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i know the actual answer...i just find the juxtaposition funny. like it's always just a little wrong, like just enough to know someone thought about researching it and said "Fuck it" Instead.
like Goeden for instance "should his name be Golden, no too on the nose, maybe something that sounds close... whats the english name i heard in that drama... gideon, goebel, ... goeden Yeah that sounds right."
Ballsdeep69 RingKing - 1724550611
I think you're talking about the sage becomes an undead series where it was less him thinking humans were evil but him acknowledging that humans naturally have conflict and if you can focus the conflict on one guy the humans will at least be peaceful towards each other.
Ballsdeep69 - 1724548111
Ballsdeep69 Tarod - 1724543191
See you in like 10 years dude.
Ballsdeep69 thavywavy - 1724543123
I'd rather he take a break as often as he needs than die early and I never get the end of this goddamn story.
And also his family won't get to see him again and so on and so forth, I didn't plan to sound this callus but's whatever.
Ballsdeep69 SparkPlug - 1724538817
Yeah nothing about anything he has on him screams "sword saint". blade Master maybe Battle Master certainly, peerless warrior even, but he uses neither a sword nor saintly methods, it's a strange title for him.
Ballsdeep69 Croaker512 - 1724527780
It's just a little funny it would be like if in any American thing whenever they had a Japanese person they would call them like Kang chin, or "my Korean friend, Pho wing," or "my Chinese comrade Hirohito smith," it's not even really a complaint it's more so funny to notice.
Ballsdeep69 RingKing - 1724526050
I like the idea of an entire faction being able to do it as opposed to just one guy though, like every single regular knight in an army of knights can just wipe out as many monsters as they want in the area of effect, it would justify the way every series tends to treat the church knights as the super overpowered ones even though most of the time they still get curb stomped by the main character.
Ballsdeep69 - 1724525116
Why is it whenever they have an American character in these type of stories that's supposed to matter to the plot they either give them a British name or a German name, or a vague not really a name that sort of sounds German or British, why can't Frank Jones ever be a guy, Bill Williams, the closest we ever get is John Smith.
I choose a coin flip
Ballsdeep69 joedman - 1724512060
The problem is this powers faith-based and whatever God you believe in decides how pure and innocent you are.
" well DM, my player character firmly believes that demons of All sorts, sizes, shapes and Powers are fundamentally impure, I roll to use purify to instantly kill The Demon King and all four of his elite generals simultaneously."
Ballsdeep69 - 1724480167
If this is how purify worked in other series every zealous Church faction would be even more busted than they already are." I find you heretics impure and unclean, now time to use this level one spell that cures a basic status effect to erase your very being from this blessed Earth,"
"Deus Vult, foul Embodiment! DEUS VULT!"
You heard the man didn't you? write it yourself!
Ballsdeep69 Leon - 1724473799
I assume it's because the manga is trying to visually convey the fact that they're pronouncing the Japanese phonetically as opposed to fluently, in the anime that either just comes across on vocal delivery or they decided to scrap the concept.
Ballsdeep69 - 1724473128
Relinquish your lovers or your life is forfeit.
Well done review, I would argue that he is perhaps kind of murder happy. both because he's strong enough to not have to murder 30 people that are much weaker than him on multiple occasions because one of them was rude to him a little bit, he doesn't technically provoke people in a sense that he doesn't - like - talk to them first, but a few times people did just like ask him to "leave a place" or to "do something over there sir " and I think one time someone just bumped into him accidentally and he responded with vehement violence, it's to the point that you could honestly summarize this story as "wander to a place, kill 50 people, don't feel bad about it, wander to a place, kill 50 people, don't feel bad about it, pick up a fat child, eat his cooking" ad nauseam after he gets out of that cave and basically, I would say he stopped when he found his sister but he just kept doing it.Like it feels like it's supposed to be some kind of revenge story and I guess it loosely is, but it is incredibly meandering because he keeps having to take detours after killing like 50 people because he keeps pissing everybody off by just murdering anybody he doesn't like rather he has an even sort of decent motivation for it or not, and because he technically has a goal but so little to go on a large swath of the story just feels like he's wandering the f*** around aimlessly until the author remembers that he was supposed to be looking for the people that destroyed his village. And it took him so long to go back and check on his master and the people from the mount that he is from that I forgot they were part of the story, I'd give the art points for uniqueness and character, but as far as writing goes this is like mediocre Chinese comic level. Complete with the main character that will just kill anybody at the drop of a hat, for the slightest reason and the story will always paint him as in the right, even though when villains do the exact same thing he does they're rat bastards for it.
Good Lord his balled up fist is the size of his whole head
I think that's exactly why I was never able to get on board when I tried to read this, the fact that he was a human before he was the monster was just distracting because he kept doing s*** with so little hesitation that a human wouldn't do and I don't even mean murders, I mean s*** like just eating a cockroach immediately no hesitation, this is one of those series where if he was just never a human and it wasn't reincarnation and it was just a monster it would be much stronger for it.
Ballsdeep69 Elishia - 1724426343
I mean if it works it works.