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I'm just saying unless they think they can take their teacher in a fight they shouldn't be trying to fight the guy their teacher is under. Like that's some basic martial artist s*** that's how you get your ass beat. Or in their case f****** vivisected into chunks.
Ballsdeep69 Dilbert - 1740152575
my point was less that there aren't other reasons people do things it's more so that capitalism is often used to justify awful shit in pursuit of the almighty dollar quite often the old "we can't stop because it will hurt the economy" . As an aside China isn't actually economically communist officially they are a Socialist market economy but "....They concluded that China's contemporary economic system represents a form of capitalism rather than market socialism because: (1) financial markets exist which permit private share ownership—a feature absent in the economic literature on market socialism; and (2) state profits are retained by enterprises rather than being distributed among the population in a social dividend or similar scheme, which are central features in most models of market socialism. Du and Xu concluded that China is not a market socialist economy, but an unstable form of capitalism." also i was less referring to fossil fuels and moreso to industrial runoff, fracking for natural gas that poisoned groundwater and other such pursuits with profit in mind over longterm benefit.
Ballsdeep69 - 1740147986
Why oh why would you ever talk shit to the guy your boss is talking to respectfully in a world where strength is status, especially if you work for the kind of group that does goddamn "poison jar" exams. Like I get they wanted to show off the new guys strength but it made all three of those guys look like complete f****** idiots.
"Like five or six is blowjobs manageable, but Seven blowjobs? That is quite frankly a sickening number of blowjobs."
Ballsdeep69 - 1740098506
All right king shark over here stands on business.
And as an aside one thing I have noticed about Korean series is a weirdly ultra-capitalist mindset were one of the highest goals you can accomplish is to make as much money as possible regardless of method or the side effects there of. Like even discounting the entire genre of Korean series that is just "I got reincarnated as / sent back in time as/became some variation of "rich guy"", so many Korean series will have an entire extended Arc if not an entire background B plot of the main character getting ultra Rich by just doing modern marketing and capitalist strategy but in like medieval times or ancient China, which is usually to their benefit because they can go even harder since there's less labor laws/more legal slave labor/magic to make it more convenient and fast track it. Either way it means I've read more than one Korean medieval fantasy drama that has introduced Starbucks, Amazon or both and that always just strikes me as weird as shit.
Ballsdeep69 Mangaguy - 1740039114
I don't know what to tell you man capitalism's kind of just like that sometimes, people still found excuses to do it when it was destroying entire islands and civilizations and dehumanizing people by the millions. people will do it as it literally actively turns the air into poison and makes water flammable, there's a lot of things people will let slide if there's money to be made, loss of life be damned.

Ballsdeep69 Mangaguy - 1740020170
It is stupid in a sense, but I think their point was less "let's never close it" and more "this is technically a cornerstone of the economy so we've kind of got to wean people off of it" though they didn't explain it really thoroughly enough for it to make sense on the individual level, but think of it like a country slowly easing from fossil fuels into renewable energy instead of dropping one cold turkey in favor of the other, it just causes way less commotion and resistance to do it slowly I suppose. (But once again that would be on an organizational level, considering this would be on an individual level - not closing them doesn't make sense because, being that he's an individual, him just closing them one at a time over an extended period would be weaning society off of them. Like he has the option to close one, not all of them at once.)
I'm of the understanding that that series is meant to take place before this one but after asura.
Ballsdeep69 - 1739969534
Oh so she's like alucard from Hellsing.
On reread you're absolutely correct, so then he only made two mistakes both arguably accidentally.
Ballsdeep69 noa - 1739932028
I believe the implication was that they're about to alert others as to who it was for the reward, which was signified by the servant that was previously kind to said murderer panicking past him clearly distressed, and so he took action to 'silence the witnesses" as it was. Basically if that servant just treated him the way he did previously they probably could have just gone on fine. But presumably this man has been a crook long enough to know the look of a snitch just by his gaze.
Ballsdeep69 - 1739915549
Giving real " Gohan remember Icarus? He did it!" Energy at the end there.
Ballsdeep69 - 1739852846
No! curses! I caught up! please don't go AWOL for 3 years again, I really like this series and it's a bummer that it just drops off for extended periods.
Ballsdeep69 - 1739850930
The man was not ready for today.
Yeah he just rolls with stuff way too much even if he clearly dislikes the situation, probably because nobody in his family ever listens to him even when he does say stuff, and also none of the people that hang around with him listen to him either when he does say stuff, so I guess he just gave up trying to explain anything to anyone.