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Anonymoose Labrys - 1728607610
No, they broke up before the events of the series.
All we need now is the "that's the same picture" meme with both of their faces.
Anonymoose Chun 0w0 - 1728584656
This is why you should always drink your milk. So you can stand a better chance against the snu snu.

Also this femboy has healing magic, so he'll probably be fine.
Anonymoose Solcastic - 1728584208
Yeah, much better luck.

Also with said series, it's a typical "gates, tower, etc." series but with mediocre plot, an mc who is incapable of losing, & art with really shit anatomy. The colours tend to be flat with little detail, and the mc has armour that looks cool at first, until you realize it would heavily inhibit his flexibility... oh and did I mention how the artist rarely make people look good?

It is the milk toast of Korean manhwa, yest somehow they managed to burn it to charcoal. Same nutritional value as a fking brick.
Anonymoose yang-kai - 1728541641
Bruh... are you serious? Cuz it's the button that says reply.
Gotta add a few more points like: "probably has severe adhd" & "overshares constantly".

Then again, this reminds me of myself a lot besides a few details but I don't feel the need to go over them unprompted.
Edit: as in why should I continue now when I can wait. I have patience for it.
Anonymoose Solcastic - 1728539977
Ok so I looked into it cuz I remember the art being atrocious, and I don't think someone capable of writing more than 5 words would have such poor taste, so I did some digging...

Turns out I did a stupid lmao~
So with how long ago it was, I seem to have mixed up two seperate series. The one I was actually thinking about is a different series entirely about something quite similar, aka returner shenanigans.
I'm really shit with names so got rhe two mixed up. Also the other series had a fairly similar cover when I began, from what i can vaguely recall.

Anyway, have you ever read Max Level Returner?
If not, I envy you. Also I started reading the one I thought was a different series. Good stuff so far.

TL;DR: got two series mixed up so oops, sorry!
At this point imma just drop it... this is stupid as hell. Imma wait to read this and only do so when it's completely finished.
Anonymoose Solcastic - 1728517676
Read it long before I arrived on this site. Probably by about a year. Since a year is roughly 1/20th of how long I've been alive, that's a fairly large amount of time for me.
I read it starting from around when it had only 5-10 chapters translated, and with various translations. I dropped it at roughly ch... 80-90. In that range.

I may have exaggerated with the "s" in "Years", but yeah at least 12 months ago from what I remember.

I got fed up with the poor art quality & the repetitive story, since the only thing keeping me going was the art at first then plot later on. After both declined below what I find myself able to tolerate, I dropped it.

Also, although I'd need to check to make sure, the translation began much earlier than when it was added to this site, since it wasn't translated here. Given how long ago my best estimates are, I probably began reading it roughly 3 years ago.

So yeah, remember that there's more than just this site. And no, I can't be bothered to format this in a way that condenses the information, as I'd rather go read shit.


Edit: so I decided to fact check myself, and if the dates on the site I used back then are correct, which I strongly doubt they are as it's changed to a new site, I started reading around August 10th 2022 & stopped around November of 2023.
This doesn't seem right as the comment section on said site (the new asura scans one) is only 2 months old, while I was on that site 3-4 years ago. Anyway ya can't say I didn't try to check.
Anonymoose Solcastic - 1728490165
It was boring for a while. Dropped it years ago
I got that along with the tungsten carbide APFSDS 130mm ready along with the relevant cannonry.
Anonymoose - 1728489044
My guess is the moment he saves the guy's family, both will tag-team the giants. Not to mention how the circumvention of the system will probably cause a lot of backlash against Ymir once revealed. If not from other gods than from the system itself.
Anonymoose Cheerio! - 1728488898
Sadly, in this case said "baldy" is not actually bald, only balding. In fact, the only thing powerful about him is his political position & ego the size of the sun.
Anonymoose Henrul - 1728487034
I'd say the shorter the more terrifying.
Anonymoose Cheerio! - 1728486769
Only one of the two riders has any semblance of hair...
Anonymoose Chun 0w0 - 1728154949
When wil) he ever catch a breather lol