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Ballsdeep69 - 1724422784
I just knew the old homies were about to get squad wiped, because the conversation was going too positive.
I mean from his point of view he went to war, got his ass beat in the war, came home and half of his family is just dead. And the only person that seems to have benefited from this tragedy is this f****** kid, I understand him going mad.
Ballsdeep69 - 1724338382 the left guardian specifically told you that, what the f*** are you talking about? Like he specifically mentioned that after the sword demon died the next cult leader, who was the previous leader's daughter, married six men among them two were the sword demons disciples, did the writer forget?
Ballsdeep69 - 1724338050
Damn it's kind of a dick move to kill the whole Poison clan when they just helped him and he already nearly decimated them with his previous plan.
Ballsdeep69 Hell Satan - 1724335730
I understand your point theoretically, but if I don't like a character in the main story I don't have much interest in reading a spin-off about them, so I never really understand a spin-off with the goal of making a character more likable. Typically I'm interested in reading a spin-off if I already like the character or if the premise is particularly interesting and this doesn't really fulfill either. It would be like me saying I don't like curry and someone responding with " you should try Curry ramen it makes you like Curry" you've added an element that I specifically don't like to something that I might like guaranteeing my lack of interest in it.
Like she has utility I suppose, I mean literally as a character she just isn't particularly likable, like despite all the hardships she's been through and caused she hasn't really seemed to learn any lessons, she's only over humble if she's kind of forced to be, and just her general demeanor annoys me, like the author treats her in the story as if she's had a redemption Arc of some sort but she just hasn' least not on screen.
I haven't read it and have little interest in doing so.
I've seen so many different versions of the Jazz Funeral , I offer another as tribute
Ballsdeep69 Donny_Dont - 1724311540
I just got really hung up on that sick f*** that choose 10j , that's not even in the toilet, that's next to the Lower right edge.
Their logic would actually make sense if he didn't have nano machines, because a normal person that's a good enough martial artist would be able to block that high level poison users poison from the outside using ki armor like she said but have no actual means to rapidly negate poison that was ingested, it's like how there's some chemicals that if you drop it on your skin you're fine - because your skin is tough enough to take it - but if you drink it you're f*****, if he didn't have nano to literally immediately remove any poisons from his body he would have had to fight them without any ki.
Ballsdeep69 - 1724304858
Having read a bit of the prequel series of this about the great ancestor, it's funnier because given his previous actions he 100% fucked up that Dragon solely to suck energy out of it, and it probably turned black cuz of all his f****** death ki
This would be the third one, though he's broken dozens at this point, and I think he's broken like five people's ribs.
If you're curious you can sort of get the general vibe of what they are by reading the original web comic, they're definitely going to change things from that to this but some vague basic stuff usually stays around.
Ballsdeep69 - 1724303506
I still can't stand Marie, they haven't actually made any effort for her to be more likable they just made her ineffectual in her capacity to cause trouble, she doesn't even seem particularly repentant about the fact that she caused this man an early death got to live a full life and then came here and immediately started causing trouble to the point that she nearly destroyed the kingdom due to her actions.
Ballsdeep69 - 1724289575
That's the most vile version of Arachne I've seen, like the artist was like "human spider hybrid? sure! where's the hybridization occur?....well it has human hair...."
Ballsdeep69 - 1724289357
Finally. finally god. he's going to actually do something and stand by it, and not try to talk it out, or let it slide, or vibe, or think he's too weak to get involved. he's actually just going to stand on business for once.
Yeah they probably should have just translated that to "Teacher", still better than those early One piece fan translations where they insisted on leaving it "Nakama" instead of just saying friend or crew depending on context like the official translations.
Ballsdeep69 - 1724249017
Damn I'm never going to see the main character shapeshift am I, hell I didn't even get to see the mom shapeshift.
This does not seem like that kind of game, like it's an MMO I don't think there's an offline, and the fact that he does know a lot of the story stuff despite not actually paying attention to it means he didn't skip the my confusion still stands.