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That ring barely fit on his pinky...what you working with bro?
Ballsdeep69 - 1714979284
This just reminds me why I couldn't place Sims for long, I start to feel too bad for these creatures I torment. This also kind of feels like a Korean take on that " these NPCs are too real manga"
I think I would have tried deciphering whatever that speech bubble s*** was they were saying, granted the only reason I would do that is because the thing told me I was taking steps towards becoming an evil God, and that's not a good look on me.
I would have maybe tried something other than killing them if only to see what happens, man's got annoyed once said "I'm going full wrathful god"
Ballsdeep69 Emperial - 1714976687
I have an example from one chapter in the future where they call what appears to be a spiked Minotaur, a "thorned rhino"
Ballsdeep69 Dice87 - 1714976259
Okay I'm glad it's not just me they said thorned rhino I was expecting something like the Spider-Man villain but wrapped in a cactus, instead I got a Minotaur yeti which wasn't bad but disappointing.
Ballsdeep69 - 1714975689
Man I really don't like this main character, his motivations are just so shallow, which can work sometimes (like in chainsaw man initially all denji wanted was to get laid) but to make a shallow motivation work he usually got to like sell me on why it's important to them and this just hasn't.
Ballsdeep69 alligator - 1714975137
Yeah I'm going to be honest that glasses friend needs to be on a watchlist or something.
It's the ultimate technique, and the greatest shame.
"my God...Lying? To your enemies?? Deceiving them with mistruth?! Your a fucking Genius! Truly wise beyond your years"
I mean the author's dead, and this is no berserk, either in reputation or history, so I don't think this is getting finished posthumously.
I think it's good to keep things civil to the end when you can, otherwise you'll often look back and all you'll see is your own ass.
And while I did have a long post first, you were the first to bring sources into this so neither of us are without sin, I suppose the conversation continued because I wanted to educate in some way someone that maybe had heard a false telling of the story, I see now you merely have a different interpretation and a different viewpoint, I'm still glad to have had the conversation it gave me a chance to look up various things again, and inform me of my own misremembering hephaestus's story, luck be to you.
I agree that hail divers two is very directly a parody of fascism much in the same way that the movie of starship troopers was a parody of fascism even if the book necessarily wasn't, and I will agree to disagree because we are at an impasse and neither of us will take a step off the path.
Ballsdeep69 Gakuku - 1714717941
I would say read it, a little bit generic shounen (like at the start you're really going to think you're reading Naruto with wizards), but it's got a lot of energy to it and it knows what it is and commits to it well, it's got cool character designs, fun fights and while the plot sometimes feels like it's just dragging on in places, the fun and likable characters kind of keeps you committed to it, (I'd say it shares that aspect with bleach actually.) and above all else it has one thing in spades, charm! Even when it's dark it never goes too dark so it's just kind of a fun light read.
I'd probably give it a 7 out of 10 but like the same way I'd give assassins Creed a 7 out of 10, it's nothing mind-blowing but you'll have a fun time while you're there, even if you feel like you've seen it before.
In this case it really isn't, as we aren't talking about allegory or metaphor or what the story means in regards to religious belief, we were talking about the events in the stories as they were relayed in the story, in much the same way one might view Stephen King's book about an author getting hit by a car and then abducted in a different light knowing Stephen King is an author that got hit by a car maybe view the story as his struggle with trauma and paranoia about the event or fears of what might have been, you may also just look at it as a story about an author that got hit by a car and then abducted, we are not viewing these in an educational sense, or even an analytical sense, in this instance merely a recreational sense.
You would have a point if we were in a classroom or even a proper debate, you did however enter a conversation that was viewing it from a modern lens, in regards to joking judgment of the gods various behaviors, seeking to correct a thing that wasn't actually incorrect. I wouldn't even say it's comparable to christianizing myths, at no point did I change the context or content of anything that happened in a myth and where I did I admitted my mistake, I simply Drew judgment from a modern point of view, as is my right as a modern man, as was the rights of philosophers that followed elder philosophers, after looking at the events as they've been depicted, even with context the events themselves do not change merely the level of acceptability and commonness of the events is what changes, if you wanted to complain about my moralizing of Zeus that would be one thing, but I never even moralized on Hades I merely stated one thing he did do and one thing he might have done based entirely upon the context of his previous action. Even with context, (which the sources are told with) nearly every retelling will specifically point out Persephone's misery at the situation, meaning even at time of retelling they acknowledge that a woman might not want that to happen to them. (even if they don't actually care what the woman wants).
Also this conversation was never about the influences that led to the mythologies being the way they were it was merely about the mythologies as they were, and in the mythologies as they were Hades kidnapped Persephone to make her his wife without telling her or Demeter, and the mythologies as they were he only told Zeus who said "yeah you can kidnap my daughter" and the Gaia who said "yeah I'll set up a honey pot so you can kidnap her". Hell, in every source I found (but one account of a story of one of Hades mistresses,) Persephone never wants to be there, has to be there because she ate pomegranate seeds that she was tricked into eating by Hades, and hates being there and at most seems to just sort of be okay with Hades.(as far as can be drawn by other people's accounts of encountering her while she was in Hades as there are no accounts from her point of view).