should never feel like it's happening at the expense of everything else and right now it really feels like it is.
Ballsdeep69 Gakuku - 1722298239
I think visually he's inspired by Andre the Giant, just with more tone and defined muscle.
Ballsdeep69 L. K. - 1722286774
I think of it like a Roman system, but with colonialist morality. So they've got the stadium and the sport of it all, but they don't really consider slaves people and generally value their lives and deaths less, so this is more like watching a state sponsored dogfight to them than a brutal murder on stage. Though duels and executions were historically known to draw massive crowds back when those were public affairs so the morbid curiosity of humans really can't be underestimated. As an aside while the amount of death is exaggerated, the reaction to death in the ring really isn't. people in modern times might often find themselves surprised how savage humans get when they believe they are culturally and socially okay to do so. the general madness that envelops whole populations when genocides occur is one example of this, the general excitement in the Roman Colosseum rather there was a death or no death is another example of this, another example might simply just be the practice of bullfighting -in which a show is made and the bull is usually severely injured before even being taken to the events to lower the fairness of a fight and ensure the human is most likely able to win.
Ballsdeep69 Gakuku - 1722274693
"David's no good very bad day"
Ballsdeep69 - 1722274268
"It sucks to be tied down by something at a young age doesn't it, " she says to the Child Slave, gee ya think so?
Ballsdeep69 Bubonikz - 1722219194
I always try to snag it when it's available
Ballsdeep69 - 1722185588
I do love that he's basically low-key trying to use his double life to woo her but it's just not working because she just doesn't believe he's even interested in that.
Ballsdeep69 - 1722154088
damn he's been Disarmed in the most literal sense.

Ballsdeep69 SadDrake13 - 1722144298
Considering he was absolutely about to dip and he perfectly conceals his identity as the leader of the dump guild for most of that previous timeline and most of his current life to the point that she only found out because of a f****** time traveler, if he ran they would not f****** find him again- so I get her thinking she has to rush him now.