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It's more Fucked than that going by their reactions, she might have destroyed their bodies remade them and then toss their souls back in there because either way they experienced the unmaking and it clearly left them utterly shattered.
Ballsdeep69 Lyner - 1719016211
It's just a fun jest, a lark, third degree can walk those off, a little tinnitus is good for ya.
Not vtuber, streamers and it's the combination of the way more obsessive fans act with the yandere archetype which when combined you do get these interactions. Also it's a comedy. But as far as the behavior mirroring real life, I have seen some pretty down Bad dudes following female streamers, and you do get fans like this for like K-pop artists and you got to remember he's in a world where there's only one person that can broadcast globally regularly and it's him.
Ballsdeep69 Skay24 - 1718978653
"something something martial artist, something something ki, something something expert,"
Ballsdeep69 - 1718944541
On top of the other problems people in the comment section may have mentioned, there's one that may bother people that play a lot of games like myself, the main character gets a timed quest to just deliver a basic item. they keep bringing up that he hasn't delivered it. he has no actual reason for not delivering it, but he just doesn't deliver it for like 60 chapters at least and he keeps continuing to just not deliver it for no particular reason but they make sure to bring it up and remind you that he's not delivering it and that it is timed and he's in the town to deliver it to but he still just doesn't and as a gamer that inefficiency bugged me so much on top of the whole game in the series not being balanced even a Little bit and the writing not being good(it teeters on decent for a while before being decidedly just kind of bad), that right there was the last straw that made me unable to keep reading it.
Ballsdeep69 Nails - 1718944330
Yeah when he rejuvenated I was kind of hoping he'd still be adult- sized maybe late 30s early 40s so we can still keep the grandpa vibe while being young enough to scrap.
Ballsdeep69 - 1718935503
This man right here is a REAL ONE.
Ballsdeep69 - 1718935437
Ballsdeep69 - 1718758341
It just gets worse at every time for this man it's almost like murder shouldn't be your first solution.
Ballsdeep69 - 1718755346
Shou tucker you rascal, why are you here?
It would be funny if like by chapter 60 he just has a traveling party of like 12 people like he's a fire emblem protagonist
Ballsdeep69 El Don - 1718683700
It's quite a... Deadly Alliance
Ballsdeep69 Bruce - 1718672244
Wouldn't you know Bruce...Wayne was it?
Ballsdeep69 Donny_Dont - 1718601574
It's always a bummer when you get a concept that could be fun but the execution is just lackluster. Like that other series where they put a wizard in a martial arts world and then he proceeded to do jack s*** for like 80% of the story.
Ballsdeep69 - 1718601398
Having come to the series post meme this first chapter is not gripping me. It's not bad by any means. Arts decent. solid setup but it just seems basic to me. Maybe it's all the katanas, maybe it's the strong traditional Japanese aesthetic mixing with all the boring ass business suits, maybe it's the edgy black trench coat, maybe it's the humor of the series being way too low-key and casual, but something about this series feels like if it started off more grounded and then transitioned to the magic s*** or start off with more fun looking magic s*** I'd be more game because honestly " my katana's magic cuz it lets me make BIG slashes" is it particularly interesting considering that's basically what most katana users in most anime can just do anyways. It might get better with time and I'll give it the usual five chapter minimum but if I'm not hooked by then I'm going to have to toss this freely into the Mid category. (No one cares but me because I'M categorizing them)
Ballsdeep69 - 1718599649
I need Japan to realize that something being "technically not incest" still makes it an INCREDIBLY weird romance setup, especially when none of these series are ever actually interested in talking about the actual weird parts of their setup being the setup it is. (Other than the pre-established relationship being a pretense to stretch out the plot and have no plot progression by putting them in the very rare but incredibly creepy "siblings-zone") (it's creepy because you're not supposed to leave that zone it's not like the friend zone if you're in that zone you're supposed to stay there)
Ballsdeep69 Vicrod - 1718598224
There's no comments you can make upon A perfection.
Ballsdeep69 - 1718584776
With that previous Arc and the eating people thing bringing up one issue regarding non-human races with different values, this one brings up another kaede is theoretically as intelligent as any given human but is hierarchy of needs is structured more like that of a child's, and his understanding of cause and effect as well as the personhood of others is very simple to say the least, like in his mind it's still eat or be eaten like he was living in the woods. He doesn't understand that when the world around him gets more complex than that he has to be as complex or be left behind or Damned.
They strike fear into Al Capone and the joker, who am I not to fear them.